Needing fitness buddy

I'm just getting started AGAIN and I'm trying to find someone I can text or email to talk to about daily struggles, maybe share recipes. I would like a friend that I can talk to about this stuff. No one I know is doing what i'm doing. And I know i'm going slip sometimes or not want to work out and I would like a friend to be there and tell me to go ahead and do what I need to. And I could be that kind of person for someone else. I need someone who is just as motivated as I am. Thank in advance.


  • songdogshooter41
    songdogshooter41 Posts: 39 Member
    see if any of your co-workers would be willing to start something with you. I have a couple buddies that weren't working out, but once i let them know that I wanted to, they were on board with it. Local help really helps hold yourself accountable. :)

    MFP is a great place for getting motivation, and advice though.

    Add me if you would like.

  • Runninginmyconverse
    That's a really good idea but the thing is. I haven't been to my job yet lol I just got hired at a new place and I start on Monday. I'm kind of shy so it'll probably take some time for me to tell someone what i'm doing and ask if they would like to join me.
  • songdogshooter41
    songdogshooter41 Posts: 39 Member
    I have been trying to get my wife to start working out with me too, but she keeps resisting. My dad too. It is tough when it seems like your the only one trying to make a difference!

    Thats were I really like MFP! There are so many people here from so many different fitness levels. I like to see people who HAVE made a change in their lives. that really motivates me!

    I do DDP Yoga too! If you have never heard/ seen anything about it, check it out on youtube... Just search DDP Yoga Transformations Arthur. Another guy SLIM has lost over 200 # in a year with eating healthy and DDP Yoga and other stuff. He is one of my friends here. Slimtronic5k.
  • Runninginmyconverse
    Oh wow! I've never heard of that but I will def be looking into that thanks!
  • artxe
    artxe Posts: 7
    feel free to add me. i enjoy helping others when i can.
  • live4awhile
    Hi there! I would really love a fitness buddy I could text, let's be friends! :)