Red Apple Cider

I take this stuff that has Red Apple Cider Vinegar in it and it supposedly has a few benefits to usage.

1. helps with acid reflux

2. helps with leg cramps, better known as Charlie Horse's

But it has me burping constantly with a weird taste to it as well, is this normal or is it okay?

Any thoughts?



  • jeanywren
    jeanywren Posts: 72 Member
    I had severe leg cramps and the Dr.put me on a quinine capsule. Worked really well. However, when I had to go on blood thinners the Dr. at that time said no more quinine. I panicked then but I find as long as I drink lots of water I am okay but the days that I don't I have a problem although not as bad as they used to be. Just something to try. As for the acid reflux, I was on a pill for that but since going gluten free, I seem to not need it. Ask your Dr. about that one, it was one a day.
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    Make sure it actually has apple cider vinegar in it. Other types of vinegar are not as good to consume or may be in a strength that is difficult to digest.