Abs daily or not?



  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    I do heavy cable crunches, 2x week.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    I have also wondered about working muscles every day. I am new to lifting, so I wonder about more than abs. I have heard both sides, rest/don't rest and it's all very confusing. I think it comes down to what works for you personally. I feel like my abs are getting a better work out when I do different core work on a ball than I do with just crunches. I rest becuase I need to in order to get other things done in my daily life. I still have a long way to go, but hopefully something will click! And for you as well :)

    Lot's of great advice even if it is all confusing. And for the record. Gnosis and elka, you BOTH look great :flowerforyou:
  • I have also wondered about working muscles every day. I am new to lifting, so I wonder about more than abs. I have heard both sides, rest/don't rest and it's all very confusing. I think it comes down to what works for you personally. I feel like my abs are getting a better work out when I do different core work on a ball than I do with just crunches. I rest becuase I need to in order to get other things done in my daily life. I still have a long way to go, but hopefully something will click! And for you as well :)

    Lot's of great advice even if it is all confusing. And for the record. Gnosis and elka, you BOTH look great :flowerforyou:

    Aw, thanks darlin :) I think he looks great, too. I was never trying to hate on the guy. I get it, though, people have bad days and get frustrated. No harm done.
  • elkahallick
    elkahallick Posts: 1,138 Member

    I am saying BS... There is no such thing as over training in my book, rest when you NEED rest don't just rest because its a certain day... I have done legs 3x a week for the last few months and you know what? My power numbers have gone up!

    3 days in a row?
    Curious.... how do your abs look?

    Damn good

    Every other day, but that's heavy weight 8-12reps on light days, 8 down to 1 rep max on power days..... Abs are high reps, there are days that I have nothing left for abs and I will skip, but theres no reason you cant work your core a every day if you wanted.. Its not like I do ten different core workouts, 1-2 4 sets....

    Damn good? Prove it...
  • elkahallick
    elkahallick Posts: 1,138 Member
    You should never work any muscle everyday. Muscles need time to recover, and when they recover is when they grow, not when you're working them.

    In addition to the Compound Lifting I do, I try to hit abs x2 a week for usually 15 minutes or so.

    Curious.... how do your abs look?

    My abs look pretty good and all I do is compound lifts. I've literally never done sit-ups seriously in my life.

    No offense, but your abs don't look that great, flat and no definition, they are just there cause you are skinny...

    Your girlfriend disagrees :) Nah but seriously, you're entitled to your opinion. It's pretty clear we're into fitness for different reasons. Aesthetics and getting huge are not a priority for me.

    If you didn't look 17 I would threaten to slap the **** out of you for saying that... For me it is all around fitness, I am not a meat head by all means like you've hinted that I may be, I will run a mud run, do a 5k, play sand volleyball or run with the basketball team I coach, but yeah maybe or reasons are different, I workout cause I enjoy it and like pushing my body while living healthy and its just a bonus if people can tell because my aesthetics , you probably just sign up at the gym for the free t shirt and water bottle....

    If you threatened to slap the **** out of me, I'd laugh really hard. I would choke you out in 30 seconds flat. Lifting weights just makes you feel tough, brotha. It doesn't actually make you tough. It makes you strong. There's a difference.
    Anyway, I wish you the best on your journey and hope you lighten up.

    I wouldn't question a strangers toughness..... I actually think we would get along great in person.. Lol
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    I have also wondered about working muscles every day. I am new to lifting, so I wonder about more than abs. I have heard both sides, rest/don't rest and it's all very confusing. I think it comes down to what works for you personally. I feel like my abs are getting a better work out when I do different core work on a ball than I do with just crunches. I rest becuase I need to in order to get other things done in my daily life. I still have a long way to go, but hopefully something will click! And for you as well :)

    Lot's of great advice even if it is all confusing. And for the record. Gnosis and elka, you BOTH look great :flowerforyou:

    About advice... you're going to find that a lot of people give you advice on a lot of things. One person says do 1000 crunches while someone like me says hit your abs twice a week with weighted cable crunches.

    You'll find that most people who use extreme examples are just lucky that they got their results, and were probably overworking to get the same results. Focus on doing what you need to get done, and anything that sounds like too much, too fast, or too miraculous is pretty much bs, even if doing it will *eventually* get you some results.

    I have heard some of the dumbest things come out of the mouths of some of the fittest people who do them. Stick to the basics, and make sure you can always explain "why" you're doing something as part of your routine, not just because someone told you so.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member

    Every other day, but that's heavy weight 8-12reps on light days, 8 down to 1 rep max on power days..... Abs are high reps, there are days that I have nothing left for abs and I will skip, but theres no reason you cant work your core a every day if you wanted.. Its not like I do ten different core workouts, 1-2 4 sets....

    Right - EVERY OTHER DAY not EVERY day. Go back and read my original post.

    If you work your core with weights/low reps (as I do) + Compound lifts it would be idiotic to do them everyday...
    Damn good? Prove it...

    If it's really that important to you, PM me your email and I'll take a picture when I get a chance.
  • elkahallick
    elkahallick Posts: 1,138 Member
    I have also wondered about working muscles every day. I am new to lifting, so I wonder about more than abs. I have heard both sides, rest/don't rest and it's all very confusing. I think it comes down to what works for you personally. I feel like my abs are getting a better work out when I do different core work on a ball than I do with just crunches. I rest becuase I need to in order to get other things done in my daily life. I still have a long way to go, but hopefully something will click! And for you as well :)

    Lot's of great advice even if it is all confusing. And for the record. Gnosis and elka, you BOTH look great :flowerforyou:

    I get it, though, people have bad days and get frustrated.
    Not a bad day, you just made an assumption that I am just about aesthetics... I returned fire... I agree no harm done just a little banter back and forth
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    Abs are high reps, there are days that I have nothing left for abs and I will skip, but theres no reason you cant work your core a every day if you wanted.
    Damn good? Prove it...

    what kind of ab work are you talking about?

    because there is ab stuff to train for- and then there is just mindlessly doing crunches... I personally think there is a difference.

    but more importantly- why would you want to work them every day??
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    once a week for me ..I combine ab work with my HIIT session...about 30 minutes of abs and 15 minutes of HIIT..HIIT is first...(the 15 minutes of HIIT includes warm up and rest periods, it is not 15 minutes straight HIIT LOL)
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    there is alot of misinformation on this thread. of course u can the same muscles everyday. maybe not with 100% intensity every time. if u r happy with ur abs just keep doin what u r doin. if u r not satisfied work them more.
  • I have also wondered about working muscles every day. I am new to lifting, so I wonder about more than abs. I have heard both sides, rest/don't rest and it's all very confusing. I think it comes down to what works for you personally. I feel like my abs are getting a better work out when I do different core work on a ball than I do with just crunches. I rest becuase I need to in order to get other things done in my daily life. I still have a long way to go, but hopefully something will click! And for you as well :)

    Lot's of great advice even if it is all confusing. And for the record. Gnosis and elka, you BOTH look great :flowerforyou:

    I get it, though, people have bad days and get frustrated.
    Not a bad day, you just made an assumption that I am just about aesthetics... I returned fire... I agree no harm done just a little banter back and forth

    I only made that assumption because you look like a bodybuilder :P It wasn't meant to be an insult. Just goes to show you how things can be interpreted in all kinds of different ways. There's nothing wrong with training for aesthetics, imo. But hey I agree, I think we'd get along, and I'm glad we've cleared things up.

    Anyway, in regards to the abs daily thing, I think it's safe to say that it really boils down to personal opinion. Fitness is like anything else, you'll learn the most through trial and error. So I say try abs every day for 3-4 months and then try abs every other day for 3-4 months and see which one works best for you. Like I said, I personally don't do any isolation ab work at all, and I'm happy with my definition.
  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    I do a dedicated ab workout once per week. That said, all my other workouts train abs indirectly... Pull-ups, push-ups, dead-lifts, squats, ring work, farmers walks and on and on. Sometimes I'll throw a plank in-between sets for some active recovery as well.
  • elkahallick
    elkahallick Posts: 1,138 Member
    I don't do just ab crunches ab crunches, I will do one exercise maybe two at the end of my workouts.... Lets say Monday I will do hanging straight leg raises, 5 sets of 12-15.. Tuesday I will do bicycle kicks while on a bosu 5 sets till it burns too much, Wednesday 5 sets of 3-4 minute planks, Thursday I will lay reverse on incline sit up bench and bring feet up vertical 5 sets 15-20 reps (not sure what that's called), Friday I will maybe use the crunch machine 4 sets at determined weight... Now to address your comment about not doing legs everyday..

    I could if I did it like I do my abs.. Monday I could squat, Tuesday I could straight leg deadlift, Wednesday I could Hack squat, Thursday I could do calves, Friday I could do hip sled....

    No I am not seding you my email, you can post it on this thread or pm me..... I actually do believe you and commend you if they are good, in reality I know and you know everyone is different, everyones body responds differently to things, I am saying what works best for me...
  • BigSnicka
    BigSnicka Posts: 151 Member
    From what every personal trainer has told me, abs are made in the kitchen and not in the gym. That being said, I work them in the same way I do everything else during the week and concentrate more on what I eat throughout the day.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    No I am not seding you my email, you can post it on this thread or pm me..... I actually do believe you and commend you if they are good, in reality I know and you know everyone is different, everyones body responds differently to things, I am saying what works best for me...

    I've been meaning to put an ab picture on my profile. When I do I'll send your a "friend request" (that sounds so third grade LOL). I'm not as ripped as you, but I look good for an old chick.
  • niniagrn
    niniagrn Posts: 22 Member
    Twice a week for 10 to 15 minutes
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    Elka, I gotta say i think your advice would result in failure for a lot of people. I don;t doubt for a second that its what you do, but, while we aren't magic snowflakes we also aren't the same. And almost everyone in this thread doesnt have the muscuular base you have and most likely lacks your training experience.

    Remember what they say "Dont train like a bodybuilder to look like one. You'll fail".... at the beginning stages thats absolutely true
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Eric Helms on the topic.

  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    I would expect that recovery time would have something to do with age. A twenty year old is going to recover much faster than a sixty year old. And yet the advice doled out in these threads rarely takes age into consideration.