thoughts on diet soda?

I drink one diet coke a day. I have for years. (ok, sometimes it's a giant fountain one on the weekends) I know there's studies that say that it's bad for dieters, but logic behind that is that it causes sugar cravings. I don't eat sugar. I've learned that it messes with my blood sugar levels and I make bad choices the rest of the day. So if I don't get the sugar cravings from my diet coke, do we think it's ok? (I also hate to admit it, but I need the caffeine and would probably end up switching to coffee with splenda if I quit the soda.)

Just curious what others think or have experienced.


  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    I am a firm believer that if it works for ya - keep doing it. Don't let it take the place of your water, is all! Anything - well almost - in moderation is fine. This is real life!
  • nutech
    nutech Posts: 11
    Well, generally speaking I would say soda in any form is bad. However, I do understand the sugar cravings and the caffeine part. I am a sugar freak. Since I've started using this site every day it tells me I'm either at my sugar limit or way above. I work at 4 am so sometimes caffeine is a must. The one thing I have found that helped with my sugar and caffeine needs when they weren't too out of control was tea with a little sugar. Tea such as Lipton strawberry tea tastes great and give me a little boost of energy. I would caution you on the splenda though. It's not any better than drinking the diet soda. You're just replacing one thing that's not so good for you with another.

    I hope this helped.
  • kaylurzz
    kaylurzz Posts: 121 Member
    You and I are in the same boat. I love my Diet Coke. But I usually drink it for the caffeine.
    Just drink it in moderation and you should be fine. That's what I do. :]
  • RMX82
    RMX82 Posts: 172
    Love the stuff. I don't drink much else. Doesn't hinder my weight loss at all.
  • dfwtxmissy
    I weakness is diet orange drinks..I limit myself to maybe one a day and I indulge in diet coke with lime and cherry, 1 on the weekend...I just like the taste but the sodium is killer. Moderation....
  • DawnMichelle68
    DawnMichelle68 Posts: 38 Member
    my view on diet soda is that it's one of the worse things you can put in your body.. the sweetener Aspartame used in most diet sodas is basically a poison that works as formaldehyde in you body.. the body doesn't know how to process the chemicals and in time can cause many different health problems. I was also informed that since the body doesn't know how to process the chemical it will basically end up treating the Aspartame in the same way it does to sugar... if you have to have a all just count the calories and drink the "sugar" your body knows what sugar is and can process it.... so many "diet" sweeteners are using Aspartame.. the sweetener Stevia is a natural low cal sweetener.. so that would be the better choice then splenda or sweet n low.. look at your ingredients on the stuff you put in your body... add up the Aspartame.... it's amazing what our FDA will allow companies to give the general public.. don't be a sheep led to the slaughter
  • RMX82
    RMX82 Posts: 172
    my view on diet soda is that it's one of the worse things you can put in your body.. the sweetener Aspartame used in most diet sodas is basically a poison that works as formaldehyde in you body.. the body doesn't know how to process the chemicals and in time can cause many different health problems. I was also informed that since the body doesn't know how to process the chemical it will basically end up treating the Aspartame in the same way it does to sugar... if you have to have a all just count the calories and drink the "sugar" your body knows what sugar is and can process it.... so many "diet" sweeteners are using Aspartame.. the sweetener Stevia is a natural low cal sweetener.. so that would be the better choice then splenda or sweet n low.. look at your ingredients on the stuff you put in your body... add up the Aspartame.... it's amazing what our FDA will allow companies to give the general public.. don't be a sheep led to the slaughter

    I think that is a little overkill. Do you have proof that in time it will cause health problems? I agree that your body doesn't know how to process it correctly, but I do not agree with long term health problems.
  • DawnMichelle68
    DawnMichelle68 Posts: 38 Member
    I don't think it's overkill... it's what I believe.. no i didn't do the research that is out there.,, it's like anything else the information is there.. it's up to us to form our own opinions. my mom has been a diet drink freak most of her life.. she is in her late 60s now and has gone through two major cancer ordeals with tumors in her bladder.. the crappy effects of the drugs to deal with the " tumors" and the end result is she no longer has a bladder... for me it's the aspartame that did it.. even after all this does she still drink her diet soda... you bet she does.... to each their own...
    the topic was thoughts on diet soda...... i just stated my thoughts...
  • RMX82
    RMX82 Posts: 172
    I'm sorry to hear about your mom's health issues. The reality is that everyone reacts to things differently, and cancer is just so random and so deadly. I think it is fair to say that in some people it can cause cancer, but I do not think it is a gigantic health scare like tobacco, where cancer is VERY common. With smoking, you know at some point if you do it long enough, you have a VERY high risk of cancer. I don't think if you drink soda your whole life than you are facing the same risks, in fact, not even close to the same risks.
  • mandiewalters
    mandiewalters Posts: 15 Member
    Aspartame can cause a LOT of health issues. It can mimic things like fibromyalgia and could cause Alzheimer's and many different things. I saw a video on it in my Medical Terminology class. It's not good for you at all. It's hard to find any low-calorie things that DON'T have it in them, even gum. I guess if you don't have TOO much of it, then it may be okay.