Fitness Blender Plans

Fitness Blender has 3 plans, which one would you recommend?


  • bluelena
    bluelena Posts: 304 Member
    I have purchased two. The first one was the "first" 8-week program, but due to an injury, I wasn't able to start it.

    Their 4-week program for busy people (the workouts are all 30 minutes or less) just came out the other day. I'm going to try it, since my schedule is so crazy. The 8-week one that I already have wasn't too bad (usually less than an hour), but at one point you go to 2-a-days, which I know I'll never get up in the morning to do.

    I like having it, though, because it gives me good ideas about how to stack the shorter workouts to get them to add up to the amount of time I have to spend.

    It's my understanding that the 8-week programs are similar in intensity - they just stack the workouts in different ways.
  • psharma06
    psharma06 Posts: 93 Member
    Thank yoU!
    I love Fitness blender, I got the 4 week plan yesterday and am going to start next week!
    SHRINKINGG1 Posts: 48 Member
    How are yall enjoing the 4 week workouts. I am debating on get it.
  • psharma06
    psharma06 Posts: 93 Member
    I like it! It ihelps trying something for 4 weeks, plus the workouts aren't long.
  • the1andonlyrm
    the1andonlyrm Posts: 10 Member
    I got the 4 week plan also. Just started on Monday. The workouts are perfect and I can do everything within 1 hr. It's only been 3 days and my arms are already killing me lol..I'm debating switching my rest day for today instead of Saturday.