help: any tips for beginners????

sandra69909 Posts: 4 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Hi everybody I'm trying to loose about 50 pounds. I had a baby 5 months ago, i always wake up tired and with 0 energy.I don't know where to start and tips??


  • Hi, I'm new to MFP but not to dieting. Need to lose 20 pounds after gaining relationship weight.
    Tips I'd give is be completely honest. If your not the only person your cheating is yourself!!
    Remember why your doing this. Aldo everything in moderation. I have an epic sweet tooth and if i went
    2 months without sweets Id binge for a week so to help I have to lollypops a week!

    It wont't be easy but it's definitely worth it. If you need support I'm here!
    Good Luck!
  • Btw eat breakfast and a healthy one e.g eggs and spinach or oats. You'll perk up real soon
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    With a 5 mont old baby, waking up tired is more likely to be due to the baby than diet!!! So, sleep as much as you can (and yes, I know you are sitting there thinking 'yea, right?!? WTF!', - been there with my 3 (or to be precise, my wife has!)

    As far as weight loss is concerned, log everything as accurately as you can. You will soon see the calorie dense foods. Work on reducing these to get under your calorie goal whilst staying in the right proportion of carbs, fats and protein. To combat tiredness, go for protein and then carbs

    Start with little things first and work up to the bigger things. For instance, if you have a weakness for full sugar sodas, switch to diet sodas or reduce the amount of full sugar sodas that you have.

    Lastly, be patient!! Just as the weight didn't appear overnight, it wont disappear overnight!
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    MY baby is 11 months he just started sleeping all night. I know how it feels. I also have 2 other kids. I get it I do. My advice start small.

    Log all your food. I eat every 3 ish hrs smaller meals. Balance lean proteins whole grains fruits and veggies with some treat foods. You dont want to cut everything out that is maybe not as good for you right away. More likely to binge. I typically eat a cookie or two or a bowl of ice cream per day.. Depending on how many calories I have left. Start by making small changes over time that you can stick with.

    Exercise is great if you can do it. Start small, walks with the stroller. One or two weight training sessions a week. Whatever you can do at first to get into a routine is great.
  • sandra69909
    sandra69909 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for your comments. I actually started gaining weight due to depression. Im currently trying to fight insomnia, but i do sleep during the day, I hate it tho. I never have breakfast due to the same reason. I think the worst habit i have is drinking soda.
  • 226Muriel
    226Muriel Posts: 138 Member

  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    3 days to overcome a craving;
    3 weeks to develop a new habit;
    3 months to see a significant transformation
  • LizN63
    LizN63 Posts: 129 Member
    I feel your pain. I don't know if you're a SAHM or not? Either way, try making yourself a packed lunch and having some healthy snacks prepared the night before so that you don't have to think too much about what to eat during the day.

    Start exercise small with lots of walks with the baby in their pushchair - try and build up your speed, I don't know about yours but my LO went to sleep more quickly if I walked faster. Try and make sure you get fresh air every day, I know it can be easy to sit inside with a baby given all you have to take out with you!

    Try and banish unhealthy snacks (if it's difficult for you to ration them) from the house if possible.

    Drink lots of water, especially if you're bfing.
  • sandra69909
    sandra69909 Posts: 4 Member
    I feel your pain. I don't know if you're a SAHM or not? Either way, try making yourself a packed lunch and having some healthy snacks prepared the night before so that you don't have to think too much about what to eat during the day.

    Start exercise small with lots of walks with the baby in their pushchair - try and build up your speed, I don't know about yours but my LO went to sleep more quickly if I walked faster. Try and make sure you get fresh air every day, I know it can be easy to sit inside with a baby given all you have to take out with you!

    Try and banish unhealthy snacks (if it's difficult for you to ration them) from the house if possible.

    Drink lots of water, especially if you're bfing.

    Thanks for your tips. Yes I'm a SAHM and I also babysitt my little sister, so it's actually hard to get out of the house since she doesn't like to walk :(
  • blgmw2
    blgmw2 Posts: 171 Member
    When you log exercise calories MFP tends to be higher than what you actually burn. I learned this when I got my HRM. Now I log everything I can by my HRM(Heart Rate Monitor).
  • jellybeanmusic
    jellybeanmusic Posts: 161 Member
    * weigh everything - guessing is just cheating yourself
    * log everything - same reason, and you can look back on good weeks for inspiration
    * stay hydrated - helps your body function better and thirst can be mistaken for hunger
    * don't let set backs win - some weeks will be better than other
    * move more - you don't need to run marathons, but moving will benefit your body and your mind
    * Set small targets - half stone loses, one belt notch at a time etc - helps you focus and doesn't feel like too much of a mountain
    * Make friends - a lot of us are in the same boat, make the most of the support on her, and give it back too
  • charliex2202
    charliex2202 Posts: 4,281 Member
    Dont give up!! its so so easy to do and believe me i have given up trying so many times and that's where i keep going wrong
  • Hemptastic410
    Hemptastic410 Posts: 5 Member
    As for exercise get it done first thing in the morning to start, nothing ridiculous. Put five pound weights next to your bed and pump it up for about ten minutes. Add sit ups ten at a time until you get comfortable with this. Everything you do around the house do it with gusto. Dont walk up the steps run, dont wipe the dishes strub. These things will build your strength. Get out of the house even if its a twenty minute walk around the neighborhood. The last thing I would say is juice. Get a juicer and load it up with fruits and veggies to get the nutrients you need. Pineapple, ginger and blueberry, although a bit spicey is good. Kale is a good base veggie for juicing receipes. DO the juicing you will feel better.
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    Hi Sandra, It starts by you deciding that TODAY is the day. Today you start, by walking and watching what you eat. No fast foods. The only way to lose weight is to increase your physical activity and to cut calories. List everything you eat. List every excesize. You can do it, but it takes disciple on your part. yuo have to WANT it !!!
    Good luck!!

  • I was going to suggest walking as it is free and can be done almost anywhere, but then I read that you are also taking care of your little sister who doesn't like to walk. How old is she? Maybe you could turn it in to a game for her and get her to want to go out for a walk with you or add in some sort of incentive for her. Im not sure how helpful this is to you but it might help you think of something.
  • Jill_with_a_G
    Jill_with_a_G Posts: 58 Member
    I was going to suggest walking as it is free and can be done almost anywhere, but then I read that you are also taking care of your little sister who doesn't like to walk. How old is she? Maybe you could turn it in to a game for her and get her to want to go out for a walk with you or add in some sort of incentive for her. Im not sure how helpful this is to you but it might help you think of something.

    I was thinking the same thing. Most little ones LOVE to play tag. you chase her...she chases you. Everyone benefits! :)
  • lavender_fairie
    lavender_fairie Posts: 76 Member
    I loooove my ergo carrier! When I was walking with my kids, I'd strap the baby on me and push the 5 yo in the jogging stroller. That carrier saved me so many times- at Walmart, grocery, tball practice, etc.

    I didn't really like going outside bc I had to haul so much with me, but I noticed that my mood always lifted after I was out there for a while.

    Get a food scale, I love mine- it makes it so much easier to weigh my foods and see where I'm going wrong.

    Be patient with yourself. It's not east balancing everything.

    Good luck! :)
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Eat, three times a day, minimum.
    Make your soda a treat within daily calorie goal each day.
    Water. Set a goal...say 40 oz a day, to start and if you do that, then have a little soda.
    Log everything ! And weigh portions ! (food scale)
    When you start losing , even a pound or two, you will be happier and have more energy.
    Make good food choices and savor every bite. Do not do anything else while, computer, baby..only 5-10 min.
    And remember, this does not happen overnight , takes time.

    So there are my tips for you. Based on my 9 weeks of being serious with this.
    I have lost 6 lbs during that time. Not earth shattering but I am happy with the results.
    Also, find out your current BMR, online calculator, and set your calorie goal on MFP at the least 200 a day under that number.
    PS I am not an exercise person. Treadmill. 15/20 min or walk my dog 2-3 times a week.

    YOU just have to REALLY want this, period.
  • sandra69909
    sandra69909 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everybody will try all of your suggestions. My sister is 4 yrs old and hates walking.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    would she like to walk to a park with a playground? If not, you'll just have to put your foot down and walk a little with her every day anyway. If you are looking after her during the day, you are not her sister as such you are her caregiver and as such you have to be tough. I have a 9 year old ('my legs are dying if you make me walk to school today') and a 4 year old ('but I like the car more') and they both have a daily walk, because it's good for them, even if they complain frequently.

    Anyway, I would start small and as the other posters said just log everything. Set yourself at maintenance and try not to gain weight. If you are breastfeeding remember to add those calories. Also make sure you actually get enough nutritious food or take a good supplements. If you are suffering from insomnia sometimes, think about cutting out caffeine, because it might stop you from sleeping even if you are really tired.

    Take one day at a time and good luck :-)
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