Not New But I'm Back & Looking For Support :)

Hello all! I fell off the wagon for a bit (still continued to eat as healthy as I could for the most part, just didn't have the time to keep up on here). Recenly I have not been feeling well, and frankly my symtoms are scaring me. Don't worry, I am going to the doctor today, after work. But I was hoping to gain a few more supporters (and I will support you back!) and some opinions on my recent health issues. Below is a repost of my recent blog post:

Now this may or may not be a factor, but before I start this post, I want to point out that I was a slight hypochondriac as a kid. I was no Veda Sultenfuss, but I would often read things like home remedy books and think I had symptoms of minor health problems. However, I do not feel this has been a problem since I was in my early teens.

Now, that being said, the last couple of days I have been experiencing all or some of the following symptoms:

-Chest feels tight -or- have to take deep breaths -or- have to focus on breathing or I subconsciously hold my breath.

-Nasal/Sinus congestion.

-Stop breathing when I fall asleep - making it hard for me to fall asleep until I am absolutely exhausted (I could not fall asleep until around 4am last night).

-Feeling like I'm swallowing air -or- constant feeling like I need to burp (feels like air bubble in chest).

-Fatigue, weakness throughout most of the day - more prominent in the mornings and evenings.

-Easily winded by the simplest tasks (walking at a brisk pace, going up stairs, carrying somewhat heavy items).

-Stress, anxiety, paranoia (possibly hypochondria?) due to my symptoms, possible lack of sleep - may be making symptoms worse.

-Random pains all over: I want to elaborate on this particular symptom as it seems the most concerning to me...

Through the day and night, consistently yet randomly, I am feeling pains that are either shooting, tingly, feel like pins & needles or feel dull & achy all over my body. I do not feel it all over my entire body all at once. The pain travels randomly to different parts such as:

-anywhere on my arms (back or front of upper arms, elbows, wrists)

-fingers and fingertips

-anywhere on my face (forehead, cheeks, jaw)

-chest, breasts

-anywhere on my back

- front or back of thighs or knees


-feet, but mostly bottoms of my feet


-pretty much any random area on my body is prone to a sudden pain that feels like one or more of the feelings described above.

I am going to the doctor but I am concerned that I may have:


Sleep Apnea

Possibly both of the above

A heart condition



I am officially freaked out by these pains. If anyone has any ideas, suggestions, thoughts, opinions, whatever - I would be glad to hear/read them.




  • fatbanisher

    Its great your going to the doctor, you can leave it any later. I suffered from quite a few of those symptoms and was told it was a viral infection, stress and anxiety and anaemic. Great diagnosis.

    You'll be fine just try and rest as much as you can and eat food that can help give your system a boost, I recommend loads of Spinach or leek.

    We are here supporting you!

    I'm new to this swell after gaining an awesome stone and a half!!
  • JeniferEverx3
    JeniferEverx3 Posts: 219 Member
    Thank you! I appreciate your input. That makes me feel a little less freaked out about it. I keep thinking I'm gonna die - which is also affecting my ability to fall asleep, because I keep worrying that if I fall asleep I wouldn't wake up again.
  • fatbanisher
    Don't be alarmed. You've probably been working out so much you're burned out. I'm a massive hypochondriac so I know exactly what not knowing feels like. Also your body probably making you think you are unable to breath. If you genuinely couldn't you'd be posting from a hospital bed.

    Stay strong and most importantly stay calm !
  • Dhawa74
    Dhawa74 Posts: 13 Member
    It sounds like you're having what sound like panic attacks and anxiety. I had a friend that experienced the same thing. You are basically getting inside your own head. I think that it is definitely a good idea that you get a check up with your doctor to hopefully rule out any real physical issues(which will also lessen your paranoia), but a lack of sleep and stress will eventually create physical issues.

    I would say to develop some tools to help you cope with these issues when they do arise. For instance do something to keep your mind busy when all you can think about is taking a breath or possibly dying. Like reading a book, watching a movie or tv show, even talking to a friend. For me sometimes I have issues falling asleep because my mind is racing, but if I wake up early, exercise and hit up my dvr before bedtime I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. Basically find things that help you relax and stop thinking so much.

    You will for sure get past this and be just fine

  • alaliberte
    I've had a form of what I thought was panic attack and it was really that my adrenal glands were only partially functioning. I went to the nearest health food store and bought raw adrenal extract--yes, sounds gross but worked like a charm. Also, how's your immune system? Perhaps start taking some immune formula and see if that helps. All of my suggestions include seeing the doctor! Send me a friend request...I'm like you, on again off again as I have time for MFP...

    Good luck!!
  • JeniferEverx3
    JeniferEverx3 Posts: 219 Member
    Thank you all for your thoughts on this :) I haven't been working out lately but plan to start as soon as I fhave a grasp on this issue I'm having. I'm also a smoke (I know shame) and that has added to my paranoia. I've stopped smoking bc I'm too scared and I don't really want to. I only smoked one cigarette today bc I was really craving the nicotine (didn't even smoke the whole thing).