23, with lots to lose. Looking for supportive friends. :)

Hello Everyone,

My name is Kelsie. I'm 23 and I've dealt with weight issues literally my entire life. A few years ago, through myfitnesspal and exercise, I was down a total of almost 80 pounds from my highest weight. Since then, I met my now-husband, and my life went from focusing on one person, to focusing on two. My living situation changed, my employment situation changed, and before I knew it, I was steadily and surely gaining weight back. In NO way am I blaming any of that on my husband, I just lost focus of my personal goals as they changed into goals for him and I.

We just got married in September, and I'm sad to say I am almost back up to my starting weight. I had every intention of making the wedding my motivation to lose weight, but with stress and being so preoccupied with all the planning, I lost sight of my fitness goals, yet again. The wedding was absolutely beautiful and I couldn't be happier with that aspect of my life, but I am disappointed in myself for not making me a priority through it all.

It's been hitting me harder and harder lately that if I don't change my ways and get back on track, it won't be long before I pass up that weight I never thought I'd even come close to again. It's scary and it's heartbreaking to look at myself and see how far I let myself fall. I've always had insecurity issues and even when I was down to my lowest weight, I never really realized the huge accomplishments I had made. I would kill to be that size again, but instead, I'm back at square one.

Now that I'm married, I have both myself and my marriage to think about. I don't want my negative attitude to continue to impact my relationship with my husband. I don't want to have kids and have them grow up with the same poor attitudes and perceptions of themselves. I want to lose the weight and keep it off for myself and for my future, and I know that will require dedication and determination like never before.

I'm looking for friends who consistently log, who are positive motivators, and who are looking for the same from me. I want to get back to being committed to being healthy and happy, both physically AND emotionally, and I know that requires a good support system, and I definitely want to give that to others as well. My initial main goals are going to be back to daily logging and working out at Curves, with a mix of walking and Turbofire, depending on the day. I'm still figuring out what the best plan will be for me, but I have to realize that the time for excuses has come and gone. I have to do this for me. And I DESERVE to do this for me.

So if you're on a similar journey, or just looking for a new friend, please message me or add me. We can use all the support we can get :) Thanks!


  • paulbate33
    paulbate33 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey, I'm on a similar sort of journey myself. I got injured playing sports and after quite a long time on the sidelines had become so unfit I found it difficult to play again, from there it sort of spiraled out of control. I decided last year that it was time to make a chance whilst climbing the Andes in Peru. At the time I was 16st 8lbs. Now I'm 13 st 10lbs and feeling like I'm starting to plateau. I'd love it if we could help each other get back on track to where be know we deserve to be!
  • Getfit2lookgood
    Getfit2lookgood Posts: 33 Member
    Hello Kelsie!
    I'd be happy to be your MFP friend and help motivate you.

    We're all in this journey to be healthy so lets help each other.
    I started my journey to loose 40 lbs last year and I was able to do it by walking and eating right.

    Encouragement and positive motivations, even when we slip up, is needed to keep us on the right path.

    Here's to your success!
  • missfitfox
    I would LOVE to be friends! We can help each other- added!
  • sdahms83
    sdahms83 Posts: 8 Member
    I'd be happy to be friends with you to help you on you journey as well.. I've been struggling myself a lot the last few weeks.