I never noticed...

How many binge eaters are on MFP- and I thought I was the only one!! Feels good to know I'm not alone and have people to work with me on the same problem..

Just sharing :D


  • Kestrel45
    Kestrel45 Posts: 133
    its such a difficult thing to deal with isnt it? I have the same thing.
  • What is a binge eater? I seriously have NO idea. :ohwell: :happy:
  • What is a binge eater? I seriously have NO idea. :ohwell: :happy:

    Binge eater would mean someone who overeats on one specific thing whenever their emotions take over... being bored, angry, stressed, upset, depressed, etc etc....
  • lua_
    lua_ Posts: 258 Member
    What is a binge eater? I seriously have NO idea. :ohwell: :happy:

    Binge eater would mean someone who overeats on one specific thing whenever their emotions take over... being bored, angry, stressed, upset, depressed, etc etc....

    That's emotional binge eating. Binge eating can have nothing to do with emotion, some people (myself included) just binge eat because they like food

    Also, it doesn't have to be one specific thing
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Some of us binge because we compulsively eat. That hand just automatically reaches for more. I'm do that compulsive plus emotional binging.

    Finally after decades of struggling, it's better but I still cycle through really tough days every three weeks or so.
  • Ohhhhhh. When I have a craving, or I'm emotional (angry, sad, bored) kickboxing or other excersise helps me.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I've struggled with binge eating, and really, anything could be a trigger. I could have a good day and still binge from boredom or a need to "fill" myself. It got pretty bad for a while, but at the time, I didn't think I had a problem because in my mind, you had to be a purger in order for it to be an eating disorder. I just plain didn't care about myself. It was definitely full blown when I couldn't eat in front of other people for fear of being judged, even if it was not a binge. I would basically starve myself during the day and then eat well over 3,000 calories at night.

    I take it one day at a time now, and I have good days and bad days when it comes to the compulsion, but at the very least, I've recognized it and have taken steps to combat it.