I need help

slansdown Posts: 94
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I have been logging everything I eat for one month on mfp. I lost 4 pounds and then gained 6. I have seen on this program that I am overweight because I overeat. period. Even though I feel I want to lose weight (about 85 pounds) my behavior is not changing. How do I find the motivation to change? How did you?


  • I am not sure what you are doing to lose weight, but I have been doing the HCG diet plan and lost 35 pounds last month.
    It is a very restrictive diet but one that I found was very easy to follow if you have the discipline.

    I have over the years tried several diets that didn't work because they were so difficult to "stay with it" after the loss, which caused me to regain what I lost to begin with. I thought that after I completed my "1st phase' that I would gain some of my weight back like all the former diets but I so far haven't to my surprise.

    I also discovered that after I completed my 1st phase, that my attitude toward food has changed and that I don't have the desire to eat like I did before mainly because I do not want to feel like I did before.

    You may have seen ads on here for the HCG diet. My suggestion would be if you are going to consider this "plan" that instead of ordering the homeopathic version online that you go to your local health food store and get it from them only because as we all know "you never know what you will get on the web"

    One site that I found that was a lot of help in addition to my health food store assistance is this one:

    (copy paste)

    I hope this helps!!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    My whole philosophy that keeps me motivated is that this is absolutely not a diet, but a lifestyle change. I didn't jump into anything overnight, I've just made small steady steps. Start with one thing and work on it, then add another thing. If you're overeating try preparing smaller portions. When you feel the desire to snack, grab something healthy.

    But just don't rush it. Take the small steps to get to the big goal.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    For me it is so important that my weightloss is sustainable and that excludes fad diets or ultra restrictive diets that are going to rebound back on any lbs lost! So I weigh everything and I want to get the maximum amount of food for my calories, so I eat as much as I can for my 1200 cals and I move more much more! Good luck, oh yes n drink water loads water
  • I've been trying to loose this weight for years... I had my son and gained a bunch and just had my daughter and lost a few just becasue I was so sick my first trimester. The diets I tried before we okay but I couldnt keep with them. Always cheated, never motivated to work out, never wanted to really do anything out of my routine. I'm also a big emotional eater. But this time around, first I am doing this because I am joining the military which is a big motivator. Second I surround myself with positives and people that wll support me through this. Third, I think of the foods that I eat and PLAN AHEAD what I will eat the next day. Thats a HUGE help. When it comes to working out, my attitude as changed because I need to do this, it's time. When I dont feel like working out I stare at my treadmill or at my tv and think if this is really how I could best use my time... sit here wondering what in the world I should really be doing or actuall doing it and getting it over with. I keep pictures around of how I use to look like in high school, those help as well. I was a size 7 and now a size 15... When I get emotional and want to eat the world I think about how something that is going to taste good for 5 seconds is going to affect my body for quite a long time... it's just not worth it anymore. I'dd rather eat something that will digest easily like fruit. And if I do want to treat myself then I think about the fact that I need to work it off. I sign on here about 2-3 times a day to check on my calories and exercise. I never go above and like I said the biggest help is planning. Write down the exercise goal for the next day in your diary and what you are going to eat. Just follow it to the letter and you will be golden. I hope this helps.
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Ugh. I'm so sorry about how your feeling. I've been there. Its good that you've acknowledged why you're overweight. I'm the same way - I wasn't always eating things that were bad for me, I was simply eating too much of everything. When you lost the 4lbs it must have felt great! I'm at 6lbs lost in a month and I am so excited. I felt like something was wrong with me when I tried to "diet" before, but once I found MFP it just kinda clicked for me. I had counted calories and fat before but never carbs and protein and everything else. I guess I don't have that much "advice" for you - just hang in there and try to stay within your goals. Know that eventually the weight will come off , keep plugging away at it. When I want to overeat I try to think how I'm going to feel when I eat it and how I'm going to feel after I eat it.
    Good Luck - hang in there - browse the site, and read the sucess stories! They can be me and you one day!! :)
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    I think it's great that you've identified what your problem is in relation to food. I had the same issue.. I would overeat, flat out. Maybe figure out the reason why you do this. I know for me it was out of boredom. I'd be watching tv and just stuff my face mindlessly, even if I wasn't hungry. I know for some people overeating is emotional.. As far as sticking with a plan for changing your habits, find things that you really enjoy, both in the food and exercise category. You'll be much more likely to stick with these things. I found Turbo Jam about 2 months ago and have been loving it ever since. For the first time EVER, Ive looked forward to getting a workout in, and actually making time for it. I used to dance when I was younger, and would love to do Zumba, but unfortunately I work nights, and all the classes I found were too close to when I'd have to leave for work, booo... Hope this helps! :flowerforyou:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    My whole philosophy that keeps me motivated is that this is absolutely not a diet, but a lifestyle change. I didn't jump into anything overnight, I've just made small steady steps. Start with one thing and work on it, then add another thing. If you're overeating try preparing smaller portions. When you feel the desire to snack, grab something healthy.

    But just don't rush it. Take the small steps to get to the big goal.

    Totally agree with everything she said. If you were to check out my diary...I am NOT a very good eater. I don't eat super healthy, I eat what I want in moderation...and sometimes a little more than moderation. I also gain extra calories from exercise, so that helps too. But so far I'm down 11lbs so it must be working.

    So first i would say, is don't call it a diet, and don't tell yourself you can never have *blank* again...because those two things...at least for me...will make me eat about 100 servings of whatever I just said I can't have. lol

    Then I would look into some yummy but low calorie foods that you can eat a lot of but not actually be consuming a lot of calories, veggies and fruits are good for this. Even though Salads aren't peoples favorite food (and usually associated with that evil diet word), you can make some pretty tasty ones and not cost you very many calories, but you still feel stuffed for a while at least. I personally live off veggie trays w/ ranch, fruit trays, granola bars & sugar free jello & sugar free pudding. I mean I eat meals too, but I have to have something to help my sweet tooth, and I like to snack, sometimes I've just pulled out a fruit tray and munched on it till I was full, and realize later that my lunch, was actually just fruit, or just veggies etc.

    Maybe also start exercising, you don't even have to get all hard core about it, just walk 30 min to 1 hr a day to get in some extra calories if your still hungry through out the day.

    Soooo, I hope I helped. :) Good luck, I hope this next month is better.
  • I would highly recommend a book called 'The gabriel method'. He explains how some of us hold onto fat for particular reasons, mainly to protect ourselves. It sounds silly but the book really opened my eyes to why i self sabotage and how losing weight doesnt come down to 'willpower' or 'motivation'. The book also looks at emotionl eating and positive thinking.
    If you could even flick through it at your library if you didnt want to buy it, i'm sure it would help.
    Best of luck
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    What do I see??? A person who fills up her setbacks with food.....Why? You have so much going for you...why are you self destructing? Don't be a victim,,be a victor!!! Reach for the moon and IF you miss it,will still be among the stars! You have the control,thats half the battle won :) Can't do it by yourself? Find someone to help you! Nothing wrong with that! Came to the right place [MFP] we all seeking the same goal!
  • really helps! Tells you how NOT to feel hungry....and all the tips have been scientifically tested. Hope this helps you as it helped me!:happy:
  • I would highly recommend a book called 'The gabriel method'. He explains how some of us hold onto fat for particular reasons, mainly to protect ourselves. It sounds silly but the book really opened my eyes to why i self sabotage and how losing weight doesnt come down to 'willpower' or 'motivation'. The book also looks at emotionl eating and positive thinking.
    If you could even flick through it at your library if you didnt want to buy it, i'm sure it would help.
    Best of luck
    I bought the book on amazon really cheap and downloaded the cd on his web page. I think his ideas are great, thanks for sharing this. His chapters on nutrition are also spot on!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    From past experience only YOU can provide the motivation. Just like a recovering addict YOU have to want to change your behavior. We can encourage you, support you and give you ideas, but it is YOU doing it. If someone else shames you or in some way gets you to "diet" when YOU don't want to... there is no sustained weight loss. You would just be going through the motions. Maybe you haven't hit that point yet? Maybe you are afraid of something? Maybe you just don't care enough about yourself yet to do it? We can't give you motivation for weight loss, that has to come from inside YOU. The first step is always yours. When you find your motivation we are here to help.
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