Hey Im Kayla.

Im 23 years old. I weigh 190lbs. I want to weigh around 130lbs. I weighed 155lbs before i got pregnant with my first child. When I gave birth to my daughter I weighed 241lbs. Within the first year I dropped 65lbs without even trying. Then I had a surprise pregnancy. I tried so hard not to gain weight during my second pregnancy, i ate fruits and veggies. Drank nothing but water but I still ended up weighing 240lbs when I gave birth. So I put all the weight back on. Now its been 9 months since I had my second baby and Ive lost 50lbs so far. Ive been working out almost everyday on my elliptical, dieting, but i have plateaued at 190lbs for the past 2 months. I cant seem to drop anymore. I came here hoping to have friend support cause losing weight by yourself is hard. I would love to get some tips and advise to help further me in my weight loss goal


  • Hey. I,m Julia and I understand what you're going through. It's hard to lose weight after having babies... I have two daughters. The thing I'm doing right now is drinking lots of water and herbal teas. Plus, on top of trying not to eat too much junk food, I'm eating lots of veggies throughout the day. I know most people on a diet starve themselves but for me, eating small and frequent has always worked. It kicks your metabolism into high gear. When people don't eat enough or often enough your body tries to conserve energy and metabolism slows down. I weigh 190 and am trying to get back to 130 also. Trying to get into the gym more but not always easy to do since I home school my nine year old daughter. I hope this was helpful! Feel free to friend me and we can talk more.
  • Hiker_Rob
    Hiker_Rob Posts: 5,547 Member
    Hi Kayla, one option is adding people as friends on MFP for support and motivation. Find some people who have similar goals or interests and send them a request. Most people on here are quite helpful and you can develop a nice little support group from it.
    All the best in reaching your goals!!
  • Hiker_Rob
    Hiker_Rob Posts: 5,547 Member
    @juliagulia.... Good name.... from The wedding singer with Adam Sandler? Or just coincidence?
  • Hi Kayla,
    You can add me :smile: