Introducing Myself!


I'm turning 26 this year and am 5'9 and about 150lbs. I would like to become more fit and muscular and if that means losing weight, I'll take it :)

I work two jobs and am in grad school so my biggest issues are finding the time and energy for exercise and a noticeable chocolate addiction lol.

I jogged/walked 5km yesterday which took me 47 minutes. I would like to reduce that time (as well as not feel like I'm going to die lol.) I also do a 20 minute program on my elliptical and Jillian Michael's 30DS and Ripped in 30. I alternate between these and even though my goal is 4-6x/week I usually average 1-2, if that.

I would love some friends who will keep me accountable as I find it very easy to get lazy!!

Thanks for reading!! :)


  • Sworksitout87
    Sworksitout87 Posts: 4 Member
    Bump! Still needing support!
  • determined2bfit13
    determined2bfit13 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi there,

    It doesnt seem like you need to lose weight, based on your height and weight. I'm thinking you need to do more weight lifting to build muscle. The Jillian Michaels DVD's are a good workout in a short amount of time and you could use free weights.
    I also have problems finding time so I write a schedule on a dry erase board and plan my week and meals ahead of time to save some time.

    Good luck!!

    Feel free to add me if you'd like :)