Looking for some insight and or suggestions.

First I would like to start with I smoked for 24 years. I quit 8 months ago and I have been trying to re train myself to run for the last year. I ran my first 5k at 38:25 and I have run a mud run and two other 5k's, all around 40mins. My problem is that I can not run that long before I am walking. I run around 5 miles per hour and walk around 3.8. I try to run at least three times a week. I train at 30, 45 and 60 mins. Still I am only able to run about 1/4 mile at a time before I have to stop and walk. My breathing becomes erratic and my heart rate is alway in the 170's, although it is taking longer to get there and is coming back down to 130ish in 60 seconds. I have tried slowing down to go further but my legs are starting to quit before my lungs get me. I am 40, over weight (dropped 40 lbs) but trying like heck. My question is this, I have incorporated weights in on my off days, I walk daily at lunch, I do weights with the legs on off days and I run reliegously. My diet is closer to keto than normal as I am still trying to cut weight but I eat more carbs with dinner the nights before I run. I know this will be a long battle due to the way I treated my body, but any advise would be great. I wore a body sensor for a week and it appears I burn roughly 3K calories aday on off days and 3400-3600 on run days. My diet consists of 1400-1600 calories per day 40% being protien. I am at a loss of what else I can do to try and increase my VO2max and stamina. I have tried to put as much detail as possible in this. If I missed anything please ask. I am tired of sucking at this.



  • stevedjarrell
    stevedjarrell Posts: 5 Member
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    How about trying an interval training programme such as couch to 5k (C25K). You run/walk at timed intervals over several weeks, gradually increasing running time and decreasing walking time. The aim is at the end of around 8 weeks you should be able to run 5k non-stop. After that there's a programme to get you up to 10k if you were looking to go farther.
  • stevedjarrell
    stevedjarrell Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you for the suggestion. I have done the C25K program before up thru week five. Lately my times are getting worse and my HR is maxing out quicker and quicker. I am going to have my Doc check me for anemia. I have had it before due to bad kidneys but have not been checked in a few years. IT matches all my issues the more I think about it.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Sounds like a visit to the Doctor is a good idea. Given that you're starting a new exercise program a full check up would be in order anyway. You should be getting better at running not worse. Anemia sucks so best to get it checked out and sorted sooner rather than later as it takes a while to build your stores back up (as I'm sure you already know)
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    2000 calorie deficit????

    excessive training schedule...

    How much do you weigh?

    My advice is almost surely going to be to eat more and do less.... And thats the advice you should follow. If you continue as you have been you're almost certainly going to lose a lot of muscle mass along wtth the fat.

    ETA: the fact that your cardio advancement has hit a standstill is a good indicator that you're overtraining and/or getting too little recovery... those two pretty much go hand in hand