Would Love Some "Real Food" Friends!

HI there! I've been on MFP for a few months but finally started using it after getting a Fitbit One.

My primary focus, at the moment, is eating real foods. I'm loosely following a conglomeration of Dr. Weil's Anti-inflammatory Diet, Sally Fallon's Nourishing Traditions, Michael Pollan's Food Rules, and my doctor's insistence that I at least loosely implement a Paleo Diet.

I turned 50 in August and think I may finally have the right mindset for making serious change. I think tracking will help and I'd love a few friends!


  • 22sep2013
    22sep2013 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there ... welcome
    i am a true believer of "real food" ... i read Nourishing traditions and i kind of follow much of what is recommended there ...
  • Angel03744
    Angel03744 Posts: 74 Member
    Heya, I'm Lissa, 39 from the UK - I'm a "real foodie" too, Nothing is out of bounds with me, just use portion control :)
    I'm also a Fit bit one user and I log Dailey on both. Been on MFP quite some time :)

    Add me if you wish ( I promise I'm not a serial killer lol )
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    I'm 47, from the UK. I'm also a great believer in "real food" though I don't follow any particular plan. Feel free to add me.
  • agentventi
    agentventi Posts: 84 Member
    add me:)
  • ChiaGnome
    ChiaGnome Posts: 179 Member
    I'm loosely following a paleo/gluten free diet. No bread or pasta or obvious "bready" things. Generally nothing from a box. I have a hard time logging food regularly so my diary might not be that informative, but I comment frequently. Friend me if you'd like!
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    I believe in real food so feel free to add me anyone :bigsmile:
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    I like food.
  • ToFatT0B3S1ck
    ToFatT0B3S1ck Posts: 194 Member
    I'm eating a hot pocket right now. Now, THAT is my idea of real food ;)
  • michelegurr
    michelegurr Posts: 55 Member
    Hi~ I turned 50 in September! I have tried almost every fad diet there is and gasp surprise guess what? ALWAYS EVERY SINGLE TIME GAINED WEGHT BACK! SO my niece finally convinced me to start MFP. SHe has been using MFP since june of 2012 and has lost - drum roll - OVER 9() LBS!!!! YEAH! and guess what - eating REAL food! THe thing I like best about MFP is you can eat whatever you want! BUT if you really want to lose weight and be healthy, then watch the other numbers besides the calories...the sugar, the sodium, etc. I have only been on a week, but when I actually started measuring EVERYTHING and realizing how much sugar and sodium is in what I normally eat, I was amazed. ALl the diets I'd done before, none concentrated on that. ALso, MFP challenges you at the beginning. Doesn't say do ya wanna exercise, say HOW MUCH do ya wanna exercise? Ya wanna sit on your sedentary butt and not work hard or exercise, then you don't getta eat as much! You can go view my food diary, I eat real food, even chocolate! By the way my favorite workout is Wii...yeah I'm gonna plug it every chance I get, too fun to be exercise! LOL Good luck with your fitness journey!
  • ccb1128
    ccb1128 Posts: 56
    I've been strict paleo for a while and find that I never need to count count calories now. I don't get that starving feeling anymore with the "hungry headache". I find that cutting out all sugar & processed foods make it much easier to plan meals, and I never have to think about what I'm going to eat because I already know it will be a meat & veg. I do have limited fruits and nuts for snacks.
  • feel free to add me as well:)
  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    I'm giving Paleo a try and although I don't see it working for me long term, I love the idea of giving up all of the boxed, processed, manufactured foods. Even if I don't do Paleo strictly, I would like to remain at least 80/20 because it seems like the best/healthiest approach for me and my family. Feel free to add me.
  • ccb1128
    ccb1128 Posts: 56
    I think 80/20 is perfectly acceptable! I think the thing I noticed the most when I cut out the grains/sugar was that my dreaded "food baby" or bloat in my abdomen just disappeared.
  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    I think 80/20 is perfectly acceptable! I think the thing I noticed the most when I cut out the grains/sugar was that my dreaded "food baby" or bloat in my abdomen just disappeared.

    lol @ "food baby". never heard that before
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    Hi hun, you can add me if you want , I will be 50 in March, and I eat real food , every day and do so healthy, I workout 6 days a week and I am on here every day :flowerforyou:
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    But fake food tastes so much better. Zero calories, too!
  • jenn26point2
    jenn26point2 Posts: 429 Member
    Paleo here. Add me.
  • mom2cba
    mom2cba Posts: 7 Member
    Hi add me if you want - we don't eat a lot of processed foods - I subscribe to Cooking Light magazine and we have tried alot of their recipes. They use a lot of fresh vegetables and lean meats.
  • lainie644
    lainie644 Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome mellowwild.

    I have only been here a couple of weeks and my goal is to lose 2 pounds per week. I have succeeded to do that by just keeping a food diary. The best way to develop a healthy eating lifestyle is to know what your body needs are. Truthfully it is better to alter the Food Group Pyramid to fit your age, gender, hereditary predispositions, and health status than beginning and trying to adhere to any of the popular diet crazes.

    Speaking of the Food Group Pyramid, it is known as "MyPlate" now. The old pyramid faded away in late 2010. When the government gets back up and running again, you will be able to log on to the USDA website and examine the new food group utility.
  • I avoid processed foods, don't eat junk food, am a bit Paleo , no bread, no grains but cheat with rice cakes sometimes. Avoid white sugar but love dates and fruit So I do eat real food but am not super rigid with myself because this is relatively new for me so I'm making an adjustment.
  • ThisMichelleJane
    ThisMichelleJane Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! From New Zealand, a fan of nutrient rich, whole foods :D I'm 'loosely following' Eat Fat Lose Fat by Mary Enig and Sally Fallon. Have Nourishing Traditions too :D Was hoping to find an EFLF support group here, but not finding anyone in the search yet. All the best on your wellness journey! Emjay xx
  • Pamelaniamh
    Pamelaniamh Posts: 611 Member
    Feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    Deactivated. She's gone. :huh: