Why can't I do it?

moonbeam74 Posts: 11
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
In my mind, changing a lifestyle is much harder than dieting. I don't diet. To me, diets are short term for those that just want to lose a few pounds or don't have an eating problem. Although when I think about the word DIET, I think of this...

D - Determination; I - Inspiration; E - Exercise; T - Teamwork

I'm trying to change my lifestyle. I know what to do...but I'm having a hard time doing what I know in my heart and my head I should be doing.

*Eat healthier foods - more fruits and veggies, whole grains, less red meat, less fried food, less carboniated drinks (unless maybe diet).

*Eat smaller portions - eat only what I will get full on and not stuffed. Don't go back for seconds no matter how good I think it tastes or how much I want more. Get a plate and eat only what I put on my plate. I even go so far as not putting the food on the table so it's not easy access for me to take a second helping. I have to get up to get more which makes me think "do I really need it?"

*Exercise - can't lose weight by eating healther alone. Exercise has GOT to come into play somewhere in the mix. Even 15 min a day is some exercise. I got into the frame of mind to where if I'm not doing at least an hour, I'm not getting any benefit from it. WRONG...I need to stop thinking like this. 15 min is a good way to start out..and then increase it as I see fit.

*Not giving into cravings - Dr. Pepper and chocolate are my worse enemies. Sometimes I can not even be hungry and I'm headed for the fridge to find something to eat. But then I get these cravings...3 muskeeters...gotta have one. I know in moderation this isn't bad. But once I give...I'm eating 1 a day for weeks!

*Drink water - Drink at least 64 oz of water (or more) a day. This is an everyday thing that I struggle with...water is just so bland..no flavor. And I don't like the flavored water because they put artificial sweeteners in them that give it a bad aftertaste. That's why I don't like diet soda...bad aftertaste.

*Log food - If I log my food, I'm more aware of what I put in my mouth daily. I always hated logging my food. I'm not good at fixing a meal and trying to determine how many calories, carbs, etc are in the dish. That is my downfall. I wish I could find a class on how to do that. I would sign up in a heartbeat.

So tell me...why...if I have the tools I need to lose weight...why can't I even get started? Why can't I see it through? I know if it were easy everyone would be skinny. Wouldn't that just be dandy!


  • I am the same way. I know what I need to do, sometimes it is just hard getting started. The hardest part for me is being around other people who are not eating right. I want to eat the junk right along with them, but I know that is what got me in trouble in the first place.

    Hopefully we can find enough support on here to keep going at this together. Feel free to add me as a friend if you need support :)
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    All about how badly you want to lose weight! Importance of living a healthy lifestyle,for the people and family you love and care about. Finally thinking of the golden years when you should be enjoying life instead might be trying to save your life because of something you could do for yourself today, decided to put off till tomorrow! Life is about choices,those who make correct choices have an easier [better] life.[better]....you choose! [end of lesson]:bigsmile:
  • Hi - start with small changes like exercising 15 minutes a day and thereafter, adding a minute or two every few days. add lemon to water and keep an actual calendar to indicate the days that you exercised by placing a sticker and the time. make a goal to get so many stickers in one month and be sure to reward yourself at the end of the month when you reach your goal. what i like to do is if i get, say 20 stickers this month. on November 1st i reward myself with a new CD or a day at the movies. you're right, lifestyle changes are hard, but if you go slow, be patient with yourself and do not make your goals too big, you can do it. just aim to loose one pound this month and you will see how easy it will be. keep up the good work and keep moving. great music and /or a workout pal can help too! best wishes to you. Marya, Colorado
  • dbrady102
    dbrady102 Posts: 139 Member
    Before I found MFP I knew I needed to write down everything but I just didn't do it. It was sooo much trouble it seemed to look up everything and then write it down and then add it all up. But with this website it's really very easy. I log in everyday and plan out what I'm going to eat. This time I FEEL like I can do it and I'm more determined. It's like quitting smoking. I quit both times I was pregnant but started up again. I never smoked around my kids or in the house. I would go outside even if it was freezing out. It kept getting more expensive and I got tired of spending time away from my kids smoking outside so one day I just decided enough was enough and I quit cold turkey. This is kind of the same thing. You just have to reach that point where you're ready. Don't stop trying and before you know it, you will be making that lifestyle change for good. With a couple of treat days thrown in every month or so ; )
  • I see where you're going with this, but if you can learn to eat only what your body needs to survive, you'll do a lot better with losing weight. Fitness begins with the foods you put in your mouth before you even decide to start exercising. Exercising is so far down on the scale that it's not funny. Exercising is a subset of physical activity, and it's physical activity that you're in need of on a daily basis. For example, take the stairs over the elevator. Clean the windows of your house. Plant a garden. Go on a walk. Go to the zoo. Go out dancing, but drink water. Mow the lawn. Shovel the snow. Clean out the garage. You'll lose weight when you burn more calories than you take in. It's the law of physics. An individual needs about 90 minutes of physical activity a day with a low calorie diet. Eat less and move more, and in a years time, you'll be a different person. When you've dropped weight, integrate some exercising into your physical activities. Eating less and moving more isn't a diet. It's what the human body was designed to do. We weren't meant to gorge our bodies with food like we do. Good luck with your fitness goals. I think you're going to do great.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    When I'm getting in my own way, it's never about the food.

    I'm bored and I have a craving. WRONG! I don't want to be bored, so I eat to try to alleviate the boredom. When the food is gone, I'm still bored, so this method does not work.

    I'm upset and I'm having a craving. WRONG! I want comfort, not food. When the food is gone, I'm far from comforted. I actually feel worse.

    I see something on TV and now I'm craving it. NOPE! I wasn't even thinking about food before I saw the ad. This will pass.

    This is how it works for me. Perhaps it is also 'not about the food' in your situation.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  • Good luck!!!!
  • Bellydance
    Bellydance Posts: 105 Member
    I have said that same thing to myself, so I'm not going to hold back in responding to you.

    Just fricking DO IT! Tell yourself NO! you don't need to eat that. Stomp your foot and get mean.

    Talk to yourself, holler at yourself. Never "should" on yourself again. I 'should' be doing this or that blah blah blah is NOT allowed. You don't have to "should" on yourself because whatever you are doing is what you need to be doing for yourself. And when you indulge, indulge gently, and move the heck on!!

    Okay, back to my humble state now :) These are things I say to myself, and if it works for you, great, if not, just delete it! I say: Try everything that people suggest and find what works for you and discard the rest.

    Typed with affection and encouragement,

    Bellydance (Regi)
  • messyhare
    messyhare Posts: 366 Member
    I have been in that same boat, time and time again.

    My problem was also the fad diet routine - I wanted to lose weight fast and was able to do so until the restrictiveness of those same fad diets made me stop because HELLO I want bread and pasta! I wanted sweets and dairy etc. etc...

    THIS time is different on so many levels. The most important one to me is that I'm really not dieting at all. I allow myself anything I want to have.

    Each day, I am given a "bowl of calories" to spend however I would like. I also have the option of exercising throughout my day to get extra "bowls" of calories. These calories are mine to spend however I would like to spend them. I just can't spend over the amount that I've been given.

    I have found that by using this mindset I'm finally free of this odd addiction I've had to food and am making much, much, much better choices. You may not feel that way, especially if you look over the past 4-5 days since it's been that wonderful time of the month, but I know my choices are better, even the days that i don't feel I choose best, I know I choose better than I would have 2 months ago!

    Because nothing is off limits, I don't feel the need to cheat. I just examine my desire and weigh it against what I have left in my bowl of calories and ask myself is it worth it? Can I add extra exercise to make it worth it? Is there a better substitution? It is no more a "desire, grab, eat" mentality. I question myself and then if the desire is there and I can make it happen, I do. With no regrets or guilt!

    We all need to figure out what works best for us, what will leave us individually feeling good and right. I hope you are able to discover for yourself what that is. This site is an invaluable tool - use it well!!
  • You can and will make it. Just remember the hardest part is starting. I know how depressing it is to not like what you see. Make up your mind and start today. If you mess up a day or two...try again. MFP has been awsome, if you need help you"ve got me and others on this site to encourage you. You will get thru this.
  • Bellydance
    Bellydance Posts: 105 Member
  • Girl you can do. We are in the same boat and i feel exactly the same as you. I think if you decided to share this with us, that mean you are somehow ready. Just do it and it will be easier the more you go.
    Good luck and feel free to accept my invitation.
    Love Adele x
  • Thank you everyone for your advice and support. I know I can do this. I've done it before. I just need to do it and stick with it this time. Bellydance, I think your comment impacted me the most. I think I respond more to JUST DO IT...and hearing the hard truth. And the "I should" part is really the truth. I say that ALL the time.
    Day 2 of my restart and I'm going half strength. I'm not up to full strength yet. I'm not coming out of the starting gate too fast..cause then I'll run out of steam and not get to the finish line!
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