i guess i'm done!!!!

i was so excited for actually reaching my goal, but I must have spoke to soon because since then i've gain a couple of lbs and whatever i do they are not coming off very frustrating :angry: i'm eating right and working out, i even change it up a bit, but i'm thinking my body is telling me this is it!!! oh well...........


  • Gizmo52
    Gizmo52 Posts: 43
    Don't give up. Maybe change around what you're eating. Add my fiber and vegetables. Oh, you can add more of the wonderful fat flusher - WATER to your day.

    Stay Strong!
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    Maybe its muscle you have gained. Muscle weights more that fat. Sometimes our body's do settle to a weight that is right though. Nothing wrong with that.
  • judswi
    judswi Posts: 73 Member
    Don't give up, if you do you will only gain more pounds. Believe me I have been there and it is a constant struggle.
  • Dont Give UP!!!! Your body is just at a hiatus right now. What you have to do is change up your normal workout routine. Give it time and your numbers will start to go down. Also, take into consideration that muscle weighs more than fat =)

    Keep up the good work!!
  • StarryEyedGirl
    maybe you should change your settings to "maintain" current weight or did you do this already? do you possibly need more calories? that helped me when I was at a plateau...
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Take 2 days off. eat a few more carbs or a few less carbs. You're body gets used to the same old same old and needs a shock or two. Don't give up!
  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
    How do your clothes fit? Maybe it is muscle weight as suggested earlier. If not, please stay strong. It is sooooo difficult to start back up if you back-track too far.... You can do this!
  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    Take 2 days off. eat a few more carbs or a few less carbs. You're body gets used to the same old same old and needs a shock or two. Don't give up!

    I agree with this!
  • FlashBang
    FlashBang Posts: 136
    When you "change things up" you often gain a few pounds. Strengthening different muscles causes inflammation at first, and muscles do in fact weigh more than fat per volume. The great thing is you are also ramping up your metabolism to loose even more weight. That new muscle growth will burn some fat from someplace. Get you a cheap set of fat calipers, Amazon has them.. They are a little tricky to use but with practice you can calculate your body fat percentage pretty accurately. In the mean time do it with a tape measure. Here is the link to the one I use, I don't use the software. http://www.linear-software.com/online.html Do the tape measurement method and see just what it is your supposed to weigh. If that is too complicated for you an exercise physiology lab can do it for you.

    BTW I just started running again, I plateaued, slowed, and gained. It is coming off now.
  • colekay
    colekay Posts: 34
    thanks guys!!! i guess ill keep telling myself muscle weighs more than fat :)... and eat more!! don't think i'll have a problem with that, lol.....now that i think about it i have more days where i'm under my calories, so that can probably be a big part of the problem...
  • wamsleye
    wamsleye Posts: 1 Member
    I agree!!! I did you eat more than your limit yet!!
    Take 2 days off. eat a few more carbs or a few less carbs. You're body gets used to the same old same old and needs a shock or two. Don't give up!

    I agree with this!
  • st27
    st27 Posts: 101
    Don' t give up. You can do this !. You are gaining muscle and you just need to change your calorie intake level. good luck.
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    What's the news? Any luck?
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    What's the news? Any luck?


  • kdub67
    kdub67 Posts: 181 Member
    Maybe its muscle you have gained. Muscle weights more that fat. Sometimes our body's do settle to a weight that is right though. Nothing wrong with that.

    Muscle is more dense than fat, but a pound is a pound is a pound...A pound of muscle takes up less space on your body, however:)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    OP has deactivated.

    Probably quite some time ago since this thread is older than my account.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Never mind. Old thread.