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I HATE to exercise!!! How do I get motivated to do it???

I have lost 15 lbs so far and want to lose another 60 pounds..I do great on my eating, most days, so that's not a problem. The problem is, I HATE to exercise!! I do walk a mile almost every day..but other than that, i can't seem to motivate myself to do anything. I've tried other things, but just haven't found anything that I want to stick with. I know exercising will help me lose weight faster and also tone and firm up as I'm losing weight..Any suggestions on some good exercised that might be fun or maybe I would want to stick with??


  • Do something that is exercise but doesn't feel like it.
    Maybe a dance(Zumba) class? Maybe parter up with someone. Having a support system is important in the weight loss process.

    Good Luck! :)
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I used to *hate* exercise. Seriously, I'd love to just sit around and watch TV or play online. It only took 2 weeks of exercising regularly for me to fall in love with it and now I *need* to get some sort of exercise in daily. I enjoyed the C25K, it was challenging for me and I am motivated through wanting to prove I can do it. I also have a bunch of really fun exercise DVDs--Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout, Crunch Salsa, 30 Day Shred. I also ride my bike and walk daily. Once you get in the routine, you'll start enjoying it.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Find something you like to do. We all dont love it we just do it. Once yo find something that you do and you feel good and accomplished after it is a rush. Just getting into it and sticking with it is this hardest 1st step. Challange your body it is what it needs
  • How many different types of exercise have you tried? If running or biking is boring to you, you could try playing low impact sports. Even casual racquet ball doesn't require a great amount of effort if you arent playing competively. Swimming is usually fun and helps a lot due to the activity being in the water and forcing you to push weight and get great cardio in. Perhaps something like aqua aerobics or Yoga would be helpful to motivate you?
  • LeBartlett
    LeBartlett Posts: 11 Member
    it's great that you are walking every day!

    I happen to like things (and stick with things) that involve friends. Some days I might not want to do anything but if I agreed to go with a friend I am more likely to commit to it.

    So with that in mind, even scheduling longer walks with friends a couple days a week might help. Or take some step classes at a community center, or even doing free trials at gyms might get you some ideas...
  • HunnieM
    HunnieM Posts: 37
    Hello, I have had a problem with finding a good workout to keep me motivated also. I have learned that walking for more than 10mins on my treadmill is not for me, I like to do the jilian micheals workout dvds. They give you a good sweat and she keeps you motivated while your doing them
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    I do the stationary bike in front of the tv... lol. If it's a good show sometimes I don' even know I'm exercising. My base is I do at least 90 minutes on the bike a day. I may add other exercise to that depending on how I feel. But even when I'm sick I can still handle doing the bike. The other thing I do whether its exercise or house work, I reward myself with yahoo games. I won't allow myself to do games until the exercise is done. Good luck.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    You need to find your SOULMATE workout. I started with Turbo Jam and was loving it. I now do Turbo Fire which I love even more! I also do ChaLEAN Extreme to get toned more. Chalene Johnson is definitely my soulmate trainer and so are her programs. I enjoy it and look forward to doing my next workout(s) everyday.
  • I could not move it, shake it, or rattle it without music. That is my secret weapon.
  • elyse0210
    elyse0210 Posts: 142 Member
    I hate to exercise as well but I've tried to change up my workouts so I won't get tired of the same thing. I started using wii fit and other fitness games and now I'm doing Zumba which is actually really fun and burns tons of calories. I think if you change it up you will stay motivated and not get bored so easily.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Just try alot of different things to see what you do like. Make it more about fun and not torture! Go for a hike, or bike ride, walk your dog! I too can say that I used to HATE exercising, but as I slowly added it in and tried different things I started to find things that I liked and then I started seeing the benefits and NOW I feel horrible when I dont do it! Have you tried exercise videos or maybe dancing classes, like jazzercize, zumba or yoga. There are so many options out there, just find what works for you!
    Good Luck!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    When I was little I loved: riding my bike, roller skating, tap/jazz/ballet, swimming.

    When I was little, no one had to tell me to exercise. I moved my body for the joy of it. Remembering what I liked to do as a kid really helped me get moving as an adult. I've incorporated a lot of these activities into my life and they don't feel like exercise. I'm doing what I love so I look forward to it.

  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    I agree with what has been said you have to try things and find what works for you. That being said I think it is also important to remember not to jump in too fast. I started with just 30 minutes at the gym (I also have the added bonus of automatically having my membership taken out of my account each month which means if I don't use it I waste the money) and then added in 20 minutes at a time (more or less). It still varies from day to day and it isn't always easy but if I commit to just getting up and moving I can usually make it through.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,534 Member
    Do you belong to a gym or can you join one? I know it's not always financially feasible but if you do or can, try different classes with different instructors. I absolutely love to spin (indoor cycling) which I always thought sounded like a stupid way to exercise but with the right instructor, it's a blast and a great work out. Now, there are instructors who I would rather stick a needle in my eye than do their classes so there is some trial and error. FOlks on here rave about Zumba, I've tried it and we have a horrible instructor at my gym so that's not for me. Walking with friends is a great way to make the time go faster and you go farther.
  • There is no miracle cure to make you motivated, it has to come from within yourself. Your negative attitude towards it and telling yourself you hate what you are doing makes you unenthusiastic. Once you stop saying 'I hate this, I can't be bothered' and start saying 'Ok good I can make time for myself today and have a really good workout, do something for myself' then youll feel good about doing it especially after totalling up the calories you've burnt!
    The main things I started to do with exercising as I'm not a naturally sporty person were walking like you already do, and exercise dvds. I really enjoy the retro Jane Fonda aerobics and some of the newer ones. You can find a lot of them on torrents to save money.. not that i do that :)
    Also joining a gym that is near to you and you like will be a real boost. You can join in with some of the classes and start going regularly or just really pounding the cardio machines and a few toning ones. I find I can go on the crosstrainer for ages as it doesnt impact my shins like running does but it's still burning a lot of calories so it's really effective.
    Good luck and and make sure you get a routine of tummy crunches, squats and things like that in as well before bedtime and youll really notice the difference.
    One other good website to use is FeelFit, you can enter some brief info about yourself and it gives you a workout to do at home which is great if you dont really know where to start. Also you can put in things that you've done as exercise and it all adds up to your weekly points score, and you have to meet your target.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I have fibroymyaglia and soft connective tissue disease...so not only do I hate to exercise...it HURTS! I have to psych myself up off the couch everytime. Once I get into a routine like others on here have said, it gets easier. But it usually takes at least a week to two weeks of doing this.

    I love the 10 minute solution DVDS since you do as much or as little as you want. This kind of sounds lazy but at least I am getting movement and exercise in at my level. My two favorites are: 10 Minute Solution Yoga and 10 Minute Solution Carb Burner. But they have other great ones like kick boxing, pilates and target toning that are awesome! If you have netflix and a wii you are set because they are all on your instant queue!

    Hope this helps! :o)
  • dgilner
    dgilner Posts: 120 Member
    I am not sure where you live - but here in the midwest we have ATT UVerse - which has on demand exercise videos for free. If you have access to that - you could try some different workouts and see if any of them are something you like without spending the money. I have a friend that loves those dance videos. Oh another place - the library - they have dvds/videos and you could try different ones for free. Jump rope, roller blading/roller skates? It is ALWAYS better with a friend - do you know anyone who could team up with you?? And music for sure!!

    You and I would make a good team - I love to workout but really struggle with my eating choices!!
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    What cured me of hating exercise was LOVING to eat. The days I get a good, vigorous 45-minute workout in, I can eat 500 calories more without feeling guilty. Sometimes I even let myself have a treat.

    But I do agree with a lot of the other posts about finding something that you like to do. For me, it's a workout DVD every other day. On the other days, I use the elliptical while watching my favorite TV shows online. That makes the workout time fly by.

    Hope you find something that you love and keep at it!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm doing zumba and hip hop abs!! it feels like you're just dancing NOT working out !!! looooooove
  • slg334
    slg334 Posts: 25
    I think it depends on what you actually enjoy doing. I like good music and I love to dance, so I am doing Charlene's Turbo Jam. She's an excellent motivator and she has great music to go with the routine. And you burn a lot of calories.
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