Runners – Dogs & Cold weather

*First off, sorry if this has been previously discussed. I searched but couldn’t find the answer anywhere so my bad if I lack adequate search skills.*

I adopted a greyhound/whippet mix back in April. He’s only three years old and pretty energetic. I’m talking running laps around my apartment energetic. The only thing that seems to really wear him out is going on a run, usually 3-5 miles (or in his case more of a casual trot). But, being that he’s a whippet, he doesn’t have much fur. Many places on his belly and the insides of his legs don’t have any. With the winter coming up I’m a little worried he’s going to be too cold to go for a run. Michigan winters typically start in a week or two and can continue until mid-May. I can't imagine the next 5 months of a hyper, stir-crazy, apartment-lap-running dog. Any advice on cold weather running gear for dogs? I don’t want him to be cold but don’t want him to overheat either. I’ve found a few coats online but was curious if anyone had any recommendations as to what worked best, waste of money, etc. Also, any thoughts on a point temperature-wise where I shouldn’t take him?

Or, have I gone about this the wrong way. Is there something I can do with him indoors to burn off some energy?
