beyond frustrated

bandchick Posts: 22
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I got on the scale and I gained .8 lbs. I have been watching what I eat and I stay active. I was slowly losing weight and this week I gain this much. It frustrates me cause I even went to a wedding where I watched everything and said no to the wedding cake. My bf said it is water weight cause my ring is too tight on my finger and a few days ago it was falling off. I don't know what to think. I just feel like no matter what I am not going to win with losing weight.


  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    Google the article "Why The Scale Lies".
    What do you have to lose if you quit?
    The only thing you have to lose if you continue is weight.
    The overall downward trend is what you should be focusing on.
    Not all weeks are created equal and sometimes through no fault of our own, we gain.
    Though, weight fluctuates hourly, so if the numbers are important to you, try only weighing in
    on your actual weigh-in day.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    trust me on this. Brush your shoulders off. DON'T GIVE UP. DON'T LET IT GET TO YOUR HEAD!! It's a temporary weight gain (if the information you've given is true). You could be ovulating, you could be near TOTM, you could be retaining water, your sodium may have been higher than the norm, etc ...etc. It could be a million and 1 things, however, if you're eating right and your routine hasn't swayed, it will only be there temporarily!!!!!! I had this same thing happen to me except that I had a 3lb gain! I was discouraged as all get out, BUT i said to myself. Where does quitting get me? I kept on keeping on & realized 3 days later when I dropped 6lbs that it was water weight I was carrying and I was also ovulating at the time. There are MANY factors in weight gains but if you're doing everything right, it won't stay on. Keep up with your routine, take a 3 day break from the scale and hop back on once you feel a change!! goodluck hun!
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I say water weight. I have the same thing going on right now. My ring was really loose and when I went to take it off for work today the darn thing would not budge till I oiled up my finger real good. Plus my ankles are puffy. So don't give up. It's pry just one of them "days" I do and don't get TOM. I get all the symptoms, just not the "other". In fact looking at the day right now......yep I am pretty sure that's what my problem is. SIGH
  • Don't give up! I often find what I did this week affects what the scale shows next week! :smile:
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    What time did you weigh yourself?

    Do NOT give up! So many people do that when they don't have to.
  • I agree with everyone else. Don't give up. I'm to the point now where I don't even bother weighing myself for 2-3 weeks at a time, especially when I know my TOM is nearby. I can bloat up a few days beforehand, and stay bloated a few days after it's over. So I just don't bother. I pay attention to my exercise, my food, my water intake, and how I feel. I also take my measurements every few weeks, because I know that the scale is only one way to tell if I'm making progress. It's definitely gratifying to realize my body is becoming more toned, etc.

    Also, ErinMarie25 brings up a good point: what time did you weigh yourself? You should always weigh yourself under the same circumstances. For instance, I weigh myself first thing in the morning, naked, after peeing. Cutting out other factors (i.e. fluids/food/clothes) gives you a better chance of seeing your true weight.
  • I so understand ... last week I gined .6 lbs after I had been careful all week. Tomorrow is my weigh in day and I am down 1.2 lbs. For whatever reason, weight does fluctuate. Just keep at it and it will come off. I am down 17.5 lbs since 7/11 and that keeps me motivated. Make sure you are exercising ... that really helps.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    Don't give up girly. It happens to me all the time. I had a public freak out at the gym the first time. The guy next to me just happened to be a docotr (he told me so when he decided to give unwarranted advice and I promptly told him to f* off.) basically he this is what he told me.
    Calm down. I know that's really frustrating but I'll garauntee that you didn't gain 8 pounds of FAT in 2 days. Something changed whether you think it did or not something is different. Women can fluctuate as much as 4-6 pounds IN A DAY. Watch your sodium, drink LOTS of water for the next few days and get on the scale next week.

    I took his advice and the next week I was 3 pounds lighter than I had been BEFORE the big influx. A lot of time food that you don't cook yourself will be PACKED with salt. It could be that. It's also possible that you didn't drink as much water as usual or if you had a couple glasses of wine or champagne and didn't balance it with water you were dehydrated. (this will cause you to retain water as well.) If you're close to TOM it could be that combined with any one of these factors...

    Don't freak out. follow the kind docs advice. keep the salt under control, drink more water than usual and stay the hell away from the scale for a awhile. Things will even back out. OH and don't change your ticker. That will just demotivate you.

    Good luck and keep your chin up.
  • Thanks everyone for your support. I'm happy to know I'm not the only one in all this. I will keep it up and hopefully pull through it in the end.
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