Looking for 20-something girlfriends

Day one here. I am 5'2, 24, female, 122 pounds, goal weight is 105. I really want the support of other women on here. If you're a woman in your 20s or 30s, especially if you have a similar body/goal please add me! I'd love to have some active friends on here. Also if you are vegetarian, vegetarian, or vegan or post receipies add me. I'm always looking for new things to make.

About me:
weekdays- desk job :/
weekend- very active job waitressign
spare time- yoga, walking the dog, reading, concerts, new restaurants

Thanks for reading!! Oh and btw if you have an eating disorder or are striving to under-eat please dont add me (no offense) I dont want to be triggered into unhealthy past patterns


  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    I'm 29. Not currently a vegetarian, but I do have some really great raw vegan recipes.

    Welcome! :)
  • skinnyplz24
    oh sorry I meant to say vegetarian, pescetarian, not vegetarian twice lol
  • Shayley20
    Shayley20 Posts: 31 Member
    Hey! Im 21.. 5ft nothing. CW 128 GW 120 UGW 115 w under 20% BF.
    Feel free to add me! Im always on here.
  • tarch333
    I'm a 23year old female, 5'3", size 10-12 and 142lbs. I'm aiming to be 130-133lbs.

    About me:
    Weekdays - support work, largely sedentary.
    Weekends - Sometimes working or catching up on sleep and diploma work
    Spare time - swimming, visiting my other half, cinema, restaurants, reading
    Loves - Chocolate, Cheese, watching films, walks along the beach
    Hates - Bananas, Roast beef, my IBS and running

    I'd love any ideas you may have for healthy meals or fitness.
    Trying to fit either in for me at the moment is difficult. I work in a Children's home where we are expected to eat with the children in a family-style setting and so eating things bought in from home can sometimes be difficult and awkward. If you have any suggestions for that then I'd really appreciate it :)
  • JeaninePaige
    JeaninePaige Posts: 464 Member
    Hey there! :o) I'm Jeanine.

    I'm 20, a bit heavier than you at 150lbs but still shrinking down to my goal weight... This site has helped me tremendously and it will help you too if you put all of your effort into it. I'm always looking for motivated friends to add on here so we can support each other. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • Kgirlbball5
    Hi! Im Kay and I'm always on here! Feel free to add me bc I weigh 100 lb 4ft 10in and want to be lighter. I really need a person who can support me and tHANK YOU!!