hi any slimming world dieter on this site

hi i am a 47 year old nurse wanting to loose 2 and a half stone i have four children and have just got back from cyprus where my 25year old daughter got married. i do not like the photos of myself i look very fat. i would like to find a buddy to talk to about my weight loss progress i can not go to class due to shift work i will be following the slimming world program


  • EverHopeful
    I'm definitely a slimming dieter and I'd love to talk with someone about the experience. My daughter recently got married, in Moab, Utah after they'd been together for 14 years. I think that's a bit over cautious but that was her decision.

    I have to tell you, when I saw your picture I quickly identified with it. :smile: It could have been me. I always feel awkward having my picture taken and wonder how other people do it. I'm not sure it's just a weight issue, but in time, I'll see.

    If you'd like to chat, please write. I'm frequently here and will respond.

    Ever Hopeful
  • JennieWebster
    Hi there, I'm follwing slimming world also... Was my first weeks weigh in last night and I lost 3lb :)... feel free to keep in touch and let me know how you are doing :) x