Two BMI standards??

I just turned "overweight" this week having been obese for all (most) of my life. People have started telling me I am fine right now and shouldn't lose more. Someone even told me that a girl who had been obese all her life shouldn't try to reach the same BMI standard as other people. Just not meant to be!!!
Is that true?


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    If you are concerned, get a body fat% reading. That is probably a better measure than BMI.
  • Yiazach
    Yiazach Posts: 209 Member
    BMI is only usefull in huge studies as a risk predictor for various diseases and policy planning by goverments..Believe me i have painfully delved into bmi research at college. It sais next to nothing for a single person..Not that it is completely useless but you dont need to concern youself about it diet-looks wise
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    BMI is just what it is - a height-weight ratio. It doesn't care if you're fat or muscular, or have been fat, or have a tumor. It's very simple.

    If you're a middle-aged woman at the border of obese BMI, people who tell you to stop losing weight are just spouting random bs. If you're happy with the way you look, feel free to stop losing. If not, can easily lose more.
  • ilmb87
    ilmb87 Posts: 216 Member
    I just turned "overweight" this week having been obese for all (most) of my life. People have started telling me I am fine right now and shouldn't lose more. Someone even told me that a girl who had been obese all her life shouldn't try to reach the same BMI standard as other people. Just not meant to be!!!
    Is that true?

    First of all, congratulations! As a former "forever obese" girl, it feels great slipping down to the next BMI range. I'm actually in the same conundrum as you: I want to get to a healthy BMI (even if it's just on the edge of overweight and healthy), but when I tell people this they look at me like, "Where exactly do you plan on losing this weight?"

    That being said, BMI isn't the BEST indication of health. Try aiming for a healthy BMI, definitely, but focus more on lowering your body fat % and shrinking your waist. That'll be better for you in the long run.
  • shayemimi
    shayemimi Posts: 203 Member
    They are just telling you how great you look now because they haven't adjusted to the new you yet... but it's up to you how far you want to go. I used to get that all the time, but as I lost more people were even more amazed. Do what you want for your body, and people will get used to seeing the new you. :)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    completely entirely laughably false - you keep going as far as you want. if you want rippling bulging muscles - you go get em. If you want a low body fat % and a sl;eek feminine figure - you go get it.

    you are the ultimate queen of your own destiny.
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    Not true IMHO.I too have been told to stop losing it I'll look hagard/old/develop anorexia (hahaha)/kill my metabolism etc etc ad nausaum..
    who's kidding who? There is no -right- weight and personally i feel great and until i don't then i will keep going.
    consensus is now that an adult female bmi was set too low ( by insurance companies) and that 23-30 is fine providing you are fit.
    Fitness and not exclusively size or weight is the key. I am still overweight but fitter than most of my skinny friends who cannot walk briskly up a steep slope.
    i gauge my success on how i feel and for the most part, disregard third party opinion.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Glad to see this! I am not working towards a weight goal, I am working towards a size goal. If I weighed what the insurance charts say, I would be a sack of skin and bones! I would much prefer (for my body type) to be a voluptuous 12 than a wrinkly, skinny 8.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Glad to see this! I am not working towards a weight goal, I am working towards a size goal. If I weighed what the insurance charts say, I would be a sack of skin and bones! I would much prefer (for my body type) to be a voluptuous 12 than a wrinkly, skinny 8.

    People always say this. But skin tightens! Your body adjusts! And unless you have some huge muscles it's unlikely you won't have enough fat at a normal BMI. I think people mostly just can't imagine being slim and sell themselves short.

    You need an accurate body fat % to be sure, but trust me, the likelihood of looking like skin and bones at a size 8 is pretty, well, slim, at least after your body has maintained for a few months.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Ah, but I am old enough that my skin has lost most of its elasticity! LOL And, in my teens, I wore a size 7 for a while. Now I look at those pictures and cringe because my bones are very visible; my hip bones stuck out through my clothing.