
triscuitsmom08 Posts: 47 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Anyone else doing this? I'm starting week 2 today (hopefully, got my ingrown toenail fixed AGAIN but hopefully for good this time this morning). I don't know if I've lost weight yet because I don't own a scale (I get far too caught up in it so I don't have one.) But I've been walking on the days I don't run.


  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    Week 6 day 3 tonight!! My 5K is Nov 6th. There's also a Couch to 5 K group on Facebook that is really good. Also gives you likes to active.com which you can browse for runs/walks in your area.
  • I just finished W9D3 today!! What a feeling of accomplishment to finish!!
    Keep going!!
  • Iluvcheezits
    Iluvcheezits Posts: 27 Member
    I'm on week 2 today too. Been trying to do weights on off days and have been doing it every other day rather than just 3 x a week (figured I need the extra time). If you like Hip Hop, Google "Hip Hop C25K podcast" and there are some great ones that I found to keep me motivated. Much better than the repetitive music I heard on the original site. It ain't easy but I'll keep goin'. Good luck with the new interval! Yikes! :)
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I completed the program at the end of September and ran my first 5K the first weekend of October. It's an awesome program! I was able to run my 5K all the way through and finish in 37 minutes. I did weight training on the days I wasn't running with one day off a week. Good luck and keep us updated on how your progress goes.
  • I'm finishing up week two myself. I LOVE IT!
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    I should be starting Week 2 today also. I was only able to get in 2 of the 3 days for Week 1 so I'll be doing my 3rd day for last week first, then moving on to Week 2!

    Have you signed up for a 5k yet? I can't decide if I'm going to or if I'm just doing it to show myself I can!
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I'm starting week 2 today. I spent a good month on week 1. :frown: I still have a really hard time jogging for all of the intervals, but I'm hoping if I just push through it'll get easier.
  • triscuitsmom08
    triscuitsmom08 Posts: 47 Member
    Finished week 3 Day 1 today and the only thing hurting beside my toe that was coming un-numb from my toenail surgery this morning was my right knee. It got a little poofy and painful but it went away after going home and resting it. I finished the whole workout, GO ME but I cheated the last little bit and got a ride home (AFTER I finished everything I usually have about an extra 5-9 minute walk) because my toe was bleeding. :(

    I think were going to do yoga tonight (my boyfriend who is a bean pole and does parkour) though to loosen out my sore joints.

    I haven't signed up for one yet Im thinking about just completing it first THEN signing up for one. :) I'm really excited about it.
  • golfbrew_matt
    golfbrew_matt Posts: 240 Member
    Week 4 day 2 here. I wasn't quite "couch level" when I started so I tried week 1 and then week 3 and week 4 seems to be about where I should be. Can't wait to finish!! Good luck to you!
  • poarche
    poarche Posts: 62 Member
    I did Week 5 Day 1 this morning...LOVING IT!! I have been amazed with myself as the month has passed. I have gotten two of my co workers and my boyfriend involved too! My 5k is Nov 13 and I have another on Nov 20! Good Running!
  • triscuitsmom08
    triscuitsmom08 Posts: 47 Member
    I run tomorrow for Week 2 day 2 and I REALLY look forward to the days I run! I just am so energized the rest of that day and the day after that as well. And I'm starting to see good results sugar wise too! Like today (day after I ran) I hardly used ANY insulin because my sugars stayed low! My doctor says if I keep this up my insulin need will be down to almost nothing which is awesome!! (still a type 1 though unfortunately)

    I can start to breathe better now when I'm working and running and Im loving this. This week I'm going to try to fit in another workout doing strength training on my exercise ball.
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I finished week 9 two weeks ago. Definitely a great feeling to get through them all! Now I'm working on my speed. I run slowly so I'm not up to an actual 5K yet. I going to get there though!
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    Week 1 - done! I'm catching up from last week, so I'm starting Week 2 tonight hopefully!
  • triscuitsmom08
    triscuitsmom08 Posts: 47 Member
    Sjyates, good job! You're almost up to me, Im on day 2 of week 2 :)
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