In need of friends and motivators

Well, this is my second go at MFP. Last year I lost 40 lbs by walking and tracking my healthy eating. After that, I thought I didn't need to count my calories anymore so I stopped logging in to MFP. That was a big mistake!! I have gained 20 lbs back :(. The holidays, a busy schedule, my son's autism diagnosis, lack of sleep, and stress from graduating college, moving, and looking for work all have been big factors in my recent weight gain.

I figured I need to put a stop to all this unhealthy eating and get my fanny out there and do something about it... again! I'm trying to eat healthier and have joined a local gym. I have been working out for two weeks already (5 days a week/1-1.5 hrs) but have not seen a change on the scale. I know it takes time, and I don't want to give up.

I am in desperate need of some friends/motivators on here to help me stay on track. I would also love to exchange successful workout routines, diets, ideas, etc.


  • Ania1302
    Ania1302 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there! I can imagine you must be very disheartened to exercise so much and not see the results.

    I have just joint the website about an hour ago as I have tried everything else. I feel very motivated, especially after learning that you lost 40lbs!

    I hope you get back on track fast, obviously you have the right attitude since you did so well in the past.

  • cc218
    cc218 Posts: 3

    We seem to be on the same boat!! This is also my 2nd go at MFP. I need a loyal motivator/motivators. A couple years ago I lost 25lbs and since I've moved to another city, facing the stress of the move (job hunting, personal issues, school and apartment hunting) I have gained all the weight back! My original goal was to get down to 145. Now I would like to get down 135 (current weight is 180). So yeah I have a hard road ahead but nothing I can't accomplish. However, I really don't have any real motivators except myself.

    My cons- snacking, late night eating, eating out for every meal (I hate cooking lol)
    My pros- I eat organic food, pescatarian/vegetarian, positive attitude :)

    So please add me if you like!! I am definitely down to help out!!! :)
  • MaryConverse
    MaryConverse Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm joining this MFP for the first time. I need friends and motivators too. This will be a long road for me. I'm at 194 and want to get to 150 or lower even. I'm doing a low calorie semi-fast 2 days a week (500 calories) on Mondays and Thursdays. I was at 200 two weeks ago so it's starting to come off but I know it could just be water weight right now , so I'm trying to be realistic.
  • LazyGuy91
    LazyGuy91 Posts: 171 Member
    I've been looking to add some new friends/motivators as well. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • sbarrow1
    sbarrow1 Posts: 1 Member
    This is my third go around with MFP. I have never stayed motivated using it because I haven't had any one to encourage me. My wedding is in March and I need to lose about 40 lbs. I could really use the motivation.
  • mal2v10
    mal2v10 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I'm also looking for some fellow motivators on MFP. Please feel free to add me and we can encourage each other!
  • cathymarie75
    cathymarie75 Posts: 222 Member
    Feel free to add me !
  • tonz_20
    tonz_20 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey :)
    In response to your post made, i would like to be one of your motivators and in return you also be my motivator....
    I am 140lbs and at 5'4 :( . Which is terrible....
    I am 19 and i live in Jamaica
  • weaving2fast
    weaving2fast Posts: 64 Member
    Hi, I'm fairly new to MFP but making great progress. I'm working out daily on the hamster wheel at the gym and it's working. Just dedicate yourself. You'll make it!
  • Female_On_Fire
    Female_On_Fire Posts: 104 Member
    Anyone here is welcome aboard. I've fallen off but am picking myself back up!
  • tonz_20
    tonz_20 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello good night :)
    I am 19 and i weigh 143lbs at a height of 5'4....
    I am eating well but lacking in exercise....
    I need a motivator and a friend ^.^
    So please be welcomed to talk to me :)
  • MissDesiAmaris
    MissDesiAmaris Posts: 70 Member
    Let's be friends and motivate each other! Its great to see how all of our journeys can inspire each other :)
  • xionfairy
    i'm slightly newish but no motivators for me.:sad: time to mingle and start cheering. :'D so come on everybody and get some motivation in your booty. :flowerforyou:
  • deslok113
    What are you doing in those 1-1.5 hrs? Are you doing all cardio? Or all strength training? If you want to lose weight do interval cardio for 20 min. you don't need more than that: min 1 slow pace; min 2 slow pace; min 3 med pace, min 4 slightly higher pace; min 5; even more; min 6 -- ALL YOU CAN for one min; min 7; med pace; min 8; med pace; 9 slightly higher pace; min 10 even higher; min 11; ALL YOU CAN for one min; min 12 med pace; min 13; slightly higher pace; min 14 even higher; min 15 ALL YOU CAN for one min; min 16 med pace; min 17 even higher; 18 and 19 ALL YOU CAN for 2 mins; min 20 slow pace--you are done with cardio.
    For upper bady strength training you have biceps, triceps, chest, back, and shoulders (lower: abs; hamstring, calfs, and quads): for each of these start at a low weight and 1st set do 12 reps then for set 2 increase the weight and do 10 reps; then set 3 increase the weight again and do 8 reps; for set 4 increased to your max (that you can safely handle) and do 6 reps. each rest period inbetween is to be 1 min no more. Now for your last set you wait 1-1.5 mins and then decrease the weight and do 12 reps of the same exercise. Then w/o resting do another 12 reps of another exercise that works the same muscle group. Repeat for each upper body muscle group. You should do upper one day cardio the next; lower the next cardio the next, upper the next then cardio the next for a total of 6 days a week and like the Lord did, rest on the seventh day! The next week start with lower then cardio then upper then cardio then lower and reverse each subsequent week. This work out was featured in the book "Body for life". The diet in that book is geared for body builders but the exercise program works for anyone and is NOT easy and NOT too time consuming!!!!!
  • brendizz87
    brendizz87 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for your insight! That was very helpful. I have been doing 30 minutes of strength training and 30-60 minutes of cardio (usually 30 of intense cardio or 60 of walking). The 40 lbs I lost was mostly just walking, which is probably why I gained some weight back. I'm hoping this time around I can build up some muscle and boost my metabolism. :smile:
  • KirbyT16
    KirbyT16 Posts: 411
    I am still pretty new to MFP and would love some more friends to help motivate each other! Anyone can feel free to message/add me!
  • Lu7681
    Lu7681 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey there!!
    I am in the same boat, my second go at MFP, and this is the first time i've actually tried to get comfortable on here! I am most interested in recipes, and meal plans. We got this - we will dominate this time!!