Diet Bet Motivation

I recently joined a thing called Diet Bet through ShayLoss Shaytober. It's a pretty neat idea to help me stay motivated.

You bet $30 on yourself, that you can lose 4% of your weight in 28 days (4 weeks). If you don't succeed, you lose the $30 that month. If you win, you split the total pot of everyone's $30 among the winners. So, if 100 people join and 50 win, you get $60 each.

I figured, I'm going to try to lose weight anyway, why not try to earn some cash while doing it, right? I need all the motivation I can get. My 4% for my first month is 11 lbs.

If you're interested you can check out more here:


  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    in before the gambling lock LOL!!

    11 lbs seems ambitious for one month. I've joined MFP for free and it's working for me. Good Luck :smile:
  • einzig
    einzig Posts: 12 Member
    Gambling lock?

    I thought 11 lbs would be ambitious too, but I did just start and usually the first week is a lot more than 2 lbs because of water weight and what I'm pretty sure I can do it. Once I hit 200 lbs (75 lbs lost), 8 lbs a month is 4%. Figured if I work my butt off for the first few months I can get there. :)
  • Ottawa_Randy
    Ottawa_Randy Posts: 42 Member
    I am in Diet Bet and will be in a 2nd one next week. I like the extra motivataion as well as knowing a few other people doing it.

    DietBet takse 20% off the top, so in the example you give the $3000 is chopped to $2400 with half "winning" and half as "runner-ups for $48/winner.

    It's still a great motivation and I like the extra incentive.
    I still don't get why some people are still joining various bets 8 or 9 days into the 30 days.

    I have 11.6 to lose and it will be a little tight but will likely always be running in one. I have a niece who is really devoted to losing weight and measures all her food on a scale and works out big time and has won 3 of 4 she has entered.

    All the best in your Challenge.
  • einzig
    einzig Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks :) I didn't know about the 20%, but that's still 18 bucks more then you started with lol.
  • nicholeryan07
    nicholeryan07 Posts: 8 Member
    i'm doing that game as well. I'm only down a slight bit, time to step up my game!!!
  • MegFaber
    MegFaber Posts: 6 Member
    Hey! A lot of people on here might look down on people for trying to rush their weight loss. I personally got dumped and it really it me emotionally and it motivated me to make the gym into my boyfriend. I am currently in a diet bet (the jillian michaels one) and I am winning and the final weigh in is tomorrow and I am very close and think I'll make it. Somedays when I would have said who cares I didn't eat that extra unnecessary food because I wanted to win. I'm down 4% of my original body weight... even if I come up short tomorrow... which I don't think I will... I'm so much closer to my goal of feeling comfortable in my own skin. If I get paid for doing what others couldn't that just ices the cake! I say go for it. You would've spent that $30 on food at some point in your life :)
  • tshef20
    tshef20 Posts: 5 Member
    It may be a good way to get motivated in the short-term but you need to make sure you still have something motivating you when you no longer have money on the line. Good luck!
  • woodml1
    woodml1 Posts: 199 Member
    I just joined a diet that starts tomorrow. I'm always looking for something to help keep me motivated and tend to lose steam without a tangible goal. Hopefully this works for me! Mine is pretty small, there are only 14 people in it so far but I'm hoping to make just a little extra on top of the invesment.
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    Just joined my first game today...joined the DietBet4 (lose 4% of your starting weight during a month), and I *might* later on join the DietBet10 (lose 10% of your weight in 6 months). For this first challenge that I entered, my 4% weight goal means losing about 8 lbs in one month...challenging, but do-able, which I like. I am hoping that the DietBet will be a fun, and time-based, incentive to stay within my MFP cals. It is hard, b/c I eat healthy foods, but usually just too MUCH food...MFP sets my cals for 1600 a day, but if I follow my "natural appetite", I average closer to 2,500 a day... not horrible, but NOT a deficit and not conducive to weight loss. I can eat 2,500 cals a day of healthy food, but then I stay STUCK where I am (188 lbs at 5'9), when really I want to be 155 or 160, which is also in line with medical recommendations for my frame. I think this DietBet can be helpful because it creates a goal that is FINITE, REACHABLE, and SHORT TERM.