First 5K Coming Up...What Do I Need To Know??

So I have my first 5K coming up in 2-1/2 weeks, and wanted to know what tips and tricks anyone would like to share.

Thank you!!!


  • jeepyj93
    jeepyj93 Posts: 392 Member
    Have fun that is the most important thing to remember. Always never try anything new or wear anything new on race day go with what works as far as food and clothing nothing worse than rubs and blisters or upset GI because of new items.
  • k1214
    k1214 Posts: 33 Member
    Yep, have fun is my number one tip as well :) Don't start too fast and make sure you line up in the pack according to your pace. I was kind of intimidated when I ran my first 5k and made sure I lined up in the back, right in front of the people with the baby strollers. That was a smart move on my part LOL! Oh, and make sure you get some stretching in after the run.
  • AisforAmazing19
    Number goes on the front, not the back.

    Get a good night's sleep two nights before the race.

    Have a fun time!
  • emblu
    emblu Posts: 272 Member
    Smile..... it makes a big difference, trust me :)
  • TaxPrepLiz
    TaxPrepLiz Posts: 28 Member
    Mine is in 2.5 weeks also! And my only goal is to finish in under 40 minutes. Other than that I'm just plan enjoying the run. Good Luck!!
  • itcanbedone13
    My only goal is to finish!!!
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Don't try anything new, don't line up near the front unless you plan on winning, move to the side if you walk, and have fun! If you run with an ipod, take the earbuds off and soak up the atmosphere at the start. Good luck!
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    1) Don't wear or try anything new
    2) Eat/Drink whatever you normally do for a training run
    3) Have fun!
    4) Line yourself up in the starting line according to your pace - fast in the front, slower in the back.
    5) If you need to walk during the race, move to the right. You will get run over or hurt someone if you stop in the middle
    6) Use the bathroom before you get to the starting line.
    7) Get ready to get the race bug - once you do one, you'll want to sign up for another :)
  • itcanbedone13
    What do you do with your water bottle? I know it sounds like a silly question, but do you carry it, strap it to you somehow or what?

  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    What do you do with your water bottle? I know it sounds like a silly question, but do you carry it, strap it to you somehow or what?


    I don't worry about water for a 5k, but check and see if they have a water station halfway. If so - cool, you don't have to carry water. If you want to have it, do what you do while normally running. Carry it with you, or get a hand-held with a strap.
  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    1) Don't wear or try anything new
    2) Eat/Drink whatever you normally do for a training run
    3) Have fun!
    4) Line yourself up in the starting line according to your pace - fast in the front, slower in the back.
    5) If you need to walk during the race, move to the right. You will get run over or hurt someone if you stop in the middle
    6) Use the bathroom before you get to the starting line.
    7) Get ready to get the race bug - once you do one, you'll want to sign up for another :)

    Perfect!! ESPECIALLY #7!! I just did my 1st on the 12th and I've already gone through the calendar for the next few months and I can race every other weekend for the next 2 to 3 months, and do 2 "virtual " ones, if I choose! lol

    I might also add
    8) Show up early enough to make sure you know where to park, register, get your bib, warm up, calm your nerves etc.
    9) Don't get intimidated by the "professionalism" of others. Stick to your plan and abilities. (but still pick up pointers!)
    10) If you use music/running app, make sure they are keyed up and ready to go, so when the race starts, they do! (I was unprepared, and was running & trying to get them keyed up!) I ran a good part of the way with only 1 earbud in, & other people encouraging each other helped me, too. (I train solo, and was there solo)

    11) Be prepared for emotions at the end of the race. After my race, I had to walk away from people to compose myself for a few minutes because of the tears. I don't know about you, but for a prior non-athletic person like me - I only started running in July! - this was a huge goal for me, so to accomplish it, well...very emotional!

    Be proud of yourself! Keep running and you can do this!!!!!!!!! Let us know how you did.
  • jaysull21
    1) Don't wear or try anything new
    2) Eat/Drink whatever you normally do for a training run
    3) Have fun!
    4) Line yourself up in the starting line according to your pace - fast in the front, slower in the back.
    5) If you need to walk during the race, move to the right. You will get run over or hurt someone if you stop in the middle
    6) Use the bathroom before you get to the starting line.
    7) Get ready to get the race bug - once you do one, you'll want to sign up for another :)

    Wow, you pretty much nailed it! Nicely Done! :smile:

    I might add , try not to go too fast in the beginning. Gotta pace yourself.
  • mjpTennis
    mjpTennis Posts: 6,165 Member
    Preregister the day before if you can, get there early and stick to your routine, not what others are doing.

    Have fun....and start slow

    Oh yeah....start slow

    Have fun and start slow. Save the adrenaline rush for the end.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    What do you do with your water bottle? I know it sounds like a silly question, but do you carry it, strap it to you somehow or what?

    You shouldn't need water for short races, but most 5ks have a water station about half way.
  • sm_usagi
    sm_usagi Posts: 89 Member
    The toilet one is important, as is arriving early! Try to pick up what you can the day before, if possible. And DON'T wear the race tshirt to the race itself. Apparently that's a rookie mistake *looks ashamed*.

    One thing I read when I was preparing for my first that I followed on the day was to deliberately run the first mile slow - the adrenaline and everyone running around you will make you want to speed up! Then run the second mile (there are mile markers) at a more medium speed. Then when you get to the third mile - go for it. One strategy in the last mile is to choose someone ahead of you and try to reel them in!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    You will have a great time! Before I ran my first 5k, I found this topic to be very informative and helpful in calming my first race jitters!'re+about

    He covers everything from a 5k to a full marathon - great info, check it out. And good luck with your race!
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    Remember that the competition is only with yourself. You are running for you, not to beat everyone else.