Shakeology HELP!

Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
Ok so I am doing a 3-day cleanse, and I was told to mix with 8 oz. of cold water. Today is day 1 and I could not get my breakfast down. This is probably the worst shake/meal replacement mix I have ever tasted.

Does using milk instead make it drinkable? And by drinkable I mean improved flavor by 1000% Or should I just try to get my money back on this stuff? I'm bummed because I really wanted to follow through with this, but I seriously can not drink that stuff. I took one big gulp and almost threw it all up. I don't understand because everyone says it tastes so good.

Oh- and I tried chocolate first (as suggested by my coach, she said it tastes better than greenberry... I can only imagine how awful that one is :sick: )


  • ErickaJos
    ErickaJos Posts: 43 Member
    Sorry to hear you didn't like Shakeology. I drink the Chocolate flavor daily but you definitely need to jazz it up with more than water :smile: Do you like Almond milk? I have mine with Almond milk and PB2 (powdered peanut butter) and it tastes delicious. You can also add some frozen berries. Did your coach give you a list of recipes? If not then send an e-mail ( and I'll forward what I have.

    Don't give up yet - it's worth the effort. You just need a little creativity.

  • I've done the 3-day cleanse myself quite a few times, and I don't have a problem with drinking it with water. In fact, ever since I tried the cleanse, I haven't drank it with milk (fewer calories!) However, here are a few things to consider:

    (1) Are you mixing it in a blender, or are you just shaking it in a shaker? I find that blending it with ice and getting it to the consistency of a shake works better for me.
    (2) If you are drinking it with only 8 ounces of water, try it with 12 ounces instead, and it won't taste so "chocolatey." Usually, that's the part the most people have trouble with.
    (3) If you try #1 and 2 and still don't like it, try it with fat-free milk (at least for the clease b/c it's the fewest calories) and see how that works for you.

    You may want to ask your coach for a sample of the greenberry. I never thought in a million years that certain people would like it, and they did. I mix it with orange juice (not for the cleanse), and it tastes good.
  • nimik
    nimik Posts: 10
    I don't have any help for you but to let you know your not alone. I had the same problem with shakeology....just couldn't get it down. I just gave my last 6 single servings to a friend, she loves shakeology. I really wish I did.
  • bparr
    bparr Posts: 246 Member
    My husband uses Shakeology-- along with other co-workers. He uses skim milk, ice and usually addes some banana or a little of the natural peanut butter. I've tasted it. It's ok, but does have a funny after taste.
    He often comments about how well it 'cleans him out' and that he has more energy and feels full longer.
    Good Luck.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I haven't done a cleanse, but this sounds like an unhealthy option that may actually work against you in the long run. I mean, aside from the fact that almost nothing is going to make that chemical sluge palateable, you aren't doing your body any favors by shocking it with starvation treatments- you will just screw with your metabolisim in an unhealthy way and leave yourself feeling hungry and cranky

    If you are looking to "flush" your system a bit, you might consider including some natural diuretics into your diet for a few days- leeks, raisins/other dried fruit. It won't give you dramatic results, but I find it adds a bit of a kick in my week if I have them the majority of the days of my week.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    I haven't done it, but it is an MLM, so signing up new reps makes as much money as selling product, so you might have old product. If none of the above suggestions help, just get your money back. I think details are on the website.
  • Hi there! I have dont the cleanse a couple of times too and I agree its not easy to take Shakeology that way! However - dont give up on using Shakeology as a daily addition to your diet. I have been using Shakeology daily for several months now and I dont like missing my shake even for one day. My favorite is chocolate shakeology with peanut butter, almond milk and ice mixed up in the blender. It is a yummy thick chocolate shake. Try different things - there are lots of recipes out there. Stick with it - it is beneficial and you will enjoy it. :smile:
  • privatenike
    privatenike Posts: 15 Member
    aw bummer! I'm sorry your shakeology experience hasn't been a good one! I actually drink it every morning for breakfast, but I will admit I did have to kind of play around a bit and find different ways to enjoy it. I have to agree with your coach on the chocolate flavor being better than greenberry...but with either one you have to find a recipe that works best for you. It sounds like you haven't had the chance to really try out mixing it with anything before stating the 3 day I right?

    Mixing either one with milk instead of water is good (in my opinion!) I also have tried it with almond milk bc it's only 40 cals and tastes good!!! Also, I have noticed that it tastes much better when it's as cold as're blending it with ice?

    Some other good tricks: with the chocolate shakeology, instead of ice blend with frozen strawberries! You can mix frozen (or unfrozen) fruits with the greenberry too. I also like mixing the chocolate one with some coffee...or peanutbutter (or both!). Lastly, putting a teaspoon of sugar free, fat free cheesecake jello pudding mix makes either flavor very yummy!

    I know the 3 day cleanse doesn't really call for you to mix different things in your shakeology, but I would say if it's your first cleanse...and it makes the taste of the shakeo more bearable for you, try mixing it up a bit so it's more enjoyable for you to complete the cleanse. The calorie count may be slightly higher than it's supposed to be for the cleanse but you'll still be getting the healthy benefits from the shakeology after the three days.

    Hope this helps a little!!!
  • Iluvchopsticks
    Iluvchopsticks Posts: 130 Member
    I love shakeology! But starting your shakeology journey with the cleanse may not be the best way to get used to the taste. Most people mix theirs with things on other days. Adding milk is good but doesn't fall within the cleanse guidelines. I personally dislike the chocolate and love the greenberry, especially when mixed with juice and ice. I hope you can learn to love shakeology as much as I do, the benefits are great. I'd recommend trying the other flavor and possibly holding the cleanse off until you get used to the taste.
  • AndreSF
    AndreSF Posts: 84 Member
    I found the besting taste combo for me is when I mix choc Shakeology with about 8 - 9 oz of unsweetened vanilla Almond milk (Almond breeze). Make sure you get the one sold in the cold section of the store and not the one that does not require refrigeration. I also add about 1/4 - 1/2 of organic banana to my shake, but try it with berries if that does not work for you.
    That combo tastes so good, I consider it a treat :) It's also considerably less in cals than fat free milk, but does have some fat ("good fat" from almonds), the rest is purified water.
    I've also had very good success with Trader Joe's brand of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, but it's a new product and local stores have not had it in a while... Almond Breeze milk is sold in just about any supermarket such as Safeway, Lucky, etc.

    Good luck!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Thank you for all your suggestions. To answer some questions: yes, this was my first time ever trying Shakeology. And I guess I made a mistake by using the shaker cup instead of a blender.

    I am going to skip the lunch shake and have a salad with grilled chicken and light dressing (swapping the dinner for lunch on the plan) with a fruit and then when I get home I'll try the chocolate again in a blender with skim milk and ice. I really want to like this stuff.

    I have never tried almond milk before - does it taste nutty or like milk? I can't stand the taste of nuts, doesn't matter what type... they all get my gag reflex going.

    Edit: It's not really the texture/consistency thats bothering me, its the taste. It doesn't taste sweet, more like chalk mixed with dirt. :laugh:
  • AndreSF
    AndreSF Posts: 84 Member
    Almond milk does not have any nutty taste IMO. Just give it a go and blend all together...give it a good blend too :) I seriously love my shake in the morning, so do many people. Not sure if you got a whole 30-day bag or perhaps some samples from your BB coach, but what do you have to lose by trying some proven recipes?

    Good luck!
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Also, when in doubt, chocolate syrup!
  • gunnarpalm
    gunnarpalm Posts: 59 Member
    If you go to the website, they have some recommended ways to make the shakeology. I would say like others have said to use a blender with some ice to make it more like a shake. You can get to the website at: and hit the shakeology link.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I never ever EVER have it with nothing but water. I agree that it tastes like garbage that way. I have tons of recipes for it, but right now I like it with almond milk and a whole banana mixed in the blender. That's typically my breakfast. :)
  • rachie33
    rachie33 Posts: 3 Member
    Just a couple of suggestions for the the beach body site they say stay away from any kind of dairy when doing this cleanse. No milk (including almond), cheese, eggs...etc....
    The best way to have the shakeology is in the blender. Add a couple of ice cubes and it is definitely drinkable. The greenberry is almost impossible to drink by it's self, extra ingredients (like fruit) are a MUST.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I LOVE almond milk.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    The stuff was way too sweet for me. No amount of additions or concoctions could help that fact!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    The stuff was way too sweet for me. No amount of additions or concoctions could help that fact!

    Which flavor are you referring to? I don't think the chocolate is too sweet, but I haven't tried the Greenberry. Something about a drink that's GREEN turns me off. :flowerforyou:
  • tondalea
    tondalea Posts: 67 Member
    Not quite sure what being an MLM has to do with the product. Avon, Mary Kay, Tupperware and the list goes on. There is nothing old about Shakeology. The ingredients are 100% natural.

    For the cleanse you are supposed to use water for less calories but there is nothing wrong with using a little skim milk. I personally drink almond milk. I drink Shakeology every single day and mix it with water in a blender. Sometimes I use almond milk instead. Sometimes I add pb2 and I personally love it. Sorry you are having a bad experience with it. I also was afraid to try greenberry but I would ask your coach for a sample of it. I learned that when I mixed it with frozen fruit I absolutely loved it and now I get that as well.

    Also, if all else fails it is fully refundable minus your shipping of course. Even if the bag is empty! Thats how much beachbody stands behind their products. Try going to a juice bar and ordering a shot of wheatgrass then go back and have your shakeology. I'm sure you would agree that its much better to get your supergreens in via
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