
ummyasminah Posts: 95 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
So I'm getting started again in earnest... Today I stuck to MFP's calorie recommendation, and I'm about to go to sleep...but I'm hungry, my stomach is growling slightly. I'm wondering if this means I should be eating another 100-200 calories? I'm breastfeeding an older baby and already added that as a 'negative food" to give me 300 more calories than MFP's calculated 1380 intake. But it's possible that figure should be 500. Any thoughts? Is it normal to be a bit hungry? I didn't exercise today so it's not an issue of eating back those calories. I'd appreciate any advice!


  • mamajess242
    mamajess242 Posts: 11 Member
    How old is the baby? Is s/he part weaned? I am bf a 5 month old and would add 500 calories on for that but that is the babe's sole source of nutrition. I think 300 calories is plenty for a part weaned baby.

    I am new to this, but husband pointed out the other day that you are probably meant to be a bit hungry when dieting. Hunger is not a bad thing. If you're making sure you've added extra calories for baby then ride with it. Bare in mind, your calorie needs will fluctuate with your child's needs but you can use this in your favour too.

    The body is amazing and it will still give your baby perfect nutrition. Think of people in less fortunate circumstances, who can't eat properly but still manage to produce top quality milk...that's what the female body does. Pretty amazing. This is all providing your calorie cut isn't too drastic but it sounds pretty balanced to me.

    Sorry to waffle. HTH

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