Morning Weigh-In

I've only recently started losing weight, but I'm not sure about where the first few pounds have been from. I weigh myself every morning (after a bathroom stop) and before I eat or drink anything. Could the first pound or two have just been dehydration/lost water weight? How consistent is your morning weight to your weight loss progress?
Thanks! I'm excited about the progress but I hope it continues..


  • linsdog
    linsdog Posts: 94 Member
    Depending on how much you have to lose the first week or two may be higher due to water loss among other things.

    I believe in the first week/two weeks I lost 8 pounds or so.
  • Sarahndipity30
    Sarahndipity30 Posts: 312 Member
    Suggestion. Don't weigh daily. it will drive you nuts. you will fluctuate by sometimes 2-3 lbs daily. Water weight, retention, TOM, what you ate for dinner etc... Weigh in once a week or even once every month. MEASURE. You may not notice the scale moving, but inches will shed.

    Good Luck!
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    The vast majoirty of initial weight loss is water weight, thats why its possible to see large number loses in the first couple of weeks, but it will soon settle down as your body gets used to your new routine and the real hard work starts.

    There are many different views as to when and how offten you should way yourself, most people weigh themselves in the morning after a trip to the bathroom, because your stomach isn't full from the day before and you have just gotten rid of alot of the weight in your trip to the bathroom.

    Now regarding weighing every day, this is something that not everyone can handle. Weight can flutuate so much on a day by day bases, you can easily see increases of a few pounds due to water retention, and seeing increases and de-motivate alot of people. I recommend if you don't think you can bare seeing numbers going up weigh yourself once a week, same day, same clothes ( if any) and preferally after a rest day from working out.
  • emAZn
    emAZn Posts: 413 Member
    All weigh-ins can be decieving... Sometimes I weigh myself in the morning then go back to bed for an hour then weigh myself again and I've lost another half a pound. I weigh myself daily in the morning but usually only track my Friday weight to track any real "progress"
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Weight will fluctuate a lot. Personally I liked weighing every day the first few months, to get an idea of how my time of the month affects my weight. Now I can pretty much predict when I will lose and when I won't (and when I'll gain), and I don't even bother weighing when I know I won't lose.
  • jessicapk
    jessicapk Posts: 574 Member
    I lost 13 lbs my first two weeks, purely water from eating salty foods and crap in general. In the beginning, you will really do better weighing less often, about once a week to make sure you're at a good calorie level. Do not weigh daily until you're at a good steady weght loss point and the fluctuations don't bother you. I weigh every morning now and it doesn't bother me in the least anymore. Fluctuations are normal. When you lose one day and then weigh a little more the next, it's just your body's natural processes and there is nothing you can do about it.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    i weigh daily. twice daily. and it works for me.
  • leooftheyear
    leooftheyear Posts: 429 Member
    All weigh-ins can be decieving... Sometimes I weigh myself in the morning then go back to bed for an hour then weigh myself again and I've lost another half a pound. I weigh myself daily in the morning but usually only track my Friday weight to track any real "progress"
    I do the same, it helps me see what I eat effects me on the scale
  • Darwin1930
    Thanks, all! I'll just be patient and focus on eating right, getting outside before it gets too cold, etc. Cheers, and best of luck on your goals!
  • joannadalina
    joannadalina Posts: 112 Member
    I wished I lost that much weight during the first few weeks, even if it is water weight. Then again before MFP I never reall drank water, so explains why I wasn't losing any water weight, haha!

    I weigh in once a week, in the morning, after peeing prior to eating as well. Thus far I have lost about 1lb - 1.5lb / week. Not too much but hey, I'll take it :)

    Best of luck,