Tredmill and weight loss

Hey MFP's,

I have been bouncing around with my weight and NOW is the time to be super serious. I have a busy schdule coming up within the next 7 months and i have a few hrs in between to do Whatever, and i wanna do excersice but not be glued down to a class schdule for a gym.
Can someone give me advice with their own expereince with a TREDMILL and loosing weight. i wanna be 50 pounds down by April or May. Is it Possible for me to do that. im Currently 185 and looking to be 130 by then. ANY advice with this would be greatly appreciated!



  • Soapbox
    Soapbox Posts: 38
    When exercising you dont want to just work out one muscle group, it would be far more benifical to work out all the muscle groups in a gym with some cardio too
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    With darker mornings and snowy roads not far behind the treadmill will again be my best friend. I think the best weight loss happens when you aren't doing the same thing everyday (walking at the same speed, same amount of miles or time) so look at some of the walking programs. I'll post the one I'm going to start but has some and there are more on the link I'll post.

    I think getting some hand weights or bands is a good idea to. The 30 Day Shred is a good workout and it's only 20 min. it has both cardio and weight training.

    Weight loss is so personal, we don't all lose the same so I can't comment on your goal. This one has some running in it, if you don't want to run walk fast. I don't know if it's supposed to burn 2,000 cals in a week or what, but it looked like a new routine for me to try.
  • blessedbirdie
    I personally use the treadmill about every other day. I do a HIIT (high intensity interval workout) on it. My dr. who started me on the plan taught me to do it. You can look up HIIT on the internet but basically you warm up about 4 min. then walk or run for 5 min. You want to get breathing good and heart rate up. Then slow down for 4-10 min until your breathing normal again. You repeat this but second time 4 min. run. Then 3, 2, 1 with the slow downs inbetween. There are variations on this online.
    I started this and have lost 40 lbs in 3 months. along with my diet plan. It takes me about 40 min to do the workout but I love it. It seems so quick. I just stated with a kettlebell too and find it very quick to use and it does a great job with getting my heart rate up and does what weighs do.
    I hope you can find something.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    You have to do what works for you.
    That said, if walking on a treadmill works for you, go for it.
    You can always up the intensity as you get more comfortable.
    It is a cardio, low impact workout & some movement is better than no movement at all.

    When it comes to your weight loss goal of 50 lbs. by April/May, I find it's best not to set such
    large goals, I take it week by week. BUT, that's just me.

    Good luck.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    As long as you are doing SOME form of cardio it doesn't matter. Just make sure to record accurately, and eat healthy.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    My start and goal weight were very similar to yours. I started January 4th and was celebrating the loss of 40 pounds on August 4th after eating right, using an elliptical once a week, and walking 1-3x a week. also did yoga for about 10 weeks in there (once a week only). 50 pounds may be asking a lot in the time frame you have mentioned, but it all depends on how much you are willing to work on it and stay committed to a good eating plan. Good luck to you on your journey.