Hey :), I'm new to MFP.

Hi, my name is Hannah, and I'm 17, I'm trying to lose quite a bit of weight before summer 2014 ^.^
A little bit about me:
I started gaining weight 3 years ago when I got bullied a lot at school, I'd just simply eat a bunch when i got home because I was sad, Thats mostly how I got where I am now, My mum doesn't think I can lose the weight and she jokes around about it, What she doesn't know is that her ''Jokes'' Really affect me And my dad doesn't really care about me losing weight.

Anyway, I joined MyFitnessPal because I've heard it's filled with positive and motivational people :), and thats kinda what I need right now . [Also to prove all the haters and my mum that I CAN do it!]

Well thats enough about me, Have you guys got any tips on starting to lose weight? Thanks in advance ♥ xx


  • MsJLauria
    Hi! I wish I had had a website like this when I was your age. I will share what I know with you if you want if you don't mind the 10 year age difference! Good luck xx
  • HRLaurie614
    HRLaurie614 Posts: 260 Member
    Hi Hannah!!!!!

    You've come to a great, supportive place. Even though I'm probably closer to your parents' age (I'm 45), I can totally relate to coming home from school (all those years ago) and eating to feel full and numb the pain of being bullied.

    Good for you for coming here!!!!!!
  • HannahJones0998
    Thanks so much! :)
  • Magdaloonie
    Magdaloonie Posts: 146 Member
    Oh, I was where you are too many years ago! You have just proven that you are strong and you will do this. MFP has been the ONLY thing that has ever worked for me and I know I'm not alone in that.
    This advice worked for me: first spend a week or two logging everything you eat. Everything. Even though you know you are binging, you don't know how much yet. Then you can start reducing your calories by making smart substitutions. You'll get a lot of resistance from people but you have to stay strong, smile and say no thank you when they push food at you. Gradually add exercise, which get easier as you go. And keep logging!
    I look forward to sharing your success.
  • Sarahnade42x
    Sarahnade42x Posts: 308 Member
    Hey Hannah, I've been exactly where you are! My parents made losing weight very hard for me; they didn't see it as a serious problem even though they're also overweight, and they always joked about my attempts to eat healthy and workout. At some point I just distanced myself from them a bit and said "look, this is important to me, and I'm going to do it." 70-some pounds later, they make a few less jokes. :) I know you can do it, too!
  • CKNT
    CKNT Posts: 5 Member
    I think it's always beneficial to motivate and support, as well as get motivated and be supported! Its good to get reassurance from people and so I'd be delighted to be a buddy on this ^_^

    I started at 143lbs and currently weigh 118/114lbs (depending on water retention etc) so i'd love to help out :D It's hard to lose the weight but once you do its so great :)