Oh, Scale you fickle mistress

I want to weigh myself less often so I don't obsess about every small change.


I gain weight when I don't weigh myself because I become complacent.

thoughts, suggestions, funny gifs?


  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    I really only weigh in about 1x month. Take lots of pictures as you go. They are often a better measurement of your progress.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    I weigh every day so I understand the differences and have more data points to trend.
  • nmpoli
    nmpoli Posts: 17 Member
    I really only weigh in about 1x month. Take lots of pictures as you go. They are often a better measurement of your progress.

    I definitely agree. I have photos and they were the best thing I could have done.

    I just have a hard time staying focused without the constant information coming in.
  • 424a57
    424a57 Posts: 140 Member
    Weight often and let mathematics smooth out the fluctuations.
  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    I weigh every morning - but honestly, I'm looking more at the body fat% then the # on the scale...for instance, today, I weight the exact same as I did yesterday morning...but the body fat% went down by 0.5% so I was quite happy!
  • maQmIgh
    maQmIgh Posts: 236 Member
    I weigh in 'Officially' once a week (tomorrow in fact)
    but I weigh myself twice a week (once on Thursdays and once of Sundays)
    Personally, this gives me the confidence boost to know that im still heading in the right direction for my official weigh in (if I weighed in once a week, I would be so afraid of falling off the wagon and not knowing the damage)

    I know its silly but i fear that going a whole 7 days without keeping an eye on the figures will make me weigh double on weigh in days.

    I used to weigh in every single day because i became obsessed with how much i lost... and became severely depressed when i gained on that day.

    2 times a week works for me :)
  • nmpoli
    nmpoli Posts: 17 Member
    I weigh every day so I understand the differences and have more data points to trend.

    Same here, well, that was my initial reason for doing so.
  • nmpoli
    nmpoli Posts: 17 Member
    I weigh in 'Officially' once a week (tomorrow in fact)
    but I weigh myself twice a week (once on Thursdays and once of Sundays)
    Personally, this gives me the confidence boost to know that im still heading in the right direction for my official weigh in (if I weighed in once a week, I would be so afraid of falling off the wagon and not knowing the damage)

    I know its silly but i fear that going a whole 7 days without keeping an eye on the figures will make me weigh double on weigh in days.

    I used to weigh in every single day because i became obsessed with how much i lost... and became severely depressed when i gained on that day.

    2 times a week works for me :)

    I like that - kind of meets in the middle between the two issues I'm having.
  • nmpoli
    nmpoli Posts: 17 Member
    Woo Hoo!! That's awesome! My scale is kind of wonky in the BF% department, but I agree that going by that is a fantastic indicator.

    I'd like to travel back in time and get my body fat measured when I first started losing :smile:
  • Sundancer128
    Scale? Mirror? Dress/jeans? They all hate me.
  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member

    Maybe measure?
  • Sundancer128
    :noway: Scale? Mirror? Dress/jeans? They all hate me.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I'm in maintenance and I weigh daily...I understand normal body weight fluctuations so they don't bother me...I know that I fluctuate between about 180 - 184 Lbs day to day throughout the week and that means I'm maintaining. If I start to see a trend upward from there then I know I need to check myself...that hasn't really happened in the past 6 months or so I've been in maintenance though. I just intend to catch any trend upwards and nip it right then and there...much easier that way then having to diet off 40 Lbs again.
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    I weigh every day so I understand the differences and have more data points to trend.

    Was weighing myself everyday from Jan 17 until Sept 3.

    Now I will only weigh once per month. I am no longer losing 2-5 pounds each week like clockwork. I was driving myself crazy in August, it slowed down.

    Next weigh in 11/3.
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    When I am in active weight loss mode, I weigh every day to note the daily fluctuations. I think if you see your weight going up and down every day, it helps to desensitise you to the daily gains and losses, so that you're not so concerned when you see that gain. If you weigh less frequently, you might happen to weigh in on the day you have a 1lb gain, which can not possibly help with motivation (if you're motivated by the scale value). Also, daily weighing stops you obsessing about your possible weight gain or loss between weigh-ins (which I know I would do). This is what works for me, anyway.