Yoga Frequency

I've started and really like yoga. I've done a few regular Yoga and a few hot yoga classes. My concern is that with my work schedules and the times that yoga is offered, I can only do classes once or twice a week. Is this enough to be beneficial? Any thoughts appreciated!


  • donnace7
    donnace7 Posts: 147 Member
    I'm also pretty sore after hot yoga - I'm told the cure for this is more hot yoga within a day or so, but I can't get back sometimes for 4-5 days. Is this enough to get rid of the soreness? Again, any advice appreciated!
  • aelphabawest
    aelphabawest Posts: 173 Member
    Hey! any yoga is beneficial. Do as much as you can. One of the things I did when I was starting out was I went to and supplemented my once or twice a week in the studio classes with the 20-45-60 minute audio or visual classes that I could do whenever it worked for me. Eventually you get to the point where you don't even need a class to get some practice in, although it's still good to push yourself in class.

    I've personally found that yoga is good for maintaining weight and for all around flexibility and tone, but if you're looking for losing weight it might not be quite enough - you'll probably want to add something else to your routine.

    Re soreness: I usually use more gentle yoga for soreness. Maybe just do a few sun salutations at home the following day to address soreness.
  • donnace7
    donnace7 Posts: 147 Member
    Hey! any yoga is beneficial. Do as much as you can. One of the things I did when I was starting out was I went to and supplemented my once or twice a week in the studio classes with the 20-45-60 minute audio or visual classes that I could do whenever it worked for me. Eventually you get to the point where you don't even need a class to get some practice in, although it's still good to push yourself in class.

    I've personally found that yoga is good for maintaining weight and for all around flexibility and tone, but if you're looking for losing weight it might not be quite enough - you'll probably want to add something else to your routine.

    Re soreness: I usually use more gentle yoga for soreness. Maybe just do a few sun salutations at home the following day to address soreness.

    Thanks for the YogaDownload recommendation! I've started doing yoga to improve my strength and flexibility. I'm 45 and this was going downhill fast. I think I'll be more confident about doing the poses at home after I've done a few more classes. Thanks for the advice!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I started out doing yoga only 1 or 2 times a week and found it beneficial. Like anything, the more you do it, the more you'll get out of it - but you'll get benefit from going once a week as well. My advice is: if you have an area you are working on - tight hamstrings, week triceps, whatever - do something that works that everyday.
  • donnace7
    donnace7 Posts: 147 Member
    I started out doing yoga only 1 or 2 times a week and found it beneficial. Like anything, the more you do it, the more you'll get out of it - but you'll get benefit from going once a week as well. My advice is: if you have an area you are working on - tight hamstrings, week triceps, whatever - do something that works that everyday.

    That's a good idea. Doing a few poses at a time would probably help me learn them also. Thanks.
  • donnace7
    donnace7 Posts: 147 Member
    I can't believe how fast these forums move. This topic is already three pages over???? :)
  • DawnOBRN
    DawnOBRN Posts: 290 Member
    While it is said that to get the most benefits of yoga you should go 4-5x a week, I have been going 2 or 3x per week for the past 2 months and I can feel dramatic differences in my flexibility, breathing techniques and stamina. You will reap the benefits no matter what your frequency. Do what you can and honor yourself for it :)
  • donnace7
    donnace7 Posts: 147 Member
    While it is said that to get the most benefits of yoga you should go 4-5x a week, I have been going 2 or 3x per week for the past 2 months and I can feel dramatic differences in my flexibility, breathing techniques and stamina. You will reap the benefits no matter what your frequency. Do what you can and honor yourself for it :)

    I don't know how someone who works full time could possibly go 4 or 5x a week but I guess its possible. I'm going to keep at it! Namaste
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    While I would agree with the above poster that it I beneficial to DO yoga 4 or 5 times a week, I don't think you need to GO to yoga classes 4 or 5 times a week. Just remember a few of the basic moves you did in class and work through those (doing the warm-up and preliminary moves working up to anything more strenuous of course) and look at a few recommended yoga websites for more ideas and to check form.

    I take two classes a week and work through yoga sessions daily and have found that is the best way to keep progressing in balance, strength and flexibility - a little each day.

    There is a Yoga group on MFP - worth checking in there for ideas and support.

    - you're most welcome.
  • donnace7
    donnace7 Posts: 147 Member
    While I would agree with the above poster that it I beneficial to DO yoga 4 or 5 times a week, I don't think you need to GO to yoga classes 4 or 5 times a week. Just remember a few of the basic moves you did in class and work through those (doing the warm-up and preliminary moves working up to anything more strenuous of course) and look at a few recommended yoga websites for more ideas and to check form.

    I take two classes a week and work through yoga sessions daily and have found that is the best way to keep progressing in balance, strength and flexibility - a little each day.

    There is a Yoga group on MFP - worth checking in there for ideas and support.

    - you're most welcome.

    I didn't know there was a yoga group here - I'll look for it. Thanks.