Kicked the scale to the curb.

So after a month of dieting and working out extensively every other day, I have gotten rid of the scale. According to my clothes it seems I have a new inch and a half of play in my waist and heck that's good enough! The cellulite on my thighs are gone and my butt is nice and perky and stomach is flat again.

1 month and a week ago I weighed in at 135, my heaviest i've ever been..

Yesterday I weighed myself and i'm still 135... I was DEVASTATED....but then when I was able to wear clothes that did not fit over a month ago- I figured. Screw my scale... What does IT know anyhow.

Just wondering if anyone has had any similar stories?


  • shamcd
    shamcd Posts: 178 Member
    Good for you! My husband and I had a scale smashing frenzy in our driveway last year and loved every second of it. I was a slave to the scale and trashing it was the best thing I did. Your clothes tell the truth, keep up the great work!
  • Ldbg289
    Ldbg289 Posts: 236 Member
    I have not gotten rid of my scale however I do not let the scale tell the whole story. I also watch how my clothes fit and watch as things that weren't tight and toned before start tightening up. The reason I still have my scale is because I'm very numbers oriented but I only weigh myself at certain times(I try for once a week but lets be honest, that doesn't always happen). Sometimes I weigh twice, or sometimes not at all. haha.

    I actually read something somewhere along the lines of, if the scale isn't moving or is moving in a direction you don't necessarily like, pay attention to what your clothes say. That's because numbers fluctuate but clothes are the real indication
  • AZKat527
    AZKat527 Posts: 31 Member
    Yes, this is the story of my life. In four months, I've lost 14 inches but the scale has barely budged (10 lbs). In that time I have worked out more than I ever have in the past and have diligently tracked my calories. Stupid scale, now I'm focused on the inches lost not the number on the scale.

    Keep up the great work.
  • mlogantra76
    mlogantra76 Posts: 334 Member
    In January when I started losing 40 or so lbs of regain(of the 120 lbs lost over 10 years ago), i did so without the scale. I didn't want to know how much I weighed... It worked for me as I just went by how my clothing fit... On August 1st when I liked how my clothes were fitting, I got on the scale and have weighed myself every day since. I expect it to fluctuate so its no surprise when it does. It does help me stay on track and modify when needed.
  • livesthere
    I think you made a smart choice. I like the scale because I get weirdly obsessive about numbers, so it's probably not a good thing. But I do notice when I'm not working out and eating the way I should it moves up, so it does help keep me on the right path. I am pretty sure I would also do just fine without it. Maybe someday I will be as brave as you!
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    The scale is basically the devil and I don't weigh myself since I stayed exactly the same but went from a size 6 to a 4. I just go by my clothes and measure the important parts.
  • livesthere
    I think you made a smart choice. I like the scale because I get weirdly obsessive about numbers, so it's probably not a good thing. But I do notice when I'm not working out and eating the way I should it moves up, so it does help keep me on the right path. I am pretty sure I would also do just fine without it. Maybe someday I will be as brave as you!