Making a change.....hello there!

Hello everyone! I've finally gotten the courage to join the community. I've been a member of MFP for a few months with some level of success, but I'm hoping to gain more motivation by talking with others who are also on the road to a healthy lifestyle.

A little bit about me:

I'm a server/bartender at a local bar and so I'm on my feet for a good deal of the day. The hardest part about this is to fit in a workout when I'm exhausted. Mornings work best for me. I'm also finding it hard to eat during my shift. I don't have a problem bringing my own food since bar food is not particularly healthy, but it's finding time to eat. When I get home, I'm ravenous and that leads to poor food choices.

I have to keep in mind that this is a journey....not a race. So I can't get disappointed when I don't see the progress I hoped for. I have found that I get discouraged and just say "screw it" and go back to eating crap and not exercising. I also have to remember that while looking better is a good thing....that should not be my primary goal. I'm going to try to measure progress not by weight, or even measurements, but by strength and endurance.

So that's my story. Hope it wasn't too long. :)

I look forward to talking to all of you!!


  • bkyoun
    bkyoun Posts: 371 Member
    You can do it! Log everything and stay under on your calories and you'll get there.
  • littlexbug
    Thank you for the encouragement!! :)
  • foxlme
    foxlme Posts: 57 Member
    I'm a community "lurker" myself.... good for you on putting your story out there! :) Keep motivated and results will come. Slow changes are sustainable changes!
  • GettingFitt_12
    Nice to meet you! :D

    I've just got a new account because people seemed to disappear and stop logging from my old one so I wanted a fresh start :D

    Anyone feel free to add me!! :flowerforyou:
  • ChocolateSnowflakex
    I've had the app for a few months using it on and off but today is my first day on the forums too :) hoping it will stop me from losing motivation
  • SandySweats
    SandySweats Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome. I typically read without posting too. I am an introvert by nature. But, knowing that people are watching you and cheering you on does help. I hope you find the community helpful.
  • JDingmanSr
    JDingmanSr Posts: 4 Member
    Congratulations on your progress so far.....Stick with it it works!
  • littlexbug
    Thank you, everyone for the warm welcome and encouragement :)
  • bunnies26
    bunnies26 Posts: 149 Member
    I did the same thing while nursing, which is like waitressing with meds. I always wondered how the other nurses had time to sit down and eat during their shift. Finally I realized they just let their pagers keep beeping and put themselves first. I have taken to getting one of those 400 calorie bars and gobbling it down when I go to the bathroom. Not the best solution, but at least my belly is full. Feel free to add me!