Question regarding Alcohol

I have serious back issues that require medication which makes me its either take them on a full stomach (a lot of calories) or combat the nausea with alcohol (Tequila is my choice)

Ive heard several people tell me Alcohol is empty calories and burn off fast....but they are still adding up and putting me over my target number even though I am trying my best to get 2 walks in a day and eating very conservatively considering what I was eating and drinking beer wise 5 days ago

Id appreciate any and all answers I can get for this.....Im really trying hard

PS. 870 of my caloric intake was alcohol much as my food intake....very discouraged


  • sunsetzen
    sunsetzen Posts: 268 Member
    Well, you're going to have to make some choices. I would personally replace the beer calories with food calories and take the pills on a full stomach than take them with beer to 'cure' the nausea. If you are a beer afficionado, maybe work one into your calorie allotment.

    Also, even though you're a sedentary male, I'm thinking you should be eating more than 1600 calories a day. Calculate your tdee and bmr on scooby and dont eat below your bmr.

    Good luck.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    :frown: Your food diary is... well, I've never seen anything like it.

    Your food intake today was 745 calories, and the rest was alcohol. I'm all for IIFYM but you need to feed your body as well. Alcohol IS empty calories, it offers no nutrition whatsoever, so you are basically feeding your body on 745 calories a day. That's not healthy.

    My recommendation is to go back to your doctor and explain what effect this is having. They can give you something for the nausea.
  • LarryDUk
    LarryDUk Posts: 279 Member
    I am not a Dr, but I don't think alcohol is recommended to fight nausea. I also cant see why you have a to have a FULL belly to take the meds. Just take them after you eat.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    You shouldn't have to drink alcohol to be able to take your medication. Talk to your doctor about this!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I'd switch to dope to manage the pain and keep the cookie jar on a really high shelf. ;)

    Seriously, I like the booze too (regularly) but I do try to give my body decent nutrition too ... Eating so low isn't going to do you any good at all, pain or no pain. And will set you up for weight regain too assuming you manage to lose it in the first place.
  • xmysterix
    xmysterix Posts: 114 Member
    Oh man. I feel this extreme need to email you a hug or something.

    I can't imagine there's a strong pain med out there that is safe to mix with any alcohol, much less all that :noway: So, I would eat more, first of all. Even if it's just a piece of bread, or a glass of milk, or a banana, or a boiled egg before each dose it will probably help your nausea. Second, if that still doesn't help, talk to your doc about getting anti-nausea medication. Plenty of people have persistent/extreme nausea from pain meds, chemo, antibiotics, pregnancy, etc and choose food + anti-nausea meds over alcohol poisoning :(
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    Are those painkillers or anti-inflammatories, 'cause if you drink with those you get stomach ulcers.

    They don't mean absolutely stuffed when they talk about taking it on a full stomach. They talk about a lean bit of meat, some carbs and some veggies. Have you tried something like yoghurt, because protein rich foods fill you up and perhaps that would help you too.
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    Most tablets I have ever been given says, don't take on an empty stomach, which didn't mean I had to be stuffed it just meant I should take something with it as it can irritate you otherwise. When I was in hospital and they were giving me strong painkillers I just couldn't manage my breakfast one morning so they just gave me a glass of milk with my tablets. It is just something to line the your tummy. I would definitely not recommend alcohol of any kind with your tablets, you will be doing yourself more harm than good.
  • steffij100
    steffij100 Posts: 85 Member
    I take meds for my back too (anti inflammatories) and just make sure I have them after breakfast and dinner. You don't necessarily need a full stomach, but eating before you take them prevents the risk of stomach ulcers. Agree with everyone else, you really should up your food calorie intake- I understand how back pain can be overwhelming, but you need to consider the rest of your body too.
  • barryecrouch
    This makes a lot of sense and is the answer I was looking for,,,,thank you for caring enough to help me

    Im actually quite surprised nobody told me I needed AA more than weightloss but trust me....Ive cut way back on the alcohol intake if you can believe that and I have used this program before and lost 40 pounds while drinking....but starving my body of necessary nutrients by doubling up on a mens 50+ Multivitamin

    I also have a complete physical exam yearly as Im sure you can guess Im concerned with the damage to my liver....but to this point in my life....and I have lived pretty hard core at several stages being a musician for 25 liver enzyme count falls well below a concern level for my GP

    Your suggestions are all noted and will be considered....thanks again
  • barryecrouch
    :frown: Your food diary is... well, I've never seen anything like it.

    Your food intake today was 745 calories, and the rest was alcohol. I'm all for IIFYM but you need to feed your body as well. Alcohol IS empty calories, it offers no nutrition whatsoever, so you are basically feeding your body on 745 calories a day. That's not healthy.

    My recommendation is to go back to your doctor and explain what effect this is having. They can give you something for the nausea.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Huh...I have never heard of alcohol, especially hard stuff, as being a cure for nausea. In fact, in my experience, that many shots would probably lead to nausea, at least for a light weight like me.

    Ginger is widely recommended as a natural remedy for nausea. I like drinking ginger ale when I'm sick but it has to the be Canada Dry. You can also drink ginger tea or eat candied ginger. Peppermint can also aid digestion - either drink it as a tea or try peppermint candies. A friend of mine says root beer barrel candies work well too.

    Did you know dehydration can bring on nausea? Make sure you're drinking plenty of water.

    Chamomile, cinnamon, cloves and fennel can also aid with digestive issues.