Diet Mtn Dew & Monster "Zero Cal/Sugar Ultra"

So I want to know if these are damaging my weight loss effort?

I drink like one (Diet Mtn Dew or Monster Zero) maybe every other day. I do not feel they make me any hungrier, and I know I am not over eating. I am under eating, and have no appetite to eat more at the moment. Two eggs and two pieces of bacon, and a glass of water stuffed me this morning. I may have one of these drinks tonight with a few pieces of boars head turkey and some muenster cheese. Lunch is still up in the air.




  • getlost13
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Lack of sleep can damage your weight loss effort.
  • getlost13
    Thanks for the input! I do sleep well every night luckily.

    Any other issues with it?
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    Be prepared - there are a lot of sugar-haters here, including (and maybe especially) artificial sugars.

    Me? I love my Diet Coke. Especially the first one in the morning!

    There is some evidence that with artificial sweeteners the body thinks it's getting sugar but when it doesn't the cravings kick in. I haven't found that to be the case but everyone is different.

    If it doesn't make you hungry and it doesn't make you crave real sugar or more artificial sugar (and therefore calories) then go for it.
  • getlost13

    No it doesn't make me hungry, but I drink it with a meal. Otherwise I am drinking water.

    Then again either way it is about self control.

    If I drink a Diet Coke, and I want a jelly donut I don't put said donut into my mouth.
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    in b4 fear mongering
  • Akeeler90
    I gained all my weight mostly from mt. dew. I went from 135 to 165 in a few months. When I tried to get off it I cut the habit and went straight to water and I didn't lose any weight (despite people left and right telling me i'd lose 20 lbs just by cutting it). When I sat down and analyzed my diet I realized i ate very little but chugged dew before i dropped it, but now i crave sugar in such ridiculous amounts. So no i have gone to diet mt. dew and im back to eating very little. STILL drink a lot of water but have one or two glasses of diet dew a day and NO MORE MUNCHIES!!! I think the trick is knowing that it is still a gateway to sugar addiction and allotting yourself whats needed to curb the cravings rather than go excesss. When i go out to eat i still drink water, ect... i doont just order diet dew because its available. Just my expierence...
  • SailorDeer
    SailorDeer Posts: 2 Member
    They are not damaging to weight loss because they are diet drinks and therefore 0 calories! (or 10 cal in a 20oz bottle of Dt Dew, which is still almost nothing) I was able to lose weight easier because I used to drink regular pop but when I switched to diet, I can have as much as I want and still be a caffeine addict with none of the calories, haha. It has in no way hindered my weight loss, only helped. :)
  • getlost13
    Thanks for the awesome responses.

    Naysayers I would be happy to hear your advice if there are any out there.
  • swhiteism
    swhiteism Posts: 71 Member
    I drink Diet Pepsi every now and then and it's not a problem for me. I don't really have a sweet tooth, though, so I never really crave donuts or candy and having a diet soda isn't going to suddenly make me want something like that. I drink Diet Pepsi because I do crave soda at times.
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    I drink 2l of pepsi max a day. I've lost 40kg, so no it doesn't hamper weightloss.
  • getlost13
    I drink 2l of pepsi max a day. I've lost 40kg, so no it doesn't hamper weightloss.

  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Caffeine can actually help in losing weight.. Diet pepsi will pretty much not make a difference, other than the sodium. Sodium will allow for water retention, but you can simply up your potassium to counter it..

    There are rumours that diet drinks give the body cravings of the 'real thing' .. real thing being sugar, but I personally call it a BS excuse for those who are just bad at controlling their will power
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    I drink 2l of pepsi max a day. I've lost 40kg, so no it doesn't hamper weightloss.


    Yep. Diabetic and it's my one thing I can have without issue. Don't drink tea or coffee just Pepsi max and water
  • getlost13
    Well that isn't too shabby then!
  • Akeeler90
    @Tyronne, i think yoru quite right in that assumption. When i switched to diet, almost everyone told me that it was worse than regular. I read some online articles which seemed to be, and i put this nicely as possible "written by yahoo" meaning it seemed more mumbo jumbo, and less actual facts. My thoughts are that if your gonna drink diet and continue eating terrible things its not gonna help at all. I think most people use the excuse "its just as bad" to justify drinking regular sodas.
  • emilyisbonkers
    emilyisbonkers Posts: 373 Member
    you shouldnt have an issue, in fact the caffiene will probably help suppress appetite