Water fasting has anyone tried it?

pinkpiggy02 Posts: 8
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I'm looking into changing up my diet. I recently cut out process food sugars salt breads and red meat. I eat baked chicken breast or fish. But lately the chicken just hasn't been so appetizing and I'm looking into going vegetarian or vegan. I still struggle with bread, chocolate, and sweet cravings. And I noticed if i give in to junk food just a little the next few days I just crave even worse foods like fried fast food, chips, soda, and bread. I also get headaches and become grouchy especially if i ate processed food. I really want to control my cravings so i started looking into cleanses and fasting. I notice when i cut out processed foods my body really reacted positively. I'm looking into water fasting and reading that it helps you with will power and mind over matter. People also talk about how it can be a spiritual experience. So Im asking for advice or if anyone has tried this? And if so what was the experience like? Do you have to prepare yourself before you start a water fast with some kind of other fast or cleans? I feel like a water fast is something i need to detox my body from all of the unnatural crap that could still be residing in my body also to help me with mental control about food. I have noticed that going on a short walk or drinking water when i have cravings helps but not all the time. Any advice would be great?


  • Alpina483
    Alpina483 Posts: 246 Member
    All the unnatural crap in your body is a mental image. In reality, it's all natural.
    If you're seeking spiritual experience, that's not the place for guidance.
    For weight loss, water fasting does not do anything. If you have cravings all the time, you can be just hungry. Eat at a deficit, but not too little, and exercise, but don't overtrain.

    Also, search function works here just fine, you should try it.
  • Taterpoof
    Taterpoof Posts: 416 Member
    I recommend doing some research, there are also lots of people posting their progress on youtube. Here are two links that might be of interest.



    What I can tell you from my own experience are things that I learned help me, they might not work for you. Before starting quite things like coffee, smoking and any other bad habits a few weeks in advance. Then you can get over that first. Empty the fridge, kitchen from foods. The first 3 -4 days are difficult, I avoid social gatherings as it's too much hassle explaining why one does not eat to people who like to judge but have no real knowledge. On the 3rd or 4th day I do the salt water cleanse thing. I never did 30 or 40 days, normally 12 - 15 days feels right for me. After day 10 I notice that I have sharper sight, better hearing and I can smell things from a distance. Once complete one needs to phase back in foods carefully, preferably low or no carb natural foods. Don't go to a fast food joint the day you finish!. While you will probably loose weight, after it your body may be more efficient so you'll eat less and adsorb the same amount of nutrients. Many people regain the weight right after it by going back to the same habits they had before. Hope this helps, and good luck. There are lots of good books out there, check out Ketosis articles on the web.

    Your body doesn't become more efficient, your metabolism is slowing down......:grumble:

    Cleanses/fasts are useless and probably do more harm than good. Your body needs food to survive.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    It's a "spiritual experience" because starving yourself will make you hallucinate eventually.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I'm looking into changing up my diet. I recently cut out process food sugars salt breads and red meat. I eat baked chicken breast or fish. But lately the chicken just hasn't been so appetizing and I'm looking into going vegetarian or vegan. I still struggle with bread, chocolate, and sweet cravings. And I noticed if i give in to junk food just a little the next few days I just crave even worse foods like fried fast food, chips, soda, and bread. I also get headaches and become grouchy especially if i ate processed food. I really want to control my cravings so i started looking into cleanses and fasting. I notice when i cut out processed foods my body really reacted positively. I'm looking into water fasting and reading that it helps you with will power and mind over matter. People also talk about how it can be a spiritual experience. So Im asking for advice or if anyone has tried this? And if so what was the experience like? Do you have to prepare yourself before you start a water fast with some kind of other fast or cleans? I feel like a water fast is something i need to detox my body from all of the unnatural crap that could still be residing in my body also to help me with mental control about food. I have noticed that going on a short walk or drinking water when i have cravings helps but not all the time. Any advice would be great?
    1. Your body does not need to be cleansed of any "unnatural crap"
    2. Have you considered incorporating the foods you enjoy into your life, so you can make it a lifestyle change, not a restrictive diet that is making you have cravings all the time? I have not cut out anything and I still lose weight. 121lbs to date and I eat ice cream and processed food every day.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    It's a "spiritual experience" because starving yourself will make you hallucinate eventually.

  • Mongognom
    Mongognom Posts: 123
    It's a "spiritual experience" because starving yourself will make you hallucinate eventually.


  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    Popcorn ready.

    And if you actually want legitimate information and science, don't look at any website titled 'Gaian studies' that is the opposite of science.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    I recommend doing some research, there are also lots of people posting their progress on youtube. Here are two links that might be of interest.



    What I can tell you from my own experience are things that I learned help me, they might not work for you. Before starting quite things like coffee, smoking and any other bad habits a few weeks in advance. Then you can get over that first. Empty the fridge, kitchen from foods. The first 3 -4 days are difficult, I avoid social gatherings as it's too much hassle explaining why one does not eat to people who like to judge but have no real knowledge. On the 3rd or 4th day I do the salt water cleanse thing. I never did 30 or 40 days, normally 12 - 15 days feels right for me. After day 10 I notice that I have sharper sight, better hearing and I can smell things from a distance. Once complete one needs to phase back in foods carefully, preferably low or no carb natural foods. Don't go to a fast food joint the day you finish!. While you will probably loose weight, after it your body may be more efficient so you'll eat less and adsorb the same amount of nutrients. Many people regain the weight right after it by going back to the same habits they had before. Hope this helps, and good luck. There are lots of good books out there, check out Ketosis articles on the web.

    Your body doesn't become more efficient, your metabolism is slowing down......:grumble:

    Cleanses/fasts are useless and probably do more harm than good. Your body needs food to survive.

    And sharper sight, better hearing and smelling things from a distance.
    Starving yourself doesnt make you Wolverine.

    Sorry to disappoint you.
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    So basically you are going to starve yourself of food and just drink water?:huh: For how long? What happens when you start to eat again? I am intrigued...
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Just here for the comments!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I have done a water fast for spiritual and religious reasons...I wouldn't really recommend as a viable weight loss/dietary approach. Yes, I did lose a few Lbs...but they came right back when I started eating food...again, I wasn't doing it for the purpose of diet. It was also hell, and only 3 days...and I was incredibly weak and emotionally and mentally drained afterwards.

    How about just eating more nutrient dense whole foods and getting plenty of fluids...seems to work for lots of folks.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    cravings for carbohydrates (i.e. sweet foods or carbs generally), fats (including "junk" food) or protein (including fast food that's high in protein like burgers) is not a problem that you have to fix with "cleanses" or other rubbish. It's a normal, healthy survival response to eating too little (either too little overall, or too little of any particular nutrient, especially the macronutrients). Millions of years of natural selection in favour of individuals who don't starve to death has led to our bodies having a whole arsenal of ways to survive food shortages. Cravings and obsessing about food is one such weapon in this arsenal.

    The solution to it is to feed your body properly. Water fasting or any other kind of restriction is only going to make the cravings etc worse. It's not an addiction, you can't go cold turkey from nutrients that your body needs to function properly. There is no "detox" from being a member of the animal kingdom and needing to eat foods to feed your body.
  • fullofquirks
    fullofquirks Posts: 182 Member

    I watched this for way toooo long.

    Anywho... carry on.

    Don't do the water only thing, there is no magic shazam pow thing to making cravings go away, you just have to work with yourself and you have to realize that when you do start eating, which you DO plan on doing right?, the weight will come back because, well, solids.
  • laele75
    laele75 Posts: 283 Member
    First of all, bread is not junk food. Especially whole grain bread. Carbs are not evil. Nor is meat. Or fat. Or sugar. (Or sodium, but I hate to admit that out loud for my own sanity.) Secondly, cleanses and fasts don't work. You should chuck the junk science before you chuck the junk food. It has more substance than these fads you're talking about.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    There is no "detox" from being a member of the animal kingdom and needing to eat foods to feed your body.

    Can we get this on a t-shirt? I want this on a t-shirt.
  • I agree.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Just here for the comments!

    Me too!
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Water fast, dafuq?
  • tenilleless
    tenilleless Posts: 88 Member
This discussion has been closed.