Not losing weight. So demotivated :(

Okay so, this year I managed to gain a stone and a half. I was really angry with myself and started to diet and exercise immediately. The first week, I lost a record breaking 10 lbs in a week.

After this, I have lost no weight what so ever. I have doubled my exercise and I am making it more regular. I haven't lost a single pound. My partner who is has been on the same exercise regime and eats a heck lot more than me has lost 7 lbs.

I have had the odd drink and treat but according to Fitness Pal, I'm not doing myself any harm and should be losing weight.

I have never been this heavy before and I can't fit in to most of my clothes any more. I have no idea what to do?


  • micia4u
    micia4u Posts: 15 Member
    I'm feeling the same way but I keep logging and reading all the posts to stay motivated. I'm trying to hang in there for the long run. I've been logging consistently for almost a month and I can see where I need to make changes which I plan to do for the next month. My only problem is I joined a weight loss challenge at work and I can't win if I don't lost faster.
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    For both of you, I would recommend not looking at this as a race.

    Loosing weight fast might look good short term, but it can be pretty hard for most people to maintain. Not only that, but a lot of the time, you can cause damage to your insides by doing it the wrong way.

    I would just keep being steady and consistant. I have been told that a healthy loss is 1/2 a lb to 1 lb a week. And the less you weight, the slower it should be coming off.
  • natalieyeo39
    natalieyeo39 Posts: 90 Member
    I would also take measurements and pictures. In the past month I've been fluctuating between 4 pounds, exercising 4-5 times a week and having fluctuating calorie intake. Could I have done better? Yes but in the past 3 weeks that I took measurements, I lost like 8 inches all over (I measure at 13 points), so I don't feel too bad that my jeans aren't as right anymore :))
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    Open your diary?
  • progressnotperfection84
    Break up with your scale. It's a hateful "B" anyway. I am being totally serious too. The tape measure is a much better gauge most of the time. Are you eating back at least some of your exercise calories? You may not be fueling your body enough.
  • DeeJayShank
    DeeJayShank Posts: 92 Member
    It just takes a very long time to lose weight the right way. Just be patient and think about how this is a life change, and not a temporary diet or exercise program. You'll have to keep it up forever if you want to maintain.

    If you are doing everything you need to do, and it isn't working, then just try something else!

    One of my tricks is to always overestimate calories in and underestimate calories out.
  • Wisemomoffour
    Wisemomoffour Posts: 125 Member
    Make sure you're eating REAL food closest to it's natural state--it will make a difference. Have patience--you had a big loss last week and your body is adjusting! You can do this!!
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    Agree with bacitracin. Hard for us to give suggestions if we can't see how your are eating, etc. Open your diary and I'm sure many people would glady review and suggest.

    Without knowing anything, I'd say you either aren't eating right or you are doing some body recomp and the scale isn't moving. Do your clothes feel any differently? Taking some measurements like waist and hips will help you know if you are changing shape when you aren't changing weight.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    You have a locked diary, so I have no clue how long you have been at this.

    My recommendations:

    1. Log everything, and make sure everything you eat is measured on a digital scale. Even mustard. Especially salt--a tiny pinch of salt will increase your weight way more than a bite of food.

    2. Measure yourself--neck,chest, bust, waist, hips, thighs, upper and lower arms and legs. Record the measurements monthly.

    3. Keep a realistic goal--you will not lose 7 lbs each week. The first week was likely water and glycogen which drops like an anchor in water the first week you limit calories.

    4. Eat enough protein, it will keep you satiated longer and help keep you from breaking down your own muscle.

    5. Do both cardio and weight/strength training. Some people skip weights/some skip cardio because it works for them or because they dislike one.

    6. Don't starve yourself. You can set a goal on MFP, but be sure to eat back exercise calories (MFP OVERESTIMATES your burn, so get a heart rate monitor, it will probably be more accurate, but nothing is perfect). Another method is calculating TDEE (how many calories you burn daily) and subtract 10-20% to lose weight at a reasonable pace.

    7. As you get to your goal weight/lose weight recalculate how many calories you burn--it will DECREASE! It means that when you get to your goal weight you get to eat less to maintain, given you have the same activity. It takes more calories to move a 400 lb body around than it does to move a 120 lb body around. If you want to eat more, then you have to exercise it off or have lots more muscle (I think that is what lots of guys do!)

    8. Find an activity for exercise that you enjoy. It sucks doing something you hate.

    9. Don't give up.
  • kimgriffinapparently
    There we go, it's all open!

    Past few days have had a treat or two in there, but going back I'm suprised I haven't lost anything. I've changed from treadmill to outdoor running and im guzzling protein shakes.
  • BrandNewFabulousMe
    Keep logging, dont give up no matter what! =)
  • ashleyinthecold
    ashleyinthecold Posts: 89 Member
    Break up with your scale. It's a hateful "B" anyway. I am being totally serious too. The tape measure is a much better gauge most of the time. Are you eating back at least some of your exercise calories? You may not be fueling your body enough.

    This. Allll of this.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring everything you eat? How long have you been at this? How much do you weigh/how tall are you? Have you considered incorporating weight training in order to lose inches while preserving lean body mass?
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    ok--I only see a few days worth of logging, and your calories really vary from semi-starvation to decent, mostly processed foods. Processed foods can be off on how many calories they say they are and how much they really are. Very few vegetables and fruits.

    Increase the veggies and fruits, try to have a consistent level of calories daily, limit processed foods drastically (I think most should be home made, ideally all should be home made), and hang in there. You need more time. In order for this to work you need to make this a lifestyle and not a "lets lose the 20 lbs fast".

    Another thing, if that picture is a selfie, then you do not have much to lose. Expect to lose at maximum 1/2 lb per week, and with sodium intake all over the place plus monthly hormone shifts, I would advise ignoring what the scale says except for one day per week: you can look at it and see the trend. Remember if you have an extra pinch of salt the day before you can ignore what the scale says anyway. Look at the your measurements. So remember this is a marathon and not a sprint.
  • kimgriffinapparently
    I'm 26, 5ft 5 and generally my weight is about 10 st 5. 10 st on a good patch, 10 st 8 on a bad one. I boomed to 11st 10 this summer and have been at this for about a month. Lost 10 lbs in a week but none of the extra exercise is losing a jot more.
  • kimgriffinapparently
    Thank you! I will try and get back to home cooking. The selfie is really motivational photo for how I looked last year. I was 10 stone there. I am 11 stone now.
  • micia4u
    micia4u Posts: 15 Member
    All the info you guys provide is so helpful! I am new here so I have 2 questions. I have tried several times to post my own topics/thread and I can never see them in the thread/ticker. How do I post a topic? Also how do I open my diary so that others can see it?
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member

    Do you weigh your solid food and measure your liquid food?
  • kimgriffinapparently
    If it's home cooking, I don't. Protein shakes are always 2 scoops and filled to 400ml.
  • krisconti
    Dont feel bad it took me forever to see results too!

    I just had to figure out what foods worked for me and what ones didn't.