Stalled out and looking for Inspiration

Hi Everyone -

I started actively trying to lose weight (about 55 pounds) back in July. My thought was that losing one pound a week would not be that much of a stretch and that in a year or so I would be at my goal weight with -- hopefully -- the habits in place that would help me keep it all off.

So 13 weeks later I have lost a little over 11 pounds and the one-pound-a-week thing seems a lot tougher than I expected. This last week I actually actually went up a few ounces. In looking back at my records and doing a bit of research with the measuring cups, I'm seeing that I am making some big mistakes at estimating portion size -- especially with drinks. I've added some recipes here that should help me with the underestimating problem.

As a 54-year-old with a desk job, I am also not exercising as much as I should. I'm making it a goal to set aside more time for exercise. My overweight great dane could also use some additional quality walking time so its a win-win. I'm hoping the increased activity and the more accurate calorie counting will be the combination I need to break the logjam.

I see a lot of inspirational stories here and reading them gives me hope that I can get back on track and succeed at this. Thanks for the support!

-- Ron


  • humminbird1977
    A little inspiration is definitely what you need. I woke up this morning at 5:30 and wanted to walk but it was dark so I waited. Then my husband wanted to take me to the hospital to see his grandma and when I was done I wsa supposed to call him for a ride. Instead of calling, I decided to walk and I felt great. I even jogged up a hill on the way home. If your dog needs to shed a few as well, like you said it is a win win situation. I know you can do it you just have to be determined and keep your head in the right direction. The first week I started I lost 9 pounds and 6 the second and then I quit. I started back up and believe it is the best thing for me and my family. My son is actually hollering for me to go on another walk right now so I gotta go. Keep up the positive attitude and your weight will disappear before you know it.
  • strongerthanb4
    Sounds like you have the right idea, the exercise will be just what you need to lose again and to get healthier. As far as portion control, have you tried weighing your meat before you cook it, and use measuring cups for everything else? Thats what i do, and it is AMAZING how much I used to eat before. You are doing a great job already....I am going to check out your recepies right now for myself! :)
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Good for you on thinking positive and going back and checking things out. I think you are doing fine. My husband, who has been along with me on this journey, is disabled so can't exercise much. Just with diet a smidge of exercise has averaged about 3 pounds a month. He's 60.

    Any way you look at it losing is better then gaining and I'm sure your great dane would LOVE the extra walk time. Best wishes to you.
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Hi! Have you thought about seeing a nutritionist or a wellness physician? My wellness doctor found I was deficient in the mg of meds that I was already on for Insulin resistance and my p.c.o.s. AND in vitamin d3 ( like 2000mg) per day. My point is that some blood work from a wellness doctor OR meeting a nutritionist might be able to help you along.

    The nutritionist helped me use delicious alternatives to cheese, yogurts for protien. I found I wasn't eating enough carbs & protein.

    I am not a nutritionist or wellness doctor so I am not "selling" it. I have a desk job also, two dogs that might like the walk, but love the backyard. My knee is not co-operating. However I have alot more weight to lose. It was just a thought!!

    Good luck!!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Ron you've definitely got the right idea with the exercise. I always used to say I was too busy with work to exercise but through mfp it's given me the motivation from all the support and seeing how much training everyone is doing is encouraging. The best advice I got here when I was losing motivation was to become friends with a few people who will encourage you and set your goals so you have something to aim for. Maybe set yourself mini goals for weight loss. There are also some great posts that have daily challenges or join a group that will keep you going. Your dog is a great way to get exercise in for you both.

    The trick I find about calorie counting is not to drink your calories away!! There are literally calories in all drinks except water and green tea so I generally stick to water.

    Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me if you want support.
  • bitlizard
    bitlizard Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement! One of the comments I will definitely take to heart is to drink more water. That has also been another one of those things that I know I should have been doing that wasn't getting done.

    I am not sure that my recipes will be of use to anyone. They are basically just a way for me to add a group of foods I eat together. For example, how I prepare a bowl of oatmeal. And some of the ones I added today just reflect the size of the Margarita and Martini stem ware we have (unexpectedly large in both cases).

    Today's lesson - more water, fewer martinis. :)