Daily calorie consumption goal completely impossible!



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Don't waste calories on soda.

    EXERCISE! THen refuel :)
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    You can still have all the things you love and lose weight. This should be a lifestyle change, not a diet if you want the weight to stay off. Instead of 3 glasses of ginger ale, maybe have 1 and drink water or crystal light for the rest. If you want a slice of cake, cut it in half and only eat half. When eating pasta, make sure you measure it. I guarantee that what you think is a serving size is actually a lot more than a true serving size. I have pasta 2-3 times a week for lunch and it's only 300 calories.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Food that is more good nutrient dense has less calories (except for things like nuts, which is why 1/4 cup is the serving). As a general rule of thumb: the more unhealthy the food is the less of it you can eat!
  • Neicy1
    Neicy1 Posts: 3
    Just think veggies (that burn fat), protein (not fried meat), and fruit. If you just have to have a soda, get Crystal Light and add some seltzer water to it - ya won't know the difference. If you like tortilla shells or wraps - fill them with your favortie veggies and maybe some chicken breasts or ground turkey and veggies. Leaves ya full and its low in calories. I love to add raw spinach to alot of my foods. It will get easier. MFP is your pal for a reason - you can check each meal before ya eat it. (leave the cake alone if your numbers are already high.) Good luck!:smile:
  • DawnMichelle68
    DawnMichelle68 Posts: 38 Member
    Ok, so my daily calorie goal is supposed to be 1420 for the amount of weight i wanna lose in a week. I am trying to lose about a pound a week and my goal weight is 115 lbs...i am currently a little over 125 lbs. The thing is even when i think i haven't eaten much at all in a certain day, i end up going wayyy above my calorie limit. For example, today all i had was a plate of veggie spaghetti w/ whole wheat pasta, a few pieces of crostinis, 3 cups of ginger ale, and one little piece of cake with chocolate icing. Doesn't sound like a lot, right? Well...i went over my calorie goal by 358 calories. Bummer! And i also ended up consuming 99 more grams of carbs, 5 more grams of fat, and 12 more grams of protein than i'm supposed to. Oh well...at least i didn't go over my sodium intake limit...today i was under by 187 mg! :) So, anyone else out there feels as frustrated and depressed as i am?? lol
  • vsangel87
    vsangel87 Posts: 108 Member
    Thank you so much for your advice guys! I agree with just about all of u. :) And one person mentioned how working out will give me more calories to use...well, i do work out...though, i admit, not as often as i should, but when i do, i still find it a bit of a challenge to not go above my calorie limit. However, i was actually under my calorie goal yesterday after burning 207 calories doing cardio. :) And speaking of cardio, do you guys know how many days a week i should do cardio in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle? Once again, thank you guys! :)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    It depends on the intensity and duration IMO. If you are new to exercising I would try and do some exercise every second day. As you get used to it, you will recover more quickly and then before you know it you will just be scheduling your rest day as opposed to your exercise day :P

    Also, cardio only isn't a great idea IMO. I did that and lost a lot of muscle mass which reduced my BMR substantially and made it more difficult to maintain weight afterwards.
  • The first couple of weeks I used MFP I went over on everything! You slowly start learning what you can and can't have. I realized I was eating healthy, but all the fruit was putting my sugar intake through the roof! Every time you put something in, just look and make a mental note, like "wow that has a lot of carbs. I can only have that on days I do 30 min of cardio" or something along those lines, and that will help a lot. MFP helps you learn how to create your own diet, and if you use it, you WILL lose! I lost 6 pounds the first month I used MFP. I stopped, and I stopped losing. Just keep at it!

    Good luck!
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