Being dieting and exercising for 2 months with no results.

Hi guys,

I started around last april @ 201 lb and was down to 188 by end of july and then I got into an accident and had to change my diet and wasn't able to exercise for a month. I shot back up to 201lb. I started back up in late Aug early September and I've been at it since with no weight loss or body fat loss. I weigh myself every sunday morning and take a body fat measurement. I've been at 201lb and 17 percent body fat since September.

What is going on? What am I doing wrong. I left my diary open for you guys to check out...

I heard that going on a all you can eat diet for a couple of days and then starving for a couple of days then going to a normal diet will shock my system back to getting on track.

I'm annoyed because I was so close to my 175lb goal and now I 10 steps back.


  • have you been tracking food properly? theres alot of empty space there. and the things you have logged are mostly junk or high fat.

    try eating more lean proteins and regularly throughout the day instead of starving yourself and having one meal
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    what you eat and how you eat doesn't look so good, try to eat small meals regularly and like nikkiclaire said, eat more lean and clean food :)
  • candiceh3
    candiceh3 Posts: 379 Member
    How many cals are you eating per day?
  • oh sorry I forgot to mention there are a couple of days that I didn't log in.

    I try to stay net calories around 1200-1500
  • candiceh3
    candiceh3 Posts: 379 Member
    Are you exercising?

    Something isn't adding up here.
  • yes at least 45 min 5 times a week. 3 days out of the week I burn around 500 calories and 2 days out of the week I burn around 400

    Also forgot to mention for the past week I started the " eat everything method" to shock my body. Thats why you guys see lots of junk
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    Weigh, measure and log everything you eat. Eat back your exercise calories and eat all of the calories MFP allocates. That will get you back on track.
  • RPric1
    RPric1 Posts: 11
    I'm not getting the results the formula says I will, however, I am getting results in my habits. I'm not going to bed full like I used to. I faithfully log in every day and am as honest as I can be about portions. Healthy habits are more important than the "numbers" .
  • Well thanks everyone, starting monday I'm going to start a new much cleaner diet and see how that goes.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Hi guys,

    I started around last april @ 201 lb and was down to 188 by end of july and then I got into an accident and had to change my diet and wasn't able to exercise for a month. I shot back up to 201lb. I started back up in late Aug early September and I've been at it since with no weight loss or body fat loss. I weigh myself every sunday morning and take a body fat measurement. I've been at 201lb and 17 percent body fat since September.

    What is going on? What am I doing wrong. I left my diary open for you guys to check out...

    I heard that going on a all you can eat diet for a couple of days and then starving for a couple of days then going to a normal diet will shock my system back to getting on track.

    I'm annoyed because I was so close to my 175lb goal and now I 10 steps back.

    I am not even asking why you only eat junk, why you don't log regularly , why you skip meals, why there are too may " quick calories " ( as high as 2000....nothing you eat is exactly 2000 calories ) or why you only eat 1500 calories, but often stay under ?
    I think you are eating more than you log and would like to suggest that you do what needs to be done in earnest, because otherwise you are cheating yourself and wasting your time and energy.
    Decide on an appropriate calorie deficit, weigh & measure all your food. If you eat are varied diet consisting of all kind of foods ( including some vegetables and some decent protein ) and log everything faithfully, I bet you will be successful.
    Good Luck !
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    yes at least 45 min 5 times a week. 3 days out of the week I burn around 500 calories and 2 days out of the week I burn around 400

    Also forgot to mention for the past week I started the " eat everything method" to shock my body. Thats why you guys see lots of junk

    With all due respect, please don't fool yourself. I went back until Sept. 1st in your diary and you live basically of Subway, Pollo Loco and Walmart sandwiches with the occasional steak accompanied by lots of processed food ( Mac& Cheese, chips and Uncle Ben's rice , which btw. has more calories than you logged ) with not a vegetable in sight.
    As I said earlier; get real, get honest with yourself do the whole thing right and you will see success.
  • cmsmj1
    cmsmj1 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi guys,

    I started around last april @ 201 lb and was down to 188 by end of july and then I got into an accident and had to change my diet and wasn't able to exercise for a month. I shot back up to 201lb. I started back up in late Aug early September and I've been at it since with no weight loss or body fat loss. I weigh myself every sunday morning and take a body fat measurement. I've been at 201lb and 17 percent body fat since September.

    What is going on? What am I doing wrong. I left my diary open for you guys to check out...

    I heard that going on a all you can eat diet for a couple of days and then starving for a couple of days then going to a normal diet will shock my system back to getting on track.

    I'm annoyed because I was so close to my 175lb goal and now I 10 steps back.

    I am not even asking why you only eat junk, why you don't log regularly , why you skip meals, why there are too may " quick calories " ( as high as 2000....nothing you eat is exactly 2000 calories ) or why you only eat 1500 calories, but often stay under ?
    I think you are eating more than you log and would like to suggest that you do what needs to be done in earnest, because otherwise you are cheating yourself and wasting your time and energy.
    Decide on an appropriate calorie deficit, weight & measure all your food. If you eat are varied diet consisting of all kind of foods ( including some vegetables and some decent protein ) and log everything faithfully, I bet you will be successful.
    Good Luck !
    ^^ Hits the nail on the head.

    I had a quick look and my first impressions were that you eat a lot of convenience foods. subways and so on - sod that.

    not sure my diary is open, if it is, have a look, if not, let me know and I;'ll sort it - I have gone from 15st7 to 12st10 since March and that is by being anal about logging everything.

    I had some days where I blew my quota, not a problem.

    I also realised that MFP calories from excercise were pretty inaccruate - so I got a HRM and use that instead.
  • How do you guys feel about a " cheat meal " Once a week? I heard it's ok and even recommended ...
  • Hi guys,

    I started around last april @ 201 lb and was down to 188 by end of july and then I got into an accident and had to change my diet and wasn't able to exercise for a month. I shot back up to 201lb. I started back up in late Aug early September and I've been at it since with no weight loss or body fat loss. I weigh myself every sunday morning and take a body fat measurement. I've been at 201lb and 17 percent body fat since September.

    What is going on? What am I doing wrong. I left my diary open for you guys to check out...

    I heard that going on a all you can eat diet for a couple of days and then starving for a couple of days then going to a normal diet will shock my system back to getting on track.

    I'm annoyed because I was so close to my 175lb goal and now I 10 steps back.

    I am not even asking why you only eat junk, why you don't log regularly , why you skip meals, why there are too may " quick calories " ( as high as 2000....nothing you eat is exactly 2000 calories ) or why you only eat 1500 calories, but often stay under ?
    I think you are eating more than you log and would like to suggest that you do what needs to be done in earnest, because otherwise you are cheating yourself and wasting your time and energy.
    Decide on an appropriate calorie deficit, weight & measure all your food. If you eat are varied diet consisting of all kind of foods ( including some vegetables and some decent protein ) and log everything faithfully, I bet you will be successful.
    Good Luck !
    ^^ Hits the nail on the head.

    I had a quick look and my first impressions were that you eat a lot of convenience foods. subways and so on - sod that.

    not sure my diary is open, if it is, have a look, if not, let me know and I;'ll sort it - I have gone from 15st7 to 12st10 since March and that is by being anal about logging everything.

    I had some days where I blew my quota, not a problem.

    I also realised that MFP calories from excercise were pretty inaccruate - so I got a HRM and use that instead.

    Cmsmj1's, it's not open. Would like to take a look.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    How do you guys feel about a " cheat meal " Once a week? I heard it's ok and even recommended ...

    You can find cleaner and healthier versions of so called cheat meals, just have to get your hands dirty and research recipes.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    oh sorry I forgot to mention there are a couple of days that I didn't log in.

    I try to stay net calories around 1200-1500

    Not sure why a 24 year old male would even TRY to exist on 1200 to 1500 calories. My best guess is, as others have said, you are seriously underestimating what you are eating. And stop listening to garbage talk.
  • Idka81
    Idka81 Posts: 42
    1,500 calories seems very little for a guy who works out 5 days a week! I eat around 1,900 per day at a 15% cut (from my TDEE) to get leaner. Weigh and log everything you eat, preferably before you actually eat it, - religiously. Don't guess your calories - measure them. Stop eating all the processed junk you eat (it generally has little nutritional value and tons of sodium and fat), and focus on simple, real food like veggies, lean proteins and whole grains. Log every little thing you eat to accurately gauge your intake. Figure out what your BMR is then your TDEE and don't rely on MFP's calories it suggests for exercise. Factor your exercise into your TDEE instead of using numbers that MFP gives you for your activities. Lift weights. This shall do the trick.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Start by logging consistently and accurately. Invest in a food scale and weigh all of your portions.

    Convenience/Fast food is okay every once in a while, as long as you work it into your goal, but it should not be an everyday thing. Doing a cheat meal/day once a week, while I can understand it in some points, could end up blowing your entire weekly deficit if you don't moderate/track it/make better decisions. It all boils down to you. You need to be honest with yourself, work hard, have diligence and patience, and sheer willpower.

    That being said, the recommended minimum for men is 1800 calories. You should be eating at least that, plus your exercise calories (invest in a HRM for your caloric burns, it's more accurate than the machines/MFP, though still an estimate). Work in some lean proteins and fiber to keep you fuller for longer. Eat vegetables and fruits. And then fill in the gaps with the stuff you like. Make this a lifestyle change and not a diet.
  • Idka81
    Idka81 Posts: 42
    Just like everything else, cheat meals have to be planned. Unfortunately people turn entire weekends into cheat meals, especially if they work out, thinking that working out allots them this luxury. If you're not logging or eating properly, you're wasting your time. A single cheat meal i.e. an evening out at some major restaurant can easily set you back anywhere from 1,000 to 4,000 calories. If you're going to cheat, do so sensibly like 1 maybe 2 slices of pizza and a beer. Not a six pack and a half a pizza.
  • well the reason why i'm only eating 1500 is because that is what my fitness pal recommended. when I lost all that weight around july, I was eating around 1700-1800...

    I found it strange, after I update my measurements and weight, that fitness pal told me to intake a lot less...