How do we choose a goal weight?

I am 5'10 so when I chose my goal weight I picked a number on the high side of the height & weight charts. I think the range was 128 to 169. The number I picked out of the hat was 165. Before my weight gain (the last 2 years) I was around 164 for most of my adult life. Now I am just not sure. Does that mean my body liked being on the high range? Should I strive to go lower? Any input would help. Thank you!


  • mom2kpr
    mom2kpr Posts: 348 Member
    I set my goal the same way, which puts me at 130 (I'm shorter). I figure when I get to that, I will re-evaluate how I feel & if I am happy with the way I look. I've always looked smaller then I am, so I'm thinking 125 - 130 will be a good size for me. You can always change your goal as you go along. Good luck!
  • callie006
    callie006 Posts: 151 Member
    Why not focus on getting to top of the healthy range and reassess based on how you look and feel?

    I picked 125 because it's the weight I was when I was most fit. I've been 117, but I was skinny fat and looked it. If I hit 130 and am happy by how I look and feel, though, I'll just maintain that.
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    When I picked my goal weight, it was honestly just an arbitrary number that sounded good. Once I get within 15 pounds of it, I plan in evaluating if I need to actually lose any more or more than I originally thought.
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Just picked 155. Then through a BMI/BMR website, it turned out to be the optimum weight for my height, age and build. That was that.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I'd suggest looking at the weight as a guideline, not a goal in itself. Body fat or pants size are probably better goals, if not quite as instantly gratifying or trackable.
    I felt best at 135lbs, 10 years ago, so that is the number I put in as a goal. (I am 5'7"). But I am aware I'd be happy at 145 maybe even 150 if I feel right about it. I am not unhappy at 160 right now, especially since my body shape is changing with the exercise I am doing, but I am looking forward to hopefully drop a few more pounds and fitting into a size 8.
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    As someone that's always been overweight, I've picked my goal based on the high end of the healthy weight range for my height. I figure once I get there I can re-evaluate and set a new goal or focus on gaining tone while maintaining weight.

    At 5'7 I've chosen 150 as my goal to allow for a healthy fluctuation between 150 and 155. I've never been lower than 175 since adulthood though.
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    What is your goal? It's not all about weight on here this is My FITNESS Pal we always seem to get wrapped up in weight

    BUT I hear ya. I picked mine because it was a weight I had been at before that I felt the best at. I didn't care what a chart said. I felt the best at that weight. So I guess just keep plugging along

    but my first question is still valid, what is your goal?
  • mrshudson813
    mrshudson813 Posts: 128 Member
    If you want a healthy weight range, check BMI charts and see what range is best for you. Personally, I would set my goal a little on the high side and then reevaluate it again once you get closer to your goal.
  • Sashoi
    Sashoi Posts: 295 Member
    I'm not really fixated on a goal weight. My goal is to fit into a size 8/10 once I can fit into a 10 n if I like the way I look I will just maintain n start heavy lifting to focus on inches n not the scale.
  • Thank you all! I will reevaluate as time goes on. Great stories. Thank you. :flowerforyou:
  • vlland
    vlland Posts: 55 Member
    According to height and weight charts i'm in the normal range (117-143 and I weigh 138) But... I don't feel good about myself until I can fit into my clothes without muffin top again. I set my goal weight at 125 but would be happy at 130. I like to set my goal a little lower because I gain and lose a few pounds often (water weight, time of the month, day of bad eating etc...) If I can stay in a range (125-130) i'll be happy. I think the height and weight charts are only guidelines - it depends on how much muscle u have, ur age, how u feel about yourself, if ur clothes fit well, and ur body shape. I am apple shape and had stomach surgery due to a ruptured appendix so... I cant wear tight clothes on my stomach now and if I don't stick to the lower end of the weight chart I look pregnant. Once u reach ur goal weight u can reassess to work on maintaining or lose a little more (to give u some wiggle room)
    JADEPH0EN1X Posts: 162 Member
    I'm 5'9.5" & the nurse at the doctors surgery put my ideal weight at 158 lbs !
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I picked a higher number that I could remember being at. Once I reached that, I decided to go a little lower (another 5 lbs), and then switched to focus on measurements and body fat. I have lost another 5 lbs since then. I think to get to my ideal body fat, I will probably have to go another 10 lbs (hence my ticker), but if I don't that's fine too.
  • Littlestandrews
    Littlestandrews Posts: 96 Member
    For my height, a healthy weight range is from 99-123. My goal weight is 117 (which may be re-evaluated once I get close). I chose mine so that when I am fully dressed and go to the doc, I'm still in a healthy weight range. I'm sick of being told to lose weight. My fear is that I will get to my goal and the doc will STILL tell me to drop weight:/
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    My BMI says I should weigh anywhere from 97.9 lbs to 132.3 lbs, I'm 118 right now. I'm pretty happy with my weight, wouldn't mind getting to 115/110 but I'm happy with my weight now.

    I don't focus much on the BMI chart, just wanna be healthy and fit.
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    IMO, "we" should not choose a goal weight. Scale weight has very little to do with how we look or feel. Scale weight is just total weight.
  • kimtab
    kimtab Posts: 64 Member
    Initially my goal number was just a weight I had been at before and felt good at (170) As I lost weight and gained confidence that I was going to stick with it I changed my goal to the upper end of normal BMI (150). I am 15 pounds from my original goal now and starting to see that body composition, not weight is gonna be my issue. So I guess it's an ever changing number right? Everyone's goal in the beginning is probably pretty arbitrary. Pick something that gives you a reasonable calorie deficit you can stick to and you can reevaluate as you go along.
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Men's sizes differ from women's. I wanted my waist size to be smaller than my length. Done that. As I gain muscle mass, my waist will not change. Happily, I can buy my pants in the boy's dept, much cheaper for same clothes, but shirts in the men's department. For the first time ever, I feel comfortable enough to wear fitted shirts, an my correct size is slim or athletic fit. That is a good feeling!
  • donjessop
    donjessop Posts: 186
    I chose 225 lbs as it was the same weight as when I got married. I have never been below 200 lbs since I was 18 so I figured that once I reached 225 I would see how I felt and make any further decisions. According to BMI (an almost completely discredited number by the way) I should be 181 pounds. That won't happen.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    You want to be within a normal BMI range for your height, but I think it's realistic to aim towards the top for now. At 5'6", I should be no more than 154, so I set my goal to 145. I've been 125, but that was in eighth grade (and yes, I was 5'6" then), but I've been around 145 before and after that, so I feel like it's a healthy, sustainable weight for me.