TOUGH MUDDER!! Tips, advice, and stories?

Hey all!!

I registered today for Tough Mudder in Atlanta in April and I am SO excited!! For those who have done it: what are some pieces of advice you'd give to someone doing a TM? Did you wear gloves? Did you dress up? What was your favorite and least favorite obstacle? Does the running portion go by fast?

Personally, I'm super excited for the water and mud obstacles. The climbing ones look like a blast too! I'm most nervous about Everest (because I don't scale things lol) and the Islands obstacle because I fear for my shins!


  • igoleft6
    igoleft6 Posts: 13 Member
    I have done 5 and have 2 more this year. I like to wear Capri pants(to cover knees) and a long sleeve under armor shirt. They will definitely save so some scratches, I wore gloves for the first one, they sucked they got wet and muddy and I tossed them half way thru. I always try to run on the flats and the downhill and save my energy for the climbing(there is usually a lot of it). Someone will always help you with the obstacles, when doing Everest make eye contact and nod at someone up top so they know you are coming. The arctic enema is the worst especially when you are already freezing, all the electricity ones aren't too bad, first two TM never even got shocked, the last one I did I got dropped bad!

    Once you do one you'll be hooked I was! Any other specific questions just pm me!
  • shawnakrebs
    shawnakrebs Posts: 50 Member
    I finished a TM in Salt Lake last Oct. Dress appropriately for the weather. I was dressed for 70's and higher, it was 64 with wind and rain plus the ice and mud....miserable!!! One thing, do not wear metal in your hair. I had a metal barrette on top of my head and the last electric obstacle knocked me out for a few seconds. When I finished and stood up, I was sore right were the barrette was on my head. I did wear gloves and I think it helped a lot with the walls. The whole thing took me 4 1/2 hours and the running was the easiest part!! It will be one of the best experiences of your life....I plan on doing one in N Lake Tahoe next summer and get my second orange headband!! Good luck and HAVE FUN!!!
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    No advice, just keep going. I wore gloves and I remember being glad I did during the event but I don't remember why. I didn't dress up, I was practical. I enjoyed most obstacles because it gave me a break from running. My least favorite obstacles were the Berlin Walls (12 ft not 8 ft) and the Mud Mile. The mud mile was around mile 8 and my body was worn out, I kept sliding down the mini hills and it took around 2-3 times on each one. My legs were just exhausted.

    Not sure what you mean by "does the running portion go by fast?" I don't think you ran more than 1.5 miles between obstacles, but it doesn't go by fast.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    No advice, just keep going. I wore gloves and I remember being glad I did during the event but I don't remember why. I didn't dress up, I was practical. I enjoyed most obstacles because it gave me a break from running. My least favorite obstacles were the Berlin Walls (12 ft not 8 ft) and the Mud Mile. The mud mile was around mile 8 and my body was worn out, I kept sliding down the mini hills and it took around 2-3 times on each one. My legs were just exhausted.

    Not sure what you mean by "does the running portion go by fast?" I don't think you ran more than 1.5 miles between obstacles, but it doesn't go by fast.

    That's exactly what I meant :) I did a warrior dash a while ago and the running felt so quick because the obstacles broke everything up (i do realize it's only 3 miles, not 10-12). I've done multiple 5ks including Warrior Dash and a half marathon so running isn't really a problem, I just get bored lol That's why I was wondering. I'm doing it with a friend (obviously), so I'm hoping the running goes by fairly quickly with all the distractions lol
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    No advice, just keep going. I wore gloves and I remember being glad I did during the event but I don't remember why. I didn't dress up, I was practical. I enjoyed most obstacles because it gave me a break from running. My least favorite obstacles were the Berlin Walls (12 ft not 8 ft) and the Mud Mile. The mud mile was around mile 8 and my body was worn out, I kept sliding down the mini hills and it took around 2-3 times on each one. My legs were just exhausted.

    Not sure what you mean by "does the running portion go by fast?" I don't think you ran more than 1.5 miles between obstacles, but it doesn't go by fast.

    That's exactly what I meant :) I did a warrior dash a while ago and the running felt so quick because the obstacles broke everything up (i do realize it's only 3 miles, not 10-12). I've done multiple 5ks including Warrior Dash and a half marathon so running isn't really a problem, I just get bored lol That's why I was wondering. I'm doing it with a friend (obviously), so I'm hoping the running goes by fairly quickly with all the distractions lol

    Mine was 12 miles and I remember hating miles 6-9. The crowds weren't around anymore, it was hot and it seemed like that's where the obstacles were farther apart (was probably in my head but each mile felt like the Green Mile). Around mile 9 the crowds started to pick back up and your adrenaline kicked back in. Just have fun, it's only a few hours and a great time.

    Edited to add - Crowds = spectators, there are always a ton of participants
  • R1otgirl
    R1otgirl Posts: 36 Member
    I just registered for tough mudder and will be doing it Nov 2nd!
    I have changed my entire life to be able to do this and cant wait ^_^
  • RobotMil
    RobotMil Posts: 12 Member
    I just completed my first Tough Mudder on Saturday :) Probably the toughest thing I have ever done in my life! Well the clue is in the name... When I signed up for it I was maybe 15 pounds overweight and had only really done a bit of running (up to a 5k). I managed to lose about 13 pounds and get a LOT stronger in the gym over a few months to get ready but I'm still not in the best shape ever!

    I didn't wear gloves and my hands were fine. I made sure to get and break in some trail shoes a couple of months ago and I am very glad I did - I had few problems getting traction in the mud whereas I saw a lot of people sliding all over the place and having difficulty with normal trainers. My feet held up probably the best out of all of me! Other than that I just wore tight running trousers that covered my knees (although I might as well not have bothered, my knees are so bruised!) and a long sleeved top, both in moisture wicking material. I also wore a little waist belt to carry a few energy gels in, definitely appreciated those halfway round despite the bananas at some of the water stations. We were lucky with the weather, it was partly cloudy partly sunny, no rain, warm enough that I dried off ok after the water obstacles but not too warm to get seriously dehydrated.

    I had signed up in a team, but ended up just doing it with my other half, who bruised a rib around mile 3 so we had to walk from there as it was too painful for him to run! Our course was VERY hilly so it was tough enough just to get our legs up those hills. I definitely could have run more on the flat parts but it was more important to stay together, stay motivated and complete the course than finish in a certain time, so I think it took us about 4 hours. The rest of our team had gone on ahead so we were on our own!

    I loved most of the obstacles - artic enema is a huge shock to the system and the worst part was it taking my breath away and having to go under a quite thick wall to get out the other side. I couldn't do the berlin walls as my calf kept cramping up when people were trying to help me over. Also didn't manage everest despite a few tries, and the human gecko I was too short to reach the initial handholds and get a good grip to even start it!! I did try everything though and didn't skip out even if I knew I wouldn't be able to complete it 'properly'. Walk the plank was the scariest thing I have ever done but as soon as I reached the top they counted down from 3 and I just jumped... best not to think about it just do it!

    Anyway, 2 days later I am still sore and aching and have an amazing array of bruises, but it was an amazing experience and I am going to try my best to convince my other half to do another one once his ribs have healed and he has forgotten the pain haha :)
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    I just completed my first Tough Mudder on Saturday :) Probably the toughest thing I have ever done in my life! Well the clue is in the name... When I signed up for it I was maybe 15 pounds overweight and had only really done a bit of running (up to a 5k). I managed to lose about 13 pounds and get a LOT stronger in the gym over a few months to get ready but I'm still not in the best shape ever!

    I didn't wear gloves and my hands were fine. I made sure to get and break in some trail shoes a couple of months ago and I am very glad I did - I had few problems getting traction in the mud whereas I saw a lot of people sliding all over the place and having difficulty with normal trainers. My feet held up probably the best out of all of me! Other than that I just wore tight running trousers that covered my knees (although I might as well not have bothered, my knees are so bruised!) and a long sleeved top, both in moisture wicking material. I also wore a little waist belt to carry a few energy gels in, definitely appreciated those halfway round despite the bananas at some of the water stations. We were lucky with the weather, it was partly cloudy partly sunny, no rain, warm enough that I dried off ok after the water obstacles but not too warm to get seriously dehydrated.

    I had signed up in a team, but ended up just doing it with my other half, who bruised a rib around mile 3 so we had to walk from there as it was too painful for him to run! Our course was VERY hilly so it was tough enough just to get our legs up those hills. I definitely could have run more on the flat parts but it was more important to stay together, stay motivated and complete the course than finish in a certain time, so I think it took us about 4 hours. The rest of our team had gone on ahead so we were on our own!

    I loved most of the obstacles - artic enema is a huge shock to the system and the worst part was it taking my breath away and having to go under a quite thick wall to get out the other side. I couldn't do the berlin walls as my calf kept cramping up when people were trying to help me over. Also didn't manage everest despite a few tries, and the human gecko I was too short to reach the initial handholds and get a good grip to even start it!! I did try everything though and didn't skip out even if I knew I wouldn't be able to complete it 'properly'. Walk the plank was the scariest thing I have ever done but as soon as I reached the top they counted down from 3 and I just jumped... best not to think about it just do it!

    Anyway, 2 days later I am still sore and aching and have an amazing array of bruises, but it was an amazing experience and I am going to try my best to convince my other half to do another one once his ribs have healed and he has forgotten the pain haha :)

    This is so awesome to hear! Thanks! Glad you had a good time, even though you're bruised and beaten :)
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    Loved reading everyone's stories!

    I'm doing the tough mudder on Nov. 10th. I signed up to be a volunteer on the 9th, and hope to get some insight for how it will go for me the next day. I'm mostly worried about the Berlin Walls because I'm only 5'3". My 5' tall sister is doing it with me, so we'll figure out a way.... should be fun!!! I can't wait!
  • RenewedRunner
    RenewedRunner Posts: 423 Member
    Running my first one in a few weeks. EEK! I am excited, I like stuff like that though the electric shock is still freaking me out. I am NOT a fan of being tasered! :wink:
  • amason85
    No advice, just signed up for my first in May. Looking for advice too. Good luck!!