How Do I Add Strength Training to My Exercise Log?

I am new here, and I know this has likely been explained before. But I can't seem to find anything under "Strength Training" when I try to log my weight lifting on the exercise page. Can anyone help me with this?

Thanks a lot!


  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    add strength training under cardio for an MFP calorie estimation (on the low side, IMO) and add separate exercises under strength, if you want to keep track of them :)
  • Mac1954
    Mac1954 Posts: 14 Member
    OK, got it! Just thought it strange that "weights" or "weight lifting" wasn't included under "strength training".

    Thanks a lot!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    no probs.

    i use the strength section to log separate exercise - feel fre to have a nosy at my diary to see what i mean as i don't know how to put pics into forum posts yet :/

    think you'd need to go back to monday for strength entries on my page.
  • Mac1954
    Mac1954 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks! I went back and had a look. That is helpful. I will get the hang of it. I am just used to doing WW online, and they had a choice from the drop-down for strength training. Hard to estimate, I realize, as everyone is lifting different weights, etc. My main issue is just being consistent....once I get going on a routine, I really love it. I used to go to Body Pump classes at the gym, but work out at home now. Have considered getting the Les Mills body pump DVD/weight set. Maybe when I have a little extra cash.

    Thanks again for your help!