HCG, saved my life

Love losing weight ever single day!!!!:happy:


  • ToughMudderAddict
    ToughMudderAddict Posts: 290 Member
    I feel like there should have been more here.. like a story or something.. ?
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    There isn't more because it's an unsafe fad diet that usually ends up in threads being deleted. IMO, that topic shouldn't even be discussed around here. Any diet that involves 500-800 cals a day is ridiculous & dangerous, I don't care what kind of injections you get. :noway:
  • Raina0512
    Raina0512 Posts: 216
    Very confused...

  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Since it was started, what did you learn about eating properly and exercising that will keep you from gaining the weight back after you stop HCG?
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    WOW!! Don't know what the HCG is but just from the few comments I can tell its something that is horrible to do.
  • kmmschaefer
    kmmschaefer Posts: 82 Member
    no its amazing!! not a fad been around since the 50's!!! amazing amazing amazing!!!
  • kmmschaefer
    kmmschaefer Posts: 82 Member
    Love losing weight ever single day!!!!:happy:

    Keep up the great work you are doing awesome! Don't listen to unexperienced haters.
  • jimmydeanbakker
    This diet is insane, and I cannot believe people are doing this. A guy did this at my work, and he dropped something like thirty pounds, but that's nothing compared to the sixty he put back on.
  • azmomof2
    azmomof2 Posts: 714 Member
    I think that's awesome keep it up and hopefully you will be encouraged to continue a healthier lifestyle. I agree with the kmm ignore the haters I think the only ones who should be talked out of this diet are the ones who haven't researched it and think they can continue an unhealthy lifestyle. Some of us are here to encourage others like you visit us under the support and motivation tab!

    ***edited for spelling :l
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    There isn't more because it's an unsafe fad diet that usually ends up in threads being deleted. IMO, that topic shouldn't even be discussed around here. Any diet that involves 500-800 cals a day is ridiculous & dangerous, I don't care what kind of injections you get. :noway:
    ditto plus confused, :noway: ticker says 1 lb. lost, how is that losing weight everyday:huh:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I think that's awesome keep it up and hopefully you will be encouraged to continue a healthier lifestyle. I agree with the kmm ignore the haters I think the only ones who should be talked out of this diet are the ones who haven't researched it and think they can continue an unhealthy lifestyle. Some of us are here to encourage others like you visit us under the support and motivation tab!

    ***edited for spelling :l
    Why would someone even NEED to research something so dangerous ....500 cals a day with no excercise?? (learned this from posts of ppl on this "diet") anyone could drop quickly weight from that....why would a fad diet like that need to be researched??? It's pretty clear cut..I think we all know enough to stay away from a diet that isn't something one can maintain for life, something unsafe for our bodies. .:frown: :noway:

    As was shared by another poster..

    "This diet is insane, and I cannot believe people are doing this. A guy did this at my work, and he dropped something like thirty pounds, but that's nothing compared to the sixty he put back on. "

    What's to research? Why go for losing 30 lbs. only to gain 60, I'd much rather re-learn healthy eating habits that I could live with the rest of my life than a fad diet.

    But we're all entitled to our opinions...:wink:
  • janistasia
    I didn't have have have injections: And I can understand people saying that this diet is dangerous, however; unless you have studied this way of correcting your bad dietary eating habits you shouldn't judge. Besides this is just a jump start for people who are just to heavy and tired to start exercising; The 500 day part is only for 21 days, then you can slowly return to eating more health food by slowiy increasing your calories, and moderate exercise; so I wouldn't be so quick to put this system of losing weight down. It's probably not the absolute best way to lose weight, but it sure has helped me to make better food choices. I am very happy with my results, and can only tell you what has happened for me. I started at 205 and now I weigh 186.4 so quick to judge, and be more supportive of each other. We all are reaching for the same goal, better healthy living habits.
  • janistasia
    I learned that I can survive on 3 oz of meat on my plate; I learned that I don't need sugar to live; I have learned that if I don't have the heavy fat on my body dragging me down that I can get up and move; It was hard for me to walk up the stairs in my home; Now I run up the stairs, and my legs feel great. That is enough to keep me on the right track. I love playing football with my grandson, we have a great time. I love going to chuckie cheese with my 5 yr old grand daughter and being able to run around behind her without wanting to sit down every 5 minutes. And of course there is so much more, like how I can fold my legs up in my airplane seat; there is so much. But that's pretty much enough to keep me going for now.
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    Yes HCG has been around for awhile. In the early 1970's there were clinics where you paid a lot of money to get injections. After a few years it was deemed unhealthy and unsafe and dropped off the radar for a lot of years. In 1974 my friend dropped a ton of weight rapidly following the HCG plan under a medical clinics supervision. She ended up in the hospital for a week because of the stress to her kidneys. The physician treating her at the hospital told her that anyone would lose weight rapidly on 500 calories and he wasn't sure if the damage she suffered was related to the HCG but he told her that there was no way to maintain her health on so few calories and she had basically starved her body to the point of stressing her vital organs. I don't think people are haters when they offer caution or advice but I will do neither because you obviously feel you have done your own research. I am old enough to have seen diet fads come and go and there have been a lot that were found to be unsafe and unhealthy and caused permanent damage. My sister-in-law has permanent heart damage because of Phen Phen (another very popular fad that promoted rapid weight loss) Sometimes slow and steady wins the race in the long run. Good luck to you.:flowerforyou:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I think that's awesome keep it up and hopefully you will be encouraged to continue a healthier lifestyle. I agree with the kmm ignore the haters I think the only ones who should be talked out of this diet are the ones who haven't researched it and think they can continue an unhealthy lifestyle. Some of us are here to encourage others like you visit us under the support and motivation tab!

    ***edited for spelling :l
    Why would someone even NEED to research something so dangerous ....500 cals a day with no excercise?? (learned this from posts of ppl on this "diet") anyone could drop quickly weight from that....why would a fad diet like that need to be researched??? It's pretty clear cut..I think we all know enough to stay away from a diet that isn't something one can maintain for life, something unsafe for our bodies. .:frown: :noway:

    As was shared by another poster..

    "This diet is insane, and I cannot believe people are doing this. A guy did this at my work, and he dropped something like thirty pounds, but that's nothing compared to the sixty he put back on. "

    What's to research? Why go for losing 30 lbs. only to gain 60, I'd much rather re-learn healthy eating habits that I could live with the rest of my life than a fad diet.

    But we're all entitled to our opinions...:wink:
    I'm with you, HealthyChanges2. I'm doing this by eating right and biking my *kitten* off. No hormones, no crash dieting! :laugh:
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    I didn't have have have injections: And I can understand people saying that this diet is dangerous, however; unless you have studied this way of correcting your bad dietary eating habits you shouldn't judge. Besides this is just a jump start for people who are just to heavy and tired to start exercising; The 500 day part is only for 21 days, then you can slowly return to eating more health food by slowiy increasing your calories, and moderate exercise; so I wouldn't be so quick to put this system of losing weight down. It's probably not the absolute best way to lose weight, but it sure has helped me to make better food choices. I am very happy with my results, and can only tell you what has happened for me. I started at 205 and now I weigh 186.4 so quick to judge, and be more supportive of each other. We all are reaching for the same goal, better healthy living habits.

    I used to do VLCD's on and off - saying I was too big to exercise and it would give me a kick start. I always put the weight back on and ended up depressed and unwell and didn't continue. 8 weeks ago I decided enough is enough and started to exercise regularly and eat right - no more excuses. At my heaviest I was 261lbs - so a tad heavier than you were. I thought fat people shouldn't exercise. In 8 weeks I have learnt how to eat properly and how to enjoy exercise. I've not been allowed to weigh in as yet but my starting weight was 249lbs and I guarantee you at my weigh in in November I weigh well under 200 - and it will stay off. Not one day have a not felt like continuing. In fact my new found love of exercise means I just keep going. It feels so rewarding and I know it will stay off as this is a healthy change for life...
  • busybowmans
    500-700 calories alone would be unsafe, however, because of the HCG hormone, the abnormal fat cells are released in a unique way and the body is getting 2000-2500 calories of nutrition a day. Your metabolism is set higher because your body is accustomed to this large amount of energy to burn. I'm down 22 and feel great. By the way, no need for injections. There are homeopathic HCG drops or sublingual pellets... pain free.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533

    I used to do VLCD's on and off - saying I was too big to exercise and it would give me a kick start. I always put the weight back on and ended up depressed and unwell and didn't continue. 8 weeks ago I decided enough is enough and started to exercise regularly and eat right - no more excuses. At my heaviest I was 261lbs - so a tad heavier than you were. I thought fat people shouldn't exercise. In 8 weeks I have learnt how to eat properly and how to enjoy exercise. I've not been allowed to weigh in as yet but my starting weight was 249lbs and I guarantee you at my weigh in in November I weigh well under 200 - and it will stay off. Not one day have a not felt like continuing. In fact my new found love of exercise means I just keep going. It feels so rewarding and I know it will stay off as this is a healthy change for life...
    Good for you, bee!!! :drinker: