For Real This Time

Weight has been a lifetime battle for me. I've been on all kinds of diets since I was in grade school. A couple of years ago, I just decided to give up! I hated "dieting" and every time I worked out, I ended up hurting myself. Which of course meant I gained even more weight and ended up more miserable. So, out of the blue, I called my old trainer and told him I needed to get back to it. That the last time I was happy was when I was working out with him. So I scheduled my training times with him and showed up for my first session (last Wednesday) and he asked me what my goals were. I thought they were just to work out with him twice a week and maybe go to the gym and get on the treadmill another day or two during the week. Nothing lofty. Just get active. Those were not the words that came out of my mouth. I went on and on about how I really just wanted to finally get fit. I wanted to look good and feel good. The next thing I know, I've logged back into my old MFP account and started logging food. Then I ordered a Fitbit and I am back at it! Down 6.5 pounds in my first week, so I am definitely feeling motivated! If anyone needs friends for a long journey, please feel free to add me. I have 160 pounds to lose total, and I will be sticking around this time.


  • Sarahnade42x
    Sarahnade42x Posts: 308 Member
    So proud of you for getting back on track and starting strong with over 6 pounds in a week, wow! Whenever you lose your drive, you should come back and reread your post and think about that success. This is the time you lose the weight for good.

    Also, good call getting the Fitbit; that's one of my big motivators to keep moving even on days I don't do an official workout. Keep it up! :)
  • mom2fabfive
    mom2fabfive Posts: 207 Member
    Yay! Don't think of it as a diet but rather a lifestyle change. Diets never work but making improvements each day will add up and before you know it you have developed healthy habits. Feel free to add me if you want some extra support.
  • weaving2fast
    weaving2fast Posts: 64 Member
    You're doing great. I'm interested in getting a Fitbit too. I'm looking into it. Long journeys can be fun. Day by day we all get healthier.
  • abellkl
    abellkl Posts: 7 Member
    I had a Fitbit before. I loved it. Then I washed it. I am pretty excited that it is now water resistant and is a band that goes on your wrist instead of a little contraption you have to find a place to securely clip...and then remember to take off before you put your clothes in the washer! The new model ships in 3-4 weeks. I've already ordered and cannot wait for it to get here!
  • abellkl
    abellkl Posts: 7 Member
    I really am trying to look at it that way this time. I am currently taking a hiatus from eating out, at all, but after the first chunk of weight comes off, I know I'll need to build a little more flexibility back in to my eating. I'm looking forward to this journey for the first time ever. It's a challenge and I love a good challenge. And it's nice to have lots of support!
  • oc1timoco
    oc1timoco Posts: 272 Member
    Good for you and I wish you all the best. If I may, not trying to steal your thunder. I lost 165 lbs. in 10 months and even though I'm very happy with that, I lost it too fast. Also the only exercise I did was walking. To this day I deal with loose skin. I'm progressing but slowly. Do more than cardio and don't loose it too fast. Perhaps you already do that, but for me to share any success that I may have had would be disingenuous. I must share where I have failed as well, if it can help at all. Go forward, get fit and be happy.
  • Samuraiko
    Samuraiko Posts: 180 Member
    I've not used the Fitbit before but I keep hearing about it... debating if I should get one for myself.

    And go you for getting back in the swing of things. :)