30 day shred injury

Hi everyone.
I did the 30 day shred for the first time yesterday and, idiot that I am, about 12 mins in I pulled my old c section injury really badly and had to stop.
My plan was to try again today but be a bit more careful. Unfortunately, I've woken up and my stomach is very tight and painful. Should I try again today or should I do something else today and hope that my stomach is better tomorrow? I'm determined to stay on track but I don't want to set myself right back through injury.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
Thanks. x


  • goonas
    goonas Posts: 205
    Working out injured is worse than not working out.
    Your body needs to recover to be effective.
  • floridachristmas
    That's what worried me. Maybe just some jogging on the spot or something and a few stretches? My head is in the right place and I don't want it to slip. Had too many blips lately! x
  • trippymace
    I would only do things that don't hurt. If there are none, then .. maybe a walk or something. What I did when I had an inflamed nerve in my back was to take walks but quite fast ones? I definitely wasn't jogging because I couldn't but I burned around 300 calories in about an hour, which served me fine at the time. Maybe you could try that? It would cetrainly be better than nothing! But then, it depends on your level of fitness, I suppose.
  • nephalime
    nephalime Posts: 22 Member
    i injured myself too doing the 30 day Shred, i had an old shoulder injury and the pain came back. Do whatever you can do but it has to not hurt, that's what i did, so you're burning calories but you give to your body the time that it needs to heal properly.

    You can also eat less since you're less likely to work out.

    you will be fine, :)