Who else has a fluctuating appetite?

AkBUTLER Posts: 107
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Heys mfps. It seems as if one week I barely have an appetite and the next week I eat everything in sight. My excercise routine pretty much stays the same. I am wondering if there is a reason for this???


  • Amarea
    Amarea Posts: 91 Member
    I don't have an answer for that, though I have definitely have a fluctuation in my appetite. Sometimes it is an emotional thing that has me looking to food for comfort, but other times I am genuinely hungry. At those times, I eat more, but try and eat healthy things. Sometimes your body knows what you need more than you do. Check your calorie/exercise ratio. Then again, sometimes I'm just ravenous for no darn reason that I can figure out. For me, if I can get through the evening, the next morning I feel back to normal...usually, lol. Good luck with an answer to this one, I think it's the perpetual dilemma.
  • IRun24
    IRun24 Posts: 30
    I find that sleep, water intake, and hormones play a HUGE role in how much I eat. For example, when I am tired - I eat; when I don't drink enough I feel "hungry" (even though it's just "thirsty" and all I need to do is drink some more water). And the WORST for me is when TOM comes... I can't turn down anything sugary or salty (my go to is Raisinets and butter popcorn... not too bad except I can eat the entire box of candy and the whole bag of popcorn!).

    There could be many reasons for your appetite cycles... and maybe its just that, a cycle. I've just made sure that I am aware of all these external cues to eat more even when I don't need to and try to keep tabs on it. That being said, I do make sure to allow for a couple of extra snacks on days when I know that I will be craving hardcore.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Mine fluctuates from hungry to extremely hungry... Does that count? :laugh:

    Nooo idea what makes us so ravenous sometimes, OP. I'm sure hormones play a huge role since usually I'm most hungry when my hormones are going like ninety. I'm sure that lack of sleep and mood are likely to blame.

    Good luck sticking to your guns on days like! Just know that we all struggle with it sometimes :) Track, and eat lots of healthy high-fiber snacks and you should be alright.
  • Same thing here. The week before my cycle, I crave cabs SOOOOO bad. I try just to moderate my cravings, but I find if I don't give in a little, they don't subside. I don't worry about it too much, I just wont sit down and eat a WHOLE bag of chips. I guess moderation is the key for me.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Let me interject as a 24 year old with a hysterectomy and an ever fluctuating appetite! Even though I do not have a cycle and very low hormones, My appetite is bizarre to say the least. Last week I was like meh, to eat or not to eat: Do I really care? This week? I've literally thought I might not make it to the kitchen in time at least three different times TODAY. So many things I think play a part. Right now I have a HORRIBLE fall cold and even though a sore throat normally makes me crave soup and juice, I've been ravenous for comfort food this time around.
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    I go week to week wanting to eat only bad foods, then the next week all healthy. Its so hard, but I feel ya!
  • Hormones, hormones, hormones. Mine is like clockwork - the 1-2 weeks before my period I'm starving. Week of, I barely touch anything. Week after I return to normal.
  • Mine definitely fluctuates, for no reason I can think of except maybe the weather getting cooler. I'm 56 and stopped having cycles long ago... haven't started any exercise yet, so that's not it... and I don't have that much variation in stress level from day to day. Most days staying within calories has been pleasant easy for me, but lately... it's been a challenge.
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