Cooking Challenge: Chickpeas



  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    NAME OF RECIPE: Moroccan Rice Stew
    * Inspired by a recipe off of ( - I changed an eliminated ingredients due to preference and availability in my pantry.

    1/2 cup of uncooked brown rice (makes 1.5 cups cooked)
    1 yellow onion, chopped finely
    3 garlic cloves, crushed *** I think the crushed garlic is kinda weird, I would chop it so you don't end up eating a big piece of it!
    28 ounces chopped tomatoes, from a can
    1.5 teaspoons cinnamon
    2 teaspoons ground cumin
    1 teaspoon curry powder
    < .25 teaspoons ginger
    1 pinch salt
    1 pinch black pepper
    10 ounces chickpeas, from a can, drained and rinsed

    1) Start cooking rice according to instructions
    2) Meanwhile, heat a non-stick pan and spray with low fat cooking spray.
    3) Add the onions and garlic and sautee until they start to get soft
    4)Add the tomatoes, cinnamon, cumin, curry powder, ginger and salt and pepper and lightly simmer for about 8 minutes stirring frequently.
    5) Stir in the chickpeas and heat just long enough to cook through, about 3 minutes.
    7) Add in cooked rice and stir to make sure it is coated in sauce. Simmer for a few minutes to allow rice to absorb stew flavor.

    Prep: 5 min
    Cook: 20-30 min

    Calories (188) Carbs (38) Fat (1) Protein (5) Vit A (20) Fiber (5)

    5 big servings

    I LOVE North African/Moroccan Food. That being said, this dish is hearty, filling, and I think it is delicious! Can absolutely taste a variety of flavors (although me, spice nut that I am want even more next time!). The flavor is very deep and savory (with a hint of sweet from the cinnamon), not hot spicy at all - though I think it would be WONDERFUL hot if I could figure out what sort of spices would help with that. I'm really happy with this recipe, but I need to give a serving or two to my roommate - because it makes a lot (and I eat a smaller serving size than average to begin with) and also, I want an opinion!

    PICTURE (optional): Never added pics before - let's see if this works!

    YUM! Here's your pictures:

  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Smoked Salmon Salad (easy and elegant)

    1 cup of uncooked Jasmine Rice (prepare as instructed)
    9 oz of smoked salmon (I buy the tips because they are already chopped up)
    1/2 Red onion finely diced
    1 can of chickpeas - rinsed
    1 bunch of cilantro chopped
    1/4 cup of Mirin
    Salt and pepper to taste
    1 bag of baby spinach (washed)

    Prepare rice per instructions. Let cool to room temp. Meanwhile prep all ingredients.
    Place spinach on plate, top with salad. 1 cup of uncooked Jasmine Rice (prepare as instructed).

    If someone can tell me how to add a photo I will be happy to!!

    Per Serving: 254 calories - 40g carbs -3g fat -15g protein 697 mg sodium
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member

    YUM! Here's your pictures:

    I was going to ask: How did you do that!! But now I see the [img][/img] coding in the reply box - good to know for later :smile: Thanks!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    stuartme123 - looks SUPER delicious! similar to the dish I made but with Moroccan flavours instead of Indian ones :) Oh and the rice! haha But it looks tasty. I'd definitely bump up the spices (apart from the cinnamon) and try to add some heat, though. Great recipe!
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    stuartme123 - looks SUPER delicious! similar to the dish I made but with Moroccan flavours instead of Indian ones :) Oh and the rice! haha But it looks tasty. I'd definitely bump up the spices (apart from the cinnamon) and try to add some heat, though. Great recipe!

    THANKS :happy: I made my roommate try it, and she said that it seemed really well made, she just doesn't like that sort of cooking - so I'm taking positive feedback from wherever it comes! Peeked at your recipe, and it looks pretty tasty too (I LOVE Indian flavoring). Also, I've been looking for garam masala and can't find it in my normal grocery stores - do you remember where you picked yours up?

    Having just eaten leftovers for lunch, I would definitely alter the spice combo a little. The cinnamon (which I backed off of from the original recipe!) is more noticeable in the leftovers - so I would suggest cutting it to 1tbsp or less. Definitely plan on increasing the spices, and I really want to try it with some heat (maybe some paprika ought to do the trick - and I can never get enough cumin).
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    THANKS :happy: I made my roommate try it, and she said that it seemed really well made, she just doesn't like that sort of cooking - so I'm taking positive feedback from wherever it comes! Peeked at your recipe, and it looks pretty tasty too (I LOVE Indian flavoring). Also, I've been looking for garam masala and can't find it in my normal grocery stores - do you remember where you picked yours up?
    You can find garam masala everywhere up here - all grocery stores and bulk food stores carry it. Try any ethnic market or whole foods type store. They may carry it there. You can also make your own. Here's a recipe: A quick google search and you'll find other versions of it. Good luck!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    This is edinat's entry:

    -1 can of chickpeas
    -1-2 tablespoons tahini ( its sesame paste)
    -1-2 tablespoons fat free plain yogurt
    -1-2 teaspoons of garlic paste-or u can use fresh garlic
    - lemon juice (i squeeze a fresh lemon)
    -1 tablespoon olive oil
    -red paprika

    Drain the chickpeas- i also wash them to get as much sodium out as possible, add them to a blender or food processing machine that you have, then add the tahini, yogurt, garlic, and the lemon juice, depending on how ur like it to taste, u can add half lemon if you dont like the lemony taste, add 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil. Blend everything for 1-2 minutes, then spread it with a spatula on your plate, sprinkle with parsley, and paprika, and 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil. You can add more olive oil for better taste but i try to use as little as possible. Enjoy :)

  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    NAME OF RECIPE: Fragrant Chickpea Stew (source:

    1/2 tbsp canola oil
    1/2 tsp cumin seeds
    3 1/4 oz gold yukon potato, in chunks
    1/2 red onion, diced
    3 cloves garlic
    1/2 tbsp coriander seeds
    1/2 cup water
    4 1/2 oz garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
    1/4 tsp salt
    1/4 tsp ground black pepper
    1/4 can petite diced tomatoes
    1/2 cup cooked Jasmine rice

    1. Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Cook cumin seeds for 10 seconds. Add the onion and garlic and cook until the onion becomes transluscent. Add coriander and stir in. Cook for 20 seconds. Stir in water, potato, garbanzo beans, salt, and pepper. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat and cover, simmering for 20 minutes.

    2. Add tomato and increase heat. Cook for 2 or 3 more minutes.

    3. Serve over Jasmine rice.

    Calories: 230
    Fat: 5
    Protein: 6
    Sodium: 378


    OPINIONS ON HOW IT TASTED, ETC: The title for this dish is appropriate. It was extremely fragrant. What bothered me though was that the spices called for cumin and coriander seeds. It was bizarre getting chunks of seed in my mouth. I would have preferred this with the ground counterpart.

    PICTURE (optional):
  • squishyfishy
    That hummus looks fab, never made my own but will give it a go now.
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    The hummus and stew look YUMMY! Good thing I'm eating breakfast, or they would've made me hungry :)
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Smoked Salmon Salad (easy and elegant)

    1 cup of uncooked Jasmine Rice (prepare as instructed)
    9 oz of smoked salmon (I buy the tips because they are already chopped up)
    1/2 Red onion finely diced
    1 can of chickpeas - rinsed
    1 bunch of cilantro chopped
    1/4 cup of Mirin
    Salt and pepper to taste
    1 bag of baby spinach (washed)

    Prepare rice per instructions. Let cool to room temp. Meanwhile prep all ingredients.
    Place spinach on plate, top with salad. 1 cup of uncooked Jasmine Rice (prepare as instructed).

    If someone can tell me how to add a photo I will be happy to!!

    Per Serving: 254 calories - 40g carbs -3g fat -15g protein 697 mg sodium

    If you make an account on you can upload the picture there. Then you take the link to the picture and in the message boards you type this:

    [ img ]AND PUT THE LINK HERE[ /img ]

    Take out all the spaces between the brackets because otherwise it won't work.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Hey you guys!
    I just wanted to remind everyone that there's about 9 hours left until we start voting on which chickpea dish is the best as well as the beginning of a new cooking challenge! If you have cooked something this week with chickpeas, don't forget to let us see it here!

    The voting on the best chickpea dish will go until Wednesday 5PM PST. The winner of this challenge will get to pick the next challenge ingredient (or theme even!).

    I'll post again later with information on HOW to vote.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Smoked Salmon Salad (easy and elegant)
    Serves 4

    1 cup of uncooked Jasmine Rice (prepare as instructed)
    9 oz of smoked salmon (I buy the tips because they are already chopped up)
    1/2 Red onion finely diced
    1 can of chickpeas - rinsed
    1 bunch of cilantro chopped
    1/4 cup of Mirin
    Salt and pepper to taste
    1 bag of baby spinach (washed)

    Prepare rice per instructions. Let cool to room temp. Meanwhile prep all ingredients.
    Place spinach on plate, top with salad. 1 cup of uncooked Jasmine Rice (prepare as instructed).

    If someone can tell me how to add a photo I will be happy to!!

    Per Serving: 254 calories - 40g carbs -3g fat -15g protein 697 mg sodium


    Well, there is the link... I seem to be retarded when it comes to figuring out how to post the photo.

    [img]<table border="0" width="200" style="border: none; font-family: Myriad, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;"><tr><td colspan="2" style="border: none;"><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" allowNetworking="all" src="; width="200" height="150"/></td></tr><tr valign="middle"><td align="left" style="border: none;"><img border="0" src=""/></td><td align="right" style="vertical-align: middle; border: none;"><a href="; style="vertical-align: middle; text-weight:bold; color: #0000CC; text-decoration: none;" target="_blank"><img border="0" src=""/></a></td></tr></table>[/img]
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    OK I officially give up on trying to insert the photo... I have tried every code and or [ img ] etc and it just doesnt seem to be working for me.  The photo is pretty if you take a look at it..  THere is also a photo of it in my profile.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    No worries. It just needs to be all lowercase. This is the picture for the smoked salmon salad:

  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
  • Sparklewolfie
    oh that looks delicious! I have been unable to find chickpeas of any sort (dried or canned!) here, so I cannot do this challenge :(
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    So now it's time to vote for the winner of the best chickpea dish!

    Judge on:
    - What dish you'd prefer to eat
    - If there was a picture, did it make you want to try the dish
    - What was most innovative
    - And any other criteria you feel are important in determining which dish is the best
    - Please don't vote for your own dish, but you can encourage others to come and vote as well! You can vote whether you participated in the challenge or not.

    To vote, I have posted a poll here:

    Go through this post and then go to the poll and vote for the dish you think is the best. On Wednesday I will announce a winner and ask the winner to give the ingredient or theme or ANYTHING for the challenge starting next Saturday.

    The next cooking challenge will be going up shortly.
  • squishyfishy
    I couldn't get my photo on either so I've added it to my profile. I forgot all about taking a photo so its only a picture of my husbands bowl he was eating for tea.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I just want to remind everyone to vote here: by tomorrow night at 5PM PST! The winner will then be announced and get to choose the next ingredient